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Header: Chartbook on Disability in the United States, Access to Disability Data, An InfoUse Project, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

Header: Glossary

This list provides explanation of terms used in the book that may require clarification. Each of these terms is referenced on the page(s) upon which it is used. The definitions are taken from the survey or footnoted publication as closely as possible in order to convey the original authors' perspectives.

Activity limitation: In the NHIS, each person is classified into one of four categories: (a) unable to perform the major activity, (b) able to perform the major activity but limited in the kind or amount of this activity, (c) not limited in the major activity but limited in the kind or amount of other activities, and (d) not limited in any way. The NHIS classifies people as limited (groups a-c) or not limited (group d). Persons are not classified as limited in activity unless one or more chronic health conditions are reported as the cause of the activity limitation (see also chronic health condition and major activity).

ADL: The NHIS probes for information on persons who need the help of others in performing activities of daily living (ADL). The ADLs are bathing, dressing, eating, and getting around the home (see also IADL).

Assistive technology devices: As used in the Assistive Devices Supplement to the 1990 NHIS, the operational definition of assistive technology includes devices that enhance the ability of an individual with a disability to engage in major life activities, actions, and tasks. These devices assist people with deficits in physical, medical, or emotional functioning.

Chronic health condition: A condition that a respondent described as having persisted for three or more months is considered to be chronic, as is any condition that is on a list of conditions always classified as chronic no matter how long the person has had the condition (NHIS).

Earnings: The sum of wages and/or salary and net income from farm and nonfarm self-employment.

ESEA (SOP): Chapter 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act - State Operated Programs, one of two programs that have provided states with financial assistance to educate school-age children and youth with disabilities (see also IDEA).

Family income: The income recorded by the NHIS is the total of all income received by members of the family in the 12 month period preceding the week of the interview. Income from all sources is included. Sources can be wages, salaries, rents from property, pensions, government payments, and help from relatives.

Full-time employment: A full-time employed worker, according to the CPS, is one who worked primarily at full-time civilian jobs 50 weeks or more during the preceding calendar year.

Functional limitation: The SIPP asked respondents about their ability to perform the following specific sensory and physical activities: (1) seeing ordinary newspaper print (with glasses or contacts if normally used); (2) hearing normal conversation (using aid if normally used); (3) having speech understood; (4) lifting or carrying 10 lbs.; (5) walking a quarter of a mile without resting; (6) climbing a flight of stairs without resting; (7) getting around outside; (8) getting around inside; or (9) getting into and out of bed. Difficulty in performing any of these activities is classified as a functional limitation in the SIPP.

Home accessibility features: The Assistive Devices Supplement to the 1990 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) asked whether the respondent's home was equipped with any special features designed for disabled people including: ramps; extra-wide doors or passages; elevators or stairlifts (not counting public elevators); hand rails or grab bars (other than normal hand rails on stairs); raised toilets; levers, push bars, or special knobs on doors; lowered counters; slip-resistant floors; and other special features designed for disabled people. The presence of any of these features in the home is considered a "home accessibility feature."

IADL: The NHIS collected information on the respondent's need for assistance in performing instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). The IADls include: doing household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, and getting around for other purposes. People who need assistance in ADL were not asked about IADL (see also ADL).

IDEA: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B State Program is one of two major Federal programs that have provided states with financial assistance to educate school-age children and youth with disabilities (see also ESEA).

Incidence: The number or rate of conditions that onset in any one year.

Labor force: As used by the Bureau of the Census in the March Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS), the labor force includes people employed as civilians, unemployed, or in the Armed Forces during the survey week (see also Unemployment rate). People who are neither employed nor seeking employment are not included in the labor force (people engaged in housework, attending school, unable to work because of long-term physical or mental illness, persons who are retired or too old to work, seasonal workers in an off season, and voluntarily idle people).

Labor force participation rate: The number of people employed divided by the number of people in the labor force ( used by teh CPS and the SIPP).

Major activity: In the NHIS, persons are classified in terms of the major activity usually associated with their particular age group. The major activities for the age groups are (a) ordinary play for children under 5 years of age, (b) attending school for those 5-17 years of age, (c) working or keeping house for persons 18-69 years of age, and (d) capacity for independent living (e.g., the ability to bathe, shop, eat, dress, and so forth, without needing the help of another person) for those 70 and over People aged 18-69 years who are classified as keepiong house are also classified by their ability to work at a job or business (see activity limitation).

Mean annual income: The CPS measures the mean annual income by dividing the total income of individuals by the total number of individuals. Income includes wages or salary, interest, dividends, Social Security retirement, Supplemental Security Income, public assistance or welfare, veterans payments, unemployment, worker's compensation, private or public pensions, alimony, child support, regular contributions from persons not living in the household, and other periodic income.

Medical expenditures: The NMES measures costs for medical care by totaling costs for hospital care, physician services, emergency room, dental services, vision aids, prescription drugs, medical equipment, and home care.

MSA: The Metropolitan Statistical Area has been defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget with help from the Federal Committee on Metropolitan Staistical Areas generally as a county or a group of counties containing at least one city having a population of 50,000 or more plus adjacent counties that are metropolitan in character and are economically and socially integrated with the central city.

Occupational illnesses and injuries: From the Recordkeeping Guidelines for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, the definition used by the Annual Survey of Occupational Illnesses and Injuries (ASOII) for occupational injury is any injury such as a cut, fracture, sprain, etc., which results from a work accident or from exposure involving a single incident in the work environment. Occupational illness is any abnormal condition, acute or chronic illness, disease, or disorder (other than occupational injury) caused by exposure to environmental factors (inhalation, absorption, ingestion, or direct contact).

Poverty level: Poverty statistics presented in this report are based on a definition developed by the Social Security Administration in 1964 and revised by Federal Interagency Committees in 1969 and 1980. The poverty index provides a range of income cutoffs adjusted by such factors as family size and number of children under 18 years old.

Prevalence: The number or rate of conditions that exist in the population at any time.

Rehabilitated: The successful placement of a client of a state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency into competitive, sheltered, or self-employment, or homemaking and unpaid family work for a minimum of 60 days after the completion of all necessary rehabilitation services (see Vocational Rehabilitation).

Severe functional limitation: The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) regards a person who is unable to perform or needs th help of another person to perform one or more of a list of physical functional activities as having a severe functional limitation (see Functional limitation for list of activities).

Severe work disability: The Current Population Survey (CPS) classifies persons as having a severe work disability if (1) they did not work in the survey week because of a long-term physical or mental illness that prevents the performance of any kind of work, (2) they did not work at all in the previous year because of illness or disability, (3) they are under 65 years of age and covered by Medicare, and (4) they are under 65 years of age and a recipient of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (see also Work disability).

Special education: Free appropriate public education and related services provided for children and youth with disabilities from birth through age 21. Assisted through funding by federal legislation IDEA -part B and Chapter 1 of ESEA (SOP) (see IDEA and ESEA).

Unemployed: Unemployed people include those who, during the CPS survey week, had no employment but were available for work and (1) had engaged in a specific job seeking activity within the past 4 weeks, (2) were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, or (3) were waiting to report to a new wage or salary job within 30 days (see Labor force participation rate). The number of unemployed persons divided by the number of people in the labor force is the unemployment rate.

Vocational Rehabilitation: This refers to programs conducted by state Vocational Rehabilitation agencies operating under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to provide or arrange for a wide array of training, educational, medical, and other services individualized to the needs of persons with disabilities. The services are intended to help these persons acquire, reacquire, or maintain gainful employment. Most of the funding is provided by the federal government.

Work disability: Persons were classified as having a work disability by the Current Population Survey (CPS) if they met any of the following criteria: (1) had a health problem or disability which prevents them from working or which limits the kind or amount of work they can do, (2) ever retired or left a job for health reasons, (3) did not work in survey week because of a long-term physical or mental illness or disability which prevents the performance of any kind of work, (4) did not work at all in 1986 because of illness or disability, (5) under 65 years of age and covered by Medicare, (6) under 65 years of age and a recipient of SSI (Supplemental Security Income), or (7) received veteran's disability compensation (see also Severe work disability).

Work limitation: In the NHIS, a person can be described as having a work limitation if he or she describes a chronic health condition that prevents performance of work at all, allows only certain types of work to be performed, or prevents him or her from working regularly.

Header: Bibliography

Subheader: Federal Data Sources:

Subheader 2: Bureau of the Census

Bowe, Frank. U.S. Census and disabled adults: The 50 states and the District of Columbia. Arkansas Research and Training Center in Vocational Rehabilitation, University of Arkansas, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services. Hot Springs: April 1984.

Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, Series P-23, No. 160, Labor force status and other characteristics of persons with a work disability: 1981 to 1988. Special Studies, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, July 1989.

Bureau of the Census. 1990 Census of Population and Housing.

Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1995 (115th edition.) Washington, DC, 1995.

McNeil, J. M., Americans with Disabilities: 1991-92 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Current Population Reports, P70-33, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1993.

McNeil, J. M., 'Household Survey Data on Employment and Disability', unpublished memorandum, May, 1996.

Subheader 2: Department of Education

Ficke, Robert C. Digest of data on persons with disabilities. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1991.

Ing, Christine D. and Tewey, Betsy P. Summary of data on children and youth with disabilities. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1994.

Kraus, Lewis E. and Stoddard, Susan. Chartbook on Work Disability in the United States. An InfoUse Report. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1991.

Kraus, Lewis E. and Stoddard, Susan. Chartbook on Disability in the United States. An InfoUse Report. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1989.

LaPlante, Mitchell P., Kennedy, Jae, Kaye, H., S., and Wenger, Barbara L. Disability and Employment, Disability Statistics Abstract #11. Disability Statistics Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 1996.

LaPlante, Mitchell P. and Carlson, Dawn. Disability in The United States: Prevalence and Causes, 1992, Disability Statistics Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, Institute for Health and Aging, University of California, San Francisco, CA, 1995

LaPlante, Mitchell P. and Cyril, Julianna. Disability in the States, Disability Statistics Abstract #6. Disability Statistics Program. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 1993

LaPlante, Mitchell P. Disability risks of chronic illnesses and impairments, Disability Statistics Report. No. 2. A publication of the Disability Statistics Program, San Francisco, CA: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1989.

LaPlante, Mitchell P. Data on disability from the National Health Interview Survey, 1983-85. An InfoUse Report. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1988.

Prouty, R. and Lakin, K. C. Eds. 'Status and trends through 1995' Residential services for persons with developmental disabilities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Research and Training Center on Community Living, 1996

Rehabilitation Services Administration, Tabulations based on FY 1995 quarterly cumulative case load report, Form RSA-133, 1996

Trupin, Laura. Unpublished tables on trends in work disability. 1996

Trupin, Laura, Rice, Dorothy P., and Max, Wendy. Medical expenditures for people with disabilities in the United States, 1987. Washington, DC: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1995.

U.S. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Seventeenth annual report to Congress on the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 399-652/20003, 1995

Wenger, Barbara L., Kaye, H., S., and LaPlante, Mitchell P. Disability Among Children, Disability Statistics Abstract #15. Disability Statistics Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 1995.

Subheader 2: Department of Labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics. News release '94, USDL-95-508 Workplace injuries and illnesses in 1994. World Wide Web Site http://www.bls.gov, 1995.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational injuries and illnesses in the United States, by industry, 1987, U.S. Department of Labor, Bulletin 2328, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989 - 237-199/00345, May 1989.

Subheader 2: National Center for Health Statistics

Barker, P.R., Mandersheid, R.W., Hendershot, G.E., et al. 'Serious mental illness and disability in the adult household population: United States 1989.' advance data from Vital and Health Statistics; no. 218. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics, 1992.

LaPlante, MP, Hendershot, GE, Moss, AJ. Assistive technology devices and home accessibility features: prevalence, payment, need, and trends. Advance data from vital and health statistics; no. 217. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics, 1992.

National Center for Health Statistics, Prevalence of chronic conditions in the United States (in manuscript - 1996).

National Center for Health Statistics, Current estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, United States, 1994. Vital & Health Statistics: Series 10, No. 193. DHHS Pub. No. (PHS) 96-1521. Public Health Service, Hyattsville, MD.

National Center for Health Statistics. Health of our nation's children. Vital & Health Statistics: Series 10, No. 191. DHHS Pub. No. (PHS) 95-1519. Public Health Service, Hyattsville, MD, December 1994.

National Center for Health Statistics, Current estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, United States, 1993. Vital & Health Statistics: Series 10, No. 190. DHHS Pub. No. (PHS) 95-1518. Public Health Service, Hyattsville, MD.

National Center for Health Statistics. Types of injuries and impairments due to injuries, United States. Vital & Health Statistics: Series 10, No. 159. DHHS Pub. No. (PHS) 87-1587. Public Health Service, Hyattsville, MD, November 1986.

Subheader 2: National Institute of Mental Health

Bourdon, K.H., Rae, D.S., Narrow, W.E., Manderdscheid, R.W., and Regier, D.A. 'National Prevalence and Treatment of Mental and Addictive Disorders' in Mental Health, United States, 1994. Manderscheid, R.W. and Sonnenschein, M.A. (eds.). Center for Mental Health Services, DHHS Pub. No. (SMA) 94-3000. Washington D.C.: Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1994.

National Advisory Mental Health Council. 'Health care reform for severe mental illnesses'. American Journal of Psychiatry; 150:10, October 1993.

Subheader 2: Social Security Administration

Social Security Administration. Security Bulletin Annual Statistical Supplement, 1995. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, August 1995.

Subheader: Non-federal Data Sources:

Nagi, S. Z. (1991). Disability concepts revisited: Implications for prevention. In A,M. Pope and A.R. Tarlov (Eds.), Disability in America: Toward a National Agenda for Prevention (Appendix A, pp. 309-327). Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

N.O.D./Harris survey of Americans with disabilities. Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. New York, N.Y. 1994.

Stucki, Barbara. Living in the community with a disability. A publication of the Public Policy Institute. American Association of Retired Persons, 1995.

World Health Organization (1980). International classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps: A manual of classification relating to the consequences of disease. Geneva.

Header: Appendix

In this appendix, information on the sources and limitations of the data is presented. The major surveys covered in this publication are the Current Population Survey (CPS), the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), the Annual Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (ASOII), and the Census. These surveys provide the most current national numbers and estimates from respondent-based information. Estimates from surveys are within the past 7 years.

The following summaries will cover the surveys, their sampling formats, the respondent size, and definitions of terms used in the surveys concerning work disability and how it is measured. More details can be found in the original publications.

NHIS - The National Health Interview Survey is a nationwide sample of households done by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). It queries the civilian, noninstitutionalized population of the United States on its health. For disability purposes, it is concerned with activity limitations and chronic conditions.

Sampling - A multistage probability design permitting a continuous sampling of the civilian noninstitutionalized population living in the United States. Each weekly sample is representative of the target population and is additive with other weekly samples. Sampling is done throughout the year thus preventing seasonal bias. The samples are grouped in four major geographic regions: Northeast, Midwest, South, and West. Surveys after 1985 use a redesign of the sampling which reduces sampling units by half and oversamples the black population.

Respondents - The following samples were reached: 1993 - 109,671 persons and in 1994 - 116,179 persons. Response rate was approximately 95.6% in 1993 and 94.1% in 1994.

Definitions - Chronic condition is one noticed for three months or more, or being on the NCHS list of chronic conditions. Disability refers to any long or short-term reduction of a person's activity as a result of an acute or chronic condition. Limitation of activity is a long-term reduction in a person's capacity to perform the average kind or amount of activities associated with his or her age group.

SIPP - The Survey of Income and Program Participation is a longitudinal survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census. The data in this publication come from the third wave of the 1991 panel and the sixth wave of the 1990 panels of the SIPP. For the 1991-92 report, the topical modules included questions on disability status. The SIPP covers the noninstitutionalized population of residents living in the U.S.

Sampling - The same households are interviewed every four months. A cycle of four interviews covering the entire sample, using the same questionnaire, is called a wave. The 1990 panel contains an oversample of Black headed households, Hispanic headed households and female headed family households with no spouse present and living with relatives.

Respondents - The sample size for October 1991 to January 1992 was 34,000 households. While no numbers are given on number of individuals interviewed (because it is a household survey) , a rough estimate would be 85,000 (using an estimated 2.5 persons per household). The response rate ranged from 81.7% in October to 82.3% in November.

Definitions - Functional limitations are defined from the questions asked about the difficulty in performing basic functional activities (seeing, hearing, having one's speech understood, walking, carrying or lifting 10 lbs., and walking up a flight of stairs). A person age 15 and over was considered to have a Disability if they met the following criteria: (a) used a wheelchair; (b) had used a cane or similar aid for 6 months or longer; (c) had difficulty with a functional activity; (d) had difficulty with an ADL; (e) had difficulty with an IADL; or (f) was identified as having a developmental disability or a mental or emotional disability. A person also was considered to have a disability if: (g) the person were 16 years and over and had a condition that made it difficult to do housework; (h) the person were between 16 and 67 years old and had a condition that limited the amount or kind of work the person could do at a job; (i) the person were under 21 years old and their parents responded on the survey about receipt of developmental services, and limitations in usual activities, the ability to do regular schoolwork, or the ability to walk, run, or use stairs; and (j) the person were under age 65 and covered by Medicare or received SSI. Activities of daily living (ADLs) cover getting around inside the home, getting into and out of bed or a chair, bathing, dressing, eating, and toileting. Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) cover going outside the home, keeping track of money or bills, preparing meals, doing light housework, and using the telephone.

CPS - The Current Population Survey is a monthly survey done by the Bureau of the Census which deals mainly with labor force data for the civilian noninstitutional population. The part of the survey with which we are concerned for this publication is the March Income Supplement. Questions relating to labor force participation are asked of all members who are 14 or older in a household. In March, supplementary questions are asked about income thereby supplying the data for characteristics of noninstitutionalized persons with a work disability.

Sampling - The CPS sample was selected from the 1970 Census files covering all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The sample is continuously updated to reflect new construction.

Respondents - 60,500 households were eligible, but 2,500 were nonresponses (95.8% response rate). This translates into approximately 120,000 persons (assuming 2.5 people per household and lowering the estimate because the sample only includes ages 14 and above).

Definitions - Work disability is the only disability measured by the CPS. People are classified as having a work disability if they

(1) have a health problem or disability which prevents them from working or limits the kind or amount of work they can do; or

(2) ever retired or left a job for health reasons; or

(3) did not work in the survey week because of long-term physical or mental illness or disability that prevents the performance of any kind of work; or

(4) did not work at all in previous year because of illness or disability; or

(5) are under 65 years of age and are covered by Medicare; or

(6) are under 65 years of age and a recipient of SSI (Supplemental Security Income); or

(7) received veteran's disability compensation.

ASOII - The Annual Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses collects data on work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities for the Bureau of Labor Statistics from a random sample of private establishments.

Sampling - An independent sample is selected for each state. The sample design is based on the total recorded case incidence rate. The sample is stratified on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and employment.

Respondents - The survey covered 280,000 private establishments and represents about 83 million workers in the private sector.

ECA - The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Epidemiologic Catchment Area Survey is a multisite epidemiologic and health services research study that assesses mental disorder prevalence, incidence, and service use rates. The five sites for the study and the participating universities which carried it out were New Haven, CT (Yale); Baltimore, MD (Johns Hopkins); St.Louis, MO (Washington University); Durham, NC (Duke); and Los Angeles, CA (UCLA).

Sampling - Population sizes in the five sites ranged from 270,000 to 420,000 with mixes of urban, rural, and suburban locations as well as ethnic and age compositions. One adult age 18 or over was surveyed in each of a probability sample of households in an area. Oversamples were done for elderly in New Haven and Durham, and blacks in St. Louis; and in Los Angeles, one area was predominantly Hispanics.

Respondents - A total of 18,571 persons were interviewed, ranging from 3,004 to 5,034 completed interviews at each site.

Definitions - The ECA diagnosed mental disorders according to the diagnostic criteria set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Third Edition (DSM-III) of the American Psychiatric Association.

NMES - The National Medical Expenditures Survey is a national probability sample of households done for the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). It asked the civilian, noninstitutionalized population of the United States and medical providers about medical service use and expenditures, source of payments for health care, and health insurance coverage. It measured disability at two levels: activity limitations and activities of daily living (ADLs) limitations.

Sampling - The NMES has a stratified multistage area probability sample design . The survey oversamples for poor and low income families, the elderly, persons with functional limitations, blacks, and Hispanics. Participants were interviewed five times between February 1987 and July 1988.

Respondents - The screener interview occurred in 35,600 households. The resulting sample consists of approximately 35,00 persons in 14,000 households.

Definitions - Activity limitation is defined by age group. For those age 18 and over - if their health keeps them from working at a job, doing work around the house, or going to school; and being unable to do certain types of work, housework, or schoolwork because of health. For people age 5-17 - if the child attends or needs to attend special schools or classes because of an impairment or health problem; if the child is limited in school attendance or unable to attend school because of health; and if the child is limited in any way in any activities because of impairment or health. For children under age 5 - if the child was unable to take part in at all in the usual kind of play activities done by most children at this age; and if the child is limited in any way because of an impairment or health problem. Activities of daily living (ADLs) cover getting around inside the home, getting into and out of bed or a chair, bathing, dressing, eating, and toileting.

Header: Acknowledgments

This chartbook on Disability, 1996 relies on the published data from several federal agencies and organizations. We are very thankful to all the people and agencies who have collected, maintained, and analyzed this data. The following people were very gracious and helpful by providing their most current information to us and reviewing our text and graphics:

Jack McNeil, Bureau of the Census
Gerry Hendershot, National Center for Health Statistics
Gary Collins, National Center for Health Statistics
Karen Bourdon, National Institute for Mental Health
Cille Kennedy, National Institute for Mental Health
Daryl Regier, National Institute for Mental Health
Dora Teimouri, Rehabilitation Services Administration
Laura Trupin, Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics
Mitchell LaPlante, Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics
K. Charles Lakin, University of Minnesota Research and Training Center on Community Living

Julia Bradsher identified statistical sources and contributed to the development of the chartbook. Sean Sweeney, NIDRR Project Officer, has provided statistical materials and advice. This Chartbook is one product of the InfoUse Center on "Improving Access to Disability Data," a grant supported by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. This is one of a series of products and activities intended to make information on disability and on disability statistics available to wider audiences.

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