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U.S. Government TDD/TTY Information


The Telecommunications Accessibility Enhancement Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-542) tasks the General Services Administration (GSA) with assuring that the Federal Telecommunications System is fully accessible to speech- and hearing-impaired individuals. To carry out this responsibility the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) was established in 1989.

The FIRS relays calls to/from members of the speech- and hearing-impaired community and is accessible nationwide. It enables Federal employees to conduct official duties and for the general public to conduct business with the Federal Government. Many of you are either users of the Federal Information Relay Service or have employees who have benefited from using this vital service that allows communications between hearing and speech- and hearing-impaired individuals.

Another requirement of Public Law 100-542, is for GSA to publish and maintain a directory of TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) numbers. In addition to the published U.S. Government TDD Directory, information is available on-line via the GSA Automated Federal TDD Directory. You will find information on using this service under the section entitled TDD USAGE.

Developing the data base and keeping it as accurate as possible is a difficult task. Your assistance in keeping us posted about the validity of these listings is needed. If there has been an omission or if a change is necessary, please inform us immediately using the form provided in the directory.

Thank you for your support in helping to ensure telecommunications equality for the speech- and hearing-impaired in working for or dealing with the Federal Government.

JOE M. Thompson
Information Technology Services


A Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) generally consists of a keyboard, display screen, and a modem on which a telephone is placed. Teletypewriters (TTY) were the original communication devices used by individuals with hearing or speech impairments. Important TDD Shorthand expressions are:

GA Go Ahead, meaning your turn to type
SK Stop Keying, meaning good-bye
HD Hold On
PLS Please
OIC Oh, I see
CUL See You Later
U You
Q Question


  1. If you use a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) and need to reach a Federal agency or program that does not have a TDD
  2. If you are a Federal employee who uses a TDD and your job requires you to contact an office that does not have a TDD
  3. If you do not have a TDD but need to get in touch with a Federal employee who uses a TDD


can be reached at 1-800-877-8339



Updated Federal TDD listings can be found in the Automated Federal TDD Directory. Listings submitted after April 18, 1994 are not found in this book, but may be found in the automated version of the TDD Directory.

To use the Automated Directory, follow the instructions provided when you call.

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U.S. Government TDD/TTY Information / May 24, 1995