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Direction of reform concerning cross-sectional issues

are set forth under the following three headings:

  1. Amendment of the current Basic Law for Persons with Disabilities: Basic law for persons with disabilities aiming at revising the definition of persons with disabilities, and of discrimination; and revision of provisions in respective policy areas.
    Also, providing CDPR with robust legal basis:
    after the ratification of CRPD, a body succeeding to CDPR to be mandated as mechanism for monitoring the implementation of CRPD in Japan.
    A bill (or bills) for these purposes to be submitted to Diet’s ordinary session in 2011.
  2. Development and enactment of an anti-discrimination law on disabilities: a Panel for developing an anti-discrimination law to be established under CDPR in 2010. A bill to be submitted to Diet’s ordinary session in 2013.
  3. Development and enactment of a comprehensive welfare services law for persons with disabilities:
    to be enacted along with the disestablishment of the current Law for Supporting Independence of Persons with Disabilities; a bill to be submitted to Diet’s ordinary session in 2012, and to enter into force by summer, 2013.