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The Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal is a bi-annual Journal, for private circulation only, for researchers, planners, administrators, professionals, donor organisations and implementing agencies involved in disability and rehabilitation. The major emphasis of the Journal is on articles related to policy development, concept clarification, development of methodology in the areas of service delivery, training of manpower and programme evaluation, and development of technology related to rehabilitation. Other information related to rehabilitation of disabled people that may be of use to implementing agencies, academicians and donor organisations are also welcome. The views expressed in the Journal are those of the contributors alone. Articles sent to the Editor will be published after they are edited to suit the format of the journal, under three different sections, namely, Developmental articles, Original articles, and Letters to Editor, subject to their suitability after PEER REVIEW. They may also be published elsewhere if so desired, after acknowledging the source. Copies of the Journal are mailed free of cost. The Journal and its associate publications are available on the Internet at


Format. The whole manuscript must be typed in double space (including references), and have generous margins. Number all pages in sequence beginning with the title page. Submit TWO COPIES of all elements arranged in the following order, beginning each part at the top of a new page. Sending the article on a diskette (Windows 95 version) will be useful.

Title Page. This should contain the concise title of the manuscript, the names of all authors, and at the bottom of the page, the institution where the work has been carried out, and the address for all correspondence and reprints.

Abstract. The second page should contain an Abstract of not more than 150 words, stating the purpose of the study, the methods followed, main findings (with specific data and their statistical significance if possible), and the principal conclusions. Emphasise new and important aspects of the study or observations.

Text. Articles must be concise and usually follow the format : Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. The matter must be written in a manner which is easy to understand, and should be restricted to the topic being presented.

Acknowledgements should be placed as the last element of the text before references.

Measurements should be reported in metric units ( metre, kilogram, litre). Abbreviate measurements according to the standard, internationally accepted style. Provide initial definition of unusual abbreviations.

Tables. These must be self explanatory and few in number. Tables must not duplicate information in the text. Each table must have a short title and should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2, etc).

References. In citing other work only references consulted in the original should be included. If it is against citation by others this should be so stated. Abstracts, personal communications and unpublished work may not be used as references, although reference to written communication may be inserted in brackets in the text. Papers accepted but not yet published may be included in the references, by mentioning the Journal's name and adding "In Press" in brackets. Reference to manuscripts not accepted for publication must be made only in the text, in brackets.

References should be numbered and listed consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text, and should be identified in the text, tables and legends by Arabic numerals in brackets. The full list of references at the end of the paper should include names and initials of all authors. When there are more than 6 authors, only the first 3 are to be given followed by et al; the title of the paper; the journal title abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus; year of publication; volume number; first and last page numbers. References to books should give the book title, place of publication, publisher and year; those of multiple authorship should also include the chapter title, first and last page numbers, and names and initials of editors.


1. Twible RL. Final Fieldwork Placements of Australian Occupational Therapy Students in CBR Projects in India. ACTIONAID Disability News 1996; 7 (2): 68-72.

2. Pandey RS, Advani L. Perspectives in Disability and Rehabilitation. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Private Ltd., 1995.

3. Thomas M, Thomas MJ. Evaluation Based Planning for Rehabilitation Programmes in India. In : O'Toole B, McConkey R, eds. Innovations in Developing Countries for People with Disabilities. Chorley, UK, Lisieux Hall Publications, 1995 : 243-254.

For more detailed information about the Vancouver system, authors should consult 'Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals' (Br Med J 1988; 296: 401-405).

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be sent to :

Dr. Maya Thomas, Editor, Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, J-124, Ushas Apartments, 16th Main, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011, Karnataka, INDIA.

Ph : 91-80-6633762 Fax : 91-80-6633762 Email : thomasmaya@hotmail.com

We request readers to send us any of their publications in rehabilitation to the Editor, Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal. If found suitable, these publications will be listed in the information on publications section of the journal. Organisations and individuals who wish to be on the mailing list to receive the journal, may also contact the Editor.

The Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal has an associate publication called "Friday Meeting Transactions". This newsletter, which is mailed free of cost on request, carries reports of different aspects of CBR application, and the summaries of transactions of the "Friday Meetings" held at Bangalore, India, on the last Friday of every odd month between 2 and 5 pm at Ashirvad, St. Mark's Road Cross, Bangalore - 560 001. These meetings are open to all those who are interested in updating their knowledge on community based rehabilitation and related topics. The "Friday Meeting Transactions" is also available on the Internet at http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/prdl/othr/apdrj/apdrj.html Those who wish to receive a printed copy, may contact the Editor, Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal.

Produced by: Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for the Blind, 3rd Cross, 3rd Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore - 560 078, India. Tel : 91-80-6631076, Fax : 91-80-6638045

Printed at: National Printing Press, 580, K.R. Garden, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560 095, India. Tel : 91-80-5710658

Table of Contents