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Area   Inclusive Approaches   Services / Project Management   Results
Farming and fishing island
■Population: 672
Eliminating the anxieties of the elderly about long-term care by setting up a small-scale multifunctional long-term care service in the island

Raising the income of elderly households by starting guesthouse services

Offering various services to revitalize the island, which also helps to raise social worthiness among the elderly

Strengthening ties between parents and schools through an after-school day-care service
■Sources of Revenue (proportion):
79.6% of income from long-term care insurance, 2% from grants, 17.8% from guesthouse services

with organizations outside the island and Okinawa prefecture
The initial intention was to eliminate the senior residents’ anxiety over their futures by establishing a place they can spend the day in and by starting a long-term care service. Now, the elderly have become regarded by people as assets and are actively involved in activities, thereby revitalizing their island.

■Users (families):
Now the anxieties felt by the elderly, who comprise 50% of the community, are gone. They now have extra income and connection with the children who visit them from outside the island.
Issues Target Groups for Empowerment
Rapid population aging; decline in mutual aid; young people leaving the island; difficulties of finding successors for fisheries and farmlands; some young people not engaged in education or employment; passing on of traditional events and wisdom of the islanders to the next generation 307 senior residents
54 children under 15
Community residents