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TWGDC - Sixth session, 6 June 2003 Bangkok Annex5

Annex 5

TWGDC Taskforce on Timor Leste and Afghanistan

5 June 2003 at 11:30 am to 1 pm

Draft (Kay Nagata)

  1. The name of Timor is "Timor Leste" now, so the taskforce's name was changed to taskforce on Timor Leste and Afghanistan.
  2. The taskforce was attended by 2 representatives from Timor Leste, Mr Amandio Freitas, Acting Director, the Division of Social Services, Secretary of State for Labor and Solidarity, and Mr Laurentino Guterres, Katilosa, and 4 persons from Afghanistan headed HE Mr Wardak, Minister of Martyrs and the Disabled (see the list of participants).
  3. Timor Leste became 62nd member of UNESCAP this year.
  4. New constitution of Timor Leste includes two articles about the rights of people with disabilities.

    Section 9
    (International law)

    1. The legal system of East Timor shall adopt the general or customary principles of international law.
    2. Rules provided for in international conventions, treaties and agreements shall apply in the internal legal system of East Timor following their approval, ratification or accession by the respective competent organs and after publication in the official gazette.
    3. All rules that are contrary to the provisions of international conventions, treaties and agreements applied in the internal legal system of East Timor shall be invalid.

    Section 21
    (Disabled citizens)

    1. A disabled citizen shall enjoy the same rights and shall be subject to the same duties as all other citizens, except for the rights and duties which he or she is unable to exercise or fulfil due to his or her disability.
    2. The State shall promote the protection of disabled citizens as may be practicable and in accordance with the law.
  5. Afghanistan is drafting a new constitution to be adopted in August 2003.

    Timor Leste

  6. According to the survey in Timor Leste funded by RI, the number of people with disabilities in the country is 11,571, which is around 1.5 % of the total population. The main category of people with disability is physical (41%).
  7. In the absence of national laws relevant to persons with a disability, the national legal system provides the previously applicable laws. The Government is preparing to formulate a national policy and guidelines for persons with disabilities. The adoption of the national policy and guidelines will also serve towards appropriate enabling national legislation.
  8. In service delivery for persons with disabilities, the Government gives priority to a partnership with IGOs and local NGOs. There are 7 local NGOs in the country including, Aisaun foundation, Denore, Fuan Nabilian, Katilosa, Klinic ume Itanian, PRADET TL, and Sekolah Luar Biasa. All of these local NGOS are based in the capital Dili, except for Klinik uma Itanian, which is based in Aileu District. Timor Aid (IGO) has played an important part in supporting the development of disability services and creating local NGOs such as Katilosa.
  9. There is a disability working group initiated by the Division of Social Services, with active participation of people with disabilities, UN agencies, IGOs, NGOs, etc. which hopefully will establish a national coordination council in the future. Such a national council will help strengthen services for people with disabilities and develop a good coordination the national level, as it is anticipated there will be a mushrooming organizations and self-help groups in the field of disability in Timor Leste.
  10. The main problem in the country is lack of human resources, coupled with lack of financial resources. Currently only 2 staff are working with the disability unit, but the Government plans to expand the unit, creating liaison staff in some of 13 districts.
  11. There is urgent need for capacity building and training, particularly training of trainers in the country.
  12. Many IGOs are assisting the country. RI supported the above survey. Cambodia Trust will soon start a new project on training of technicians for producing technical aids, such as prosthetics, and orthotics, in Timor Leste. A few people will be invited to Cambodia for training at the inception. RI is planning a new project on CBR in partnership with Katilosa, and the Division of Social Services.
  13. DPI Asian and Pacific is willing to help Timor for capacity building of self-help groups and willing to invite people with disabilities to their forthcoming training sessions.
  14. FAO can provide training materials such as "how to start small scale business and income generating activities", which may be suitable in the country.
  15. ESCAP will continue to include Timor Leste in trainings, seminars, and meetings on disability issues in the future. If the Government officially requests for mission, it may be possible to send a resource person to the country.
  16. WFD is wiling to help Timor Leste, through establishing its local counter part, in capacity building, training, and provision of materials, etc.


  17. As the country is war-torn, disability prevalence is very high (though statistics is not available), and there is a need for quick action in order to satisfy the demand of people in the country. Afghanistan already requested for technical advisory service mission from UN ESCAP.
  18. Education, physical accessibility, capacity building, statistics and disability research and rehabilitation are all top priorities.
  19. In the war torn country, in the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation, too many resources are dedicated to IGOs and NGOs, and insufficient resources are allocated for the Government.
  20. The priority areas identified by the taskforce group (National taskforce) include employment, rehabilitation, education and disability research.
  21. For blind people, training materials, equipment for blind, etc. are needed, and currently national sign language is being developed, Assistance is needed to fund workshops, training, etc. and technical assistance is needed. There is a need to form an association of the deaf and blind.
  22. Though the country set up an employment quota scheme of 3% for disabled workers, the public awareness of capability and productivity of people with disabilities is low and there is urgent need for setting up vocational training centers.
  23. National commission on Human Rights exists in Afghanistan, with one former disabled member who was promoted to the Minister of Rural Development recently.
  24. Being typical in a war torn country, there is a distinction between war disabled (martyrs) and people with congenital disability. Some disabled persons such as women with disabilities or mentally retarded persons are extremely disadvantaged.

    Some IGOs are helping the country:

  25. AJU donated a number of used wheel chairs to the Government.
  26. In July, DPI Asia and Pacific will send a consultative mission of regional representatives to the Government. In August, DPI Asian and Pacific will hold a leadership-training workshop in the country.
  27. WFD positively replied to the request for assistance. Assistance may include participation of Afghans in regional meetings or training of deaf people in Japan, and a fact-finding mission to Kabul. The pre-requisites for such services are to establish a national counterpart (deaf group at the national level) in the country. The next Asian and Pacific WFD meeting will be held in Jyoagakarat Indonesia.
  28. ESCAP said that there will be a training workshop on disability statistics from 23 -26 September 2003, and it is possible that Afghanistan may be invited.
  29. Duskin company's training course for PWD in Japan may include an Afghanistan trainee.

List of Participants

Name Organization E-mail
Ms Kay Nagata Social Affairs Officer nagata@un.org
Mr Shoji Nakanishi DPI-Asia/Pacific humancare@nifty.com
Mr Kirk Horton Hilton / Pekkins Program panna@mozart.inet.co.th
Mr Ahmad Zia Langari Comissioner, AIHRC zialangarii@yahoo.com
Mr Mohd Ihsan Faiz Assistant Officer, Education CDAP, Afghanistan majida@unopsmail.org
Mr Wim Polman FAO Regional Officer, Rural Development Officer wim.polman@fao.org
Ms Johanne Hanko FAO panocean@ksc15.th.com
Ms Etsuko Ueno APDF eueno@dinf.ne.jp
Mr Eiichi Takada World Federation of the Deaf info@jfd.or.jp
Mr Frank Hall-Benticic Disability Autralia frankhb@connexus.net.au
Mr Amandio Amaral Freitas Secretary of State for Labor`&Solidarlity, Division of Social Services amandio_freitas@yahoo.com
Mr Laurentino Guterres Director of Katilosa Katilosa@yahoo.com
HE Mr Abdullah Wardak Minister of Martyrs and Disabled ministry@disability-afghanistan.org
Mr Majid Al-Turmsuani UNDP, Afghanistan mturmsuani@yahoo.com