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How does the need for assistance differ with education level?

The percent of those needing assistance in IADL only (instrumental activities of daily living) drops off quickly as level of education rises - 10.0% (1.6 million) for those with 8 years or less of education compared to 1.3% (481,000) for those with 16 or more years of education. The same trend occurs for those needing assistance in ADL (activities of daily living), dropping from 6.1% (1,002,000) to 0.7% (265,000), respectively. It should be recognized that there is a lower probability of advanced education in older citizens at this time. Therefore, some of the difference can be attributed to the influence of age.

More than one in six people with 8 years of education or less have a need for assistance.

Graphic: Stacked bar chart.

Source: LaPlante, 1996

Survey: NHIS, 1992

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