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(promotion of goals)

1. The purpose of the Year is to promote the realization of the goals "full participation" of disabled persons in the social life and development of the societies in which they live, "equality", meaning living conditions equal to those of other citizens in their society, and an equal share in the improvement of living conditions resulting from social and economic development. These concepts should apply in the same manner and with the same urgency in all countries regardless of their level of development.

(resources necessary)

2. Problems of disabled persons should be conceived in their entirety and take into account all aspects of development. However, it should be noted that in view of many problems of high priority and of insufficient means and resources, the developing countries have been unable to allocate the necessary resources to solving the problems of disabled persons.

(focus on developing countries)

3. As the solution of problems of the disabled is closely connected with overall development at the national level, solution of these problems in developing countries depends to a large extent on the creation of adequate international conditions for the faster socio-economic development of these countries. Accordingly, the establishment of the new international economic order is of direct relevance to the implementation of the objectives of the Year. It is estimated that there are some 450 million disabled persons in the world today, the vast majority of whom live in developing countries. It is therefore imperative that a great part of the activities in connexion with the Year should aim at improving conditions for disabled persons in these countries. More scope should be given to projects in this field within the framework of both bilateral and multilateral development programmes, on national, regional and international levels. Such projects should be integral parts of national development strategies. There is a need to secure the participation of Member States as well as governmental and non-governmental international organizations of disabled people in the adoption and implementation of the programme of the Year.


4. Mindful of the fact that a large number of disabled persons are victims of war and other forms of violence, the Year could be appropriately used as an occasion to emphasize the need for continued and reinforced co-operation among nations for world peace.

(people with disabilities not homogeneous group)

5. An important objective of the Year should be to increase public understanding of what disability is and awareness of the problems it may bring. Many people today equate disability with restrictions in physical mobility. But disabled persons do not form a homogeneous group. For example, deaf persons and those with impaired hearing, persons with impaired vision, mentally retarded and mentally ill persons, persons with restricted mobility, and persons with various medical impairments have different problems that demand different solutions.

(impairment, disability, handicap)

6. The Year should promote recognition of the fact that there is a distinction between an impairment which is a quality of the individual, a disability which is a functional restriction due to that impairment and handicaps which are the social consequences of the disability.

(disability as relationship between environment and person)

7. It is becoming increasingly obvious that a far more constructive approach is to view disability as a relationship between an individual and his or her environment. Experience shows that it is largely the environment which determines the effects of an impairment on a person's daily life. Societies by and large still cater only to people who are in full possession of all their physical and mental faculties. Societies still have to learn to respond adequately to the needs of all the people. Societies have an obligation to make their general physical environment, their social and health services, their educational and work opportunities, as well as their cultural and social life, including sports, totally accessible to disabled persons. This does not only benefit disabled persons but also society as a whole. A society that shuts out a number of its members is an impoverished society. Disabled persons should not be considered as a special group with needs different from the rest of the community, but as ordinary citizens with special difficulties in getting their ordinary human needs fulfilled. Action to improve conditions for disabled persons should form an integral part of general policy and planning in every sector of society. It should be part of national reform programmes and of regular programmes for international co-operation.

(Year's emphasis on services to reduce disability)

8. The activities carried out during the Year should have a pragmatic orientation and accordingly should focus on primary health care, rehabilitation and prevention, in view of the importance of that type of activity from the social and human standpoint, particularly since methods and means exist which would enable society to bring about a considerable reduction in the number of disabled persons and the seriousness of their disabilities.

(organizations of disabled people)

9. In accordance with paragraph 12 of General Assembly resolution 3447 (XXX), containing the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons, organizations of disabled person may be usefully consulted in all matters regarding the rights of disabled persons. An important objective of the Year is to encourage disabled persons to organize themselves so as to be able to express their views effectively and to secure their right to participate actively in the work of policy-making bodies and in the management of society in general.

10. The Year should contribute to the realization of the above-mentioned principles through action-oriented programmes on the local, national, regional and international levels.

11. The experience acquired in the course of the Year should lead to the adoption of a long-term programme of action (see para. 18 (c) below).

The Plan of Action for the International Year of Disabled Persons adopted by the General Assembly consists of the text appearing In paragraphs 57 to 76 of the annex to document A/34/158 and Corr.1, with the deletion of the phrase following the words "(see subpara. (i) below)" in paragraph 74 (c), of paragraph 74 (u), and of the words following the word "nationally" in paragraph 75 (h),