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International Forum on Independent Living

Workshop 4 : International cooperation and exchange in the field of the Social Services for the Disabled Persons in Japan

Mr. Hideharu Uemura, Japan College of Social Work

  1. Introduction
    Enlightened by the turning point of " International Year of Disabled Persons 1981" and "the UN Decade of Disabled Persons", the social services for persons with disabilities in Japan has been significantly developing. As a result, people in general are more to be interested in the issue persons with disabilities, and the handicap is considered not only as a matter of persons themselves but has a link with their surroundings and society. Asian and Pacific countries have also started "the Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons" to inherit the development in Japan. It must be highly appreciated that those countries try to develop themselves not only economically, but also socially.
    About the international cooperation, Japan obviously indicates in the General Principles of Governmental Assistance for the Development (decided by cabinet on June 30, 1992) that the socially disadvantaged such as children, disabled people and the elderly should well be considered. Japan also shows the measures for "Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons" in the New Long-term Program for Government Measures for Disabled Persons. In these measures Japan must play a role of an initiator of the international cooperation that related to the issues of persons with disabilities in Asia and Pacific countries. In addition, the international cooperation and exchange are listed as one of the seven important points that must be intensively improved in the "Government Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities - A Seven Year Strategies for Normalization".
  2. The situation on the international cooperation in Japan
    The following measures have been put into operation as the international cooperation by the Official Development Assistance (ODA): Project-type technical cooperation (eg; the China Rehabilitation Research Center, the Worker's Compensation Rehabilitation Center in Thailand, the SORO Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Indonesia), the General Grants Aid Program (the Mobility Rehabilitation Units in Indonesia), the Grants Assistance for Grassroots Projects, the group training course (such as the nine course for the training of the rehabilitation leaders for/of persons with disabilities), the individual training, the dispatch of trainees to the third party countries, the dispatch of professionals and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers.
    Private organizations have been put international cooperation into operation using the funds from International Volunteer Saving or the Grant for Non-profit Organization to International Development Cooperation, or as individual works.
  3. The participation of persons with disabilities in the international cooperation projects Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) made a research for examining the measures to improve a participation of persons with disabilities in the ODA projects in Japan. The Research summarizes in the following way as the meanings that persons with disabilities themselves take part in the international cooperation.
    1. They can find out exactly the need of persons with disabilities in the developing countries from the same standpoint that they are also disabled.
    2. They can give a impact by the participation of persons with disabilities themselves, and make cooperation more effective.
    3. By the cooperation for the developing countries, persons with disabilities in Japan can achieve empowerment, self-improvement and social participation.
  4. Summary
    The consumer movements by persons with disabilities and the movements for the independent living have also been developing in Asian countries. To improve those developments more, I think that the philosophical support and solidarity, which sufficiently consider the cultural backgrounds of each countries, should be used more effectively.

Title : International Forum on Independent Living
Publisher : Japan Council on Independent Living Centers
Date : 1998/10/20
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International Forum on Independent Living
Japan Council on Independent Living Centers
Shimamula building 102 Tachikawa-shi nishiki-cho 1-3-13 TOKYO JAPAN
TEL : 042-529-1169 FAX : 042-525-4757
E-mail : asv69068@pcvan.or.jp / jil@d1.dion.ne.jp
Web site : http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~jil/