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VI. General Policy Direction for Strategies in Each Field
Promoting the Independence of Persons with Disabilities

Promoting the Independence of Persons with Disabilities

As a foundation for the social independence of persons with disabilities, the advancement of policies for the establishment of a multifaceted educational system equipped to handle the various disabilities. Also, the development of links between education, welfare, employment and all other fields to enable persons with disabilities to find employment which fits their aptitudes and abilities as much as possible, and to participate in society through their occupations.


1. Expanding Education for Children with Disabilities

  • The expansion of the contents and techniques of instruction, via methods such as practical research by pilot schools of national research and compilation of all sorts of manuals, in order to ensure appropriate education at schools for the blind, the deaf and otherwise disabled, as well as special classes at elementary and junior high schools. Also, subsidies and other measures designed to improve educational facilities and other areas.

  • The expansion of training in areas such as teaching methods for supervisors and teachers in charge of part-time special education programs, in order to provide specialist instruction for students with only minor disabilities in line with the type of disability.


2. Expanding the Education Counseling Organization and Training

  • The expansion of education counseling by setting up an organization within the board of education cooperating with specialists in education, medical care and welfare and other relevant organizations, so as to enable appropriate education counseling to be provided as early as possible actions, and also by methods such as compiling instruction materials and implementing training on improving counseling methods.

  • The expansion of teacher training in specialist knowledge relevant to each disability, including the psychology, various developmental tests, Braille for persons with visual impairments, the oral method and sign language for persons with hearing impairments, and knowledge and understanding of developmental characteristics, body movements and actions, and illnesses.


3. Expanding Policies for Upper Secondary Education

  • The promotion of the development of upper secondary education departments at schools for persons with visual impairments, hearing impairments and other persons with disabilities in order to provide appropriate education in line with changes such as social trends and diversification in conditions of students, and improvement of the contents and methods of education.

  • The expansion of vocational education and guidance counseling by methods such as strengthening links between schools for persons with. Visual impairments, hearing impairments and other persons with disabilities and labor- and welfare-related organizations and companies, and by expanding work-experience training, and by the area of employment where persons with disabilities can work.


4. Promoting Employment Policy for Each Type of Disability in order to Achieve the Legally Required Employment Rate

(1) Promoting Employment of Persons with Physical Disabilities

  • Because of the fact that the real-term employment rate is currently below the legally required employment rate, in order to achieve the legally required rate, the strict enforcement of the Quota System for Persons with Physical Disabilities, including the use of each kind of subsidy measures and strengthening of guidance and assistance for employers.

  • The expansion of policy for persons with accidental disabilities in order to grasp the various problems associated with continuing their jobs, and facilitate their return to the workplace.

  • Continued survey research in order to grasp the actual working conditions of self-employed persons with disabilities and determine the appropriate form of support, followed by the necessary employment and work strategies based on the survey findings.

(2) Promoting Employment of Persons with Mental Retardation

  • The promotion of the creation of occupations in response to the characteristics of persons with mental retardation, the development of vocational abilities and the establishment of conditions such as human support systems. Also, a consideration into the quota system based on the actual conditions of employment of persons with mental retardation.

(3) Promoting Employment of Persons with Mental Disabilities

  • The establishment of a support system linked to psychiatric care, welfare and similar areas, the implementation of flexible vocational rehabilitation considering the special needs of persons with mental disabilities, and the expansion of measures such as support for employers. Also the investigation on the application of the quota system for persons with mental disabilities.


5. Promoting Employment of Persons with Severe Disabilities

  • The encouragement of the establishment in each prefecture, of businesses employing persons with severe disabilities by joint contribution of local public bodies and private sector corporations, what is called "third-secter method"(and other organizations), supported by measures including supply of subsidies such as the Subsidy for the Provision of Facility, etc., for Employing Many Several Persons with Severe Disabilities, in order to expand employment opportunities for persons with severe disabilities.

  • The expansion of "Local Comprehensive Projects for the Employment of Persons with Severe Disabilities," designed to create precedents of employment of persons with severe disabilities, learn the know-how and inform employers of the results.

  • The promotion of the establishment of "Employment Support Centers for the Disabled" for persons with severe disabilities and other persons with disabilities who have a particularly difficult time finding work, linking with medical- and welfare-related organizations, and developing their working and living environments.


6. Promoting Measures for Vocational Rehabilitation

  • The conducting of advanced and pioneering survey research into vocational rehabilitation by "Central Vocational Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled," as well as securing and raising the quality of professional staff and others engaged in vocational rehabilitation.

  • The achievement for general and specific development of occupation for persons with disabilities as necessary to establish working independence, in cooperation with local private sector companies. Also, the expansion of flexible vocational rehabilitation such as practical training in the workplace, utilizing the know-how of companies employing persons with disabilities.

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The Government Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities
Tentative Edition in English

Translated by
the Secretariat of the Headquarter
for Promoting the Welfare of Disabled Persons,
Prime Minister's Office

6-1, Nagatacho 1-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO, 100