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Title:Categorization of sitting ability on wheelchair for older people and adaptation of seating systems.(Suitable seating systems and wheelchairs for older people.)
Proceedings of 12th Japanese Conference of Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology,vol.12,pp.327-330(August,1997)
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

This paper describes a simple categorization of sitting ability of older people and adaptations of seating systems based on the categorization. A new simple categorization of sitting ability for wheelchairs was developed. It included 3 levels in trunk condition and 3 levels in propelling ability of wheelchairs. The trunk condition indicated a sitting ability and the propelling ability of wheelchairs indicated an independent ability. The sitting ability was compared with Aoki's sitting balance grade, which was based on sitting balance criteria made by the International Stoke Mandevill Wheelchair Sports Federation. Suitable seating systems were indicated as follows. The level of the "Able to keep the trunk in vertical posture for long time" in the simple categorization was suitable to JAY Combi Cushion, Takano Cushion, Solo Cushion, ALE seating system (Standard type). The level of the "Able to keep the trunk in vertical posture for short time" fitted ALE seating system (NRCD type), Repeat Wheelchair, JAY System (Duo Cushion + Care Back). The level of the "Unable to keep the trunk in vertical posture" was suitable to JAY System (Care Cushion + Care Back + Headrest), Comfort Wheelchair with Seating System, Quicky Recliner Wheelchair + JAY System.