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U.S. Table 16

Number of Fatal Occupational Injuries by Gender and Age, 1993

Total Employed = 120,791,000 = 100%
Total Deaths from Occupational Injuries = 6,271 = 100%
Men 5,790 66,029,000
Women 481 54,761,000
Age 16 to 17 39 2,142,000
Age 18 to 19 101 3,388,000
Age 20 to 24 502 12,613,000
Age 25 to 34 1,510 32,703,000
Age 35 - 44 1,576 32,691,000
Age 45 to 54 1,193 22,450,000
Age 55 to 64 801 11,313,000
Age 64 and over 514 3,409,000

NOTE: Although deaths may appear irrelevant to disability tables, they provide incidence for extreme incidents and may be instructive for planning and prevention. Totals may be used to compute percentages (e.g., 481/6,271 = 0.077 = 7.7% = percent of the fatal occupational injuries in which women died).

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Safety and Health Statistics.