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The 3rd Asia-Pacific CBR Congress

「Itabashi Ward community planning: No one left alone」

1 Region:Itabashi Ward, Tokyo <Population>±540 thousand people(Population aging rate 22.6%, Disabled ID booklet holders 29,212 people, the third in Tokyo for the number of beds for people with mental disabilities) <History> Prospered as a post station town during the Edo era. From the Meiji era, Itabashi welcomed people from diverse background and there is a facility for those with no family and nowhere to go. ?<Industry? Printing・Precision equipment related

 Figure 1

2 Regional challenges in Itabashi Ward:Challenge to prevent social isolation and building up partnerships to create a ward where everyone cooperate and live together. Club House Saint Marina is working to overcome the three barriers, “Prejudice”, “Infringement of the right to self-determination” and “Isolation” by cooperating with countries from all over the world.

3 Inclusive methodology:

■Background: Aims for mutual support by the management of the first club house in Japan, “Saint Marina”.

The basic principles are, “Anyone can come”, “Having a meaningful human relationship”, “Having a meaningful job” and “Can return to this place anytime”.

We ensure equal relationships between the member and staffs by three layer structure of “Plan・decision”, “Management” and “Person who takes responsibility”.

Partnership with the administration

Itabashi ward administration has been continuously supporting Saint Marina for over 22 years through partnership with the Social Welfare Service Corporation JHC Itabashi-Kai as the first in Japan and the only one local government grant aided project.

Itabashi ward mayor Mr. Takeshi Sakamoto says, “ Subjects and activities changes over time. Club House Model works for all human activities so it functions as a pioneer to grasp the needs according to the time. The flexible activity of the Club House has a strength to meet the needs of the time”

“All the members think of other members’ problems as their own. Looking at the other members also leads to confidence. I believe that even for the citizens of the community, the feeling of wanting to help is important and is the core for community welfare. Visiting the houses of those who live alone leads to solving the problems that each community has and is based on the same philosophy as welfare commissioner and care that meets the needs of the aging society. We never know when we might become person with disability. I wish Itabashi to be a place where everyone thinks of other’s problem as his or her own.”

■Needs:It is based on understanding the needs through thorough information sharing of members, staff, people of the ward and the administration.

4 Project/Project Management

■Financial resources:Itabashi ward subsidy, donation, profits from the bazaar, social welfare council and Community chest of Japan grant

■Network:Broadening network by the support of the advisory committee of Saint Marina

5 Subject for empowerment: Mainly people with mental disabilities and citizens of Itabashi Ward.

6 Change

■Persons concerned(Family)

1. Health “Promoting health” “Rehabilitation”

 Figure 2

  • There’s a place where I can commute to everyday and have an organized life because we have daily allocated work. Time to wake up and go to sleep became set and I am getting healthy both mentally and physically. When I change the daily life patterns and loose balance, it is easier to recover from it quickly.
  • Understanding of hardship between the members is working as a prevention of the mental disease to recur.
  • Once a month, there are medical consultation and lecture on how to take the medication and this leads to good medical health.
  • We can have balanced diet by cooking with the members.
  • I learnt how to communicate and began to be able to state my opinion. Also my memorization ability increased. I was able to gain mental and physical health through them.
  • By interacting with everyone, everyday is fun and fulfilling. By going to Saint Marina, my illness became better and I feel grateful for this.

5. Empowerment “Advocacy and Communication”, “Self-Help Group” “Organizations for the persons with disabilities”

  • I am able to gain new information concerning mental health and welfare by going to Saint Marina. Through the activities of Club House International, I am experiencing good access to information and my views widened globally.
  • Those who participate in Saint Marina are all equal. It is helpful to have a place where I can be treated equally. If I come here, people will listen to my worries and my feelings. For me Saint Marina is a place that is indispensable.
  • I feel that my connection with the community strengthened compared from before. The citizens now know Saint Marina. It is fun to interact with the local people through the bazaar.
  • Saint Marina is a heart warming place. It is a place where I can always be accepted and feel safe. I am grateful to have such a place.
  • My views towards the society changed by visiting Saint Marina. My sociality changed by interacting with people who are working not for beneficial interests at the Mamorinbou House Bazaar and Café Smile. By working together with the people of the community, I became to think of myself as a member of the society. Many people are thinking about how to make their community better. Saint Marina is a place where I can be myself and I became more human here.
  • One year has passed since I became a member of Saint Marina. I now understand the meetings and my cooking has become better. I want to continue this volunteer activity.
  • I saw people being active in the bazaar and was surprised that everyone had something that they are good at.


Empowerment “Moving the community”

① Moving to a new place

After the earthquake, it was unavoidable to move to another place. The member of the advisory committee introduced us to an estate agency and owner of the property. We moved from a place located on the third floor of a building to a place located on the first floor along the Kawagoe Kaido where there is a constant stream of people walking by. From this location, it was easy for people passing by to see our activities and we were able to deepen our relationship with the community.

② Human relationships through the advisory committee

  • The advisory committee functions to build a bridge between people. In the beginning, the advisory committee was occupied to keep the committee working but now we feel very close to the committee and we are working together as one. Saint Marina is also serves as fulfillment and hope for the advisory committee. We feel that we are enjoying our work since we are able to interact and communicate with the community. In the beginning it was trial and error but now we all know each other and we are connected by helping and supporting each other.
  • On June 2015, citizen asked us “ Where is Mamorinbou Bazaar?” We feel that Saint Marina has become the base of the region and is now rooted in the region. We are learning from the advisory committee on how to decide the price of the things sold at the bazaar.
  • Now on my way home when I am shopping at a local shopping area, I feel happy that the clerks talk to me kindly. In the beginning I felt that they would not sell me anything. After trying, people in the local shopping area treat me kindly.
  • By working at Mamorinbou Bazaar and Café Smile, people who are not concerned with mental health and welfare participate and they become bridges to the people of the community. It is easy for people of the community to join and also people in needs of mental health and welfare can easily participate too. By having an advisory committee, our activities are not internal but external and we were able to broaden our activities.
  • For example, one of the regular customers at Mamorinbou in the local shopping area passed by Saint Marina and asked how people can use the facility. We are now in contact with many people in the community.
  • The head of the local shopping area and other people in the local area remembers my name and it makes me want to go and shop at Kamiitabashi.
  • There are many people that I know in Kamiitabashi shopping area. The number of people that I can rely on increased and I feel that my identity as the citizen in this area has strengthened.
  • Through the activities of Café Smile, I started to use social welfare council, Fukushi no Mori Salon. It is functioning as a bridge. President Nakao who is the owner(advisory committee)says, “I want it to be a place where local people can easily visit. I want single parents to visit to feel relaxed here.” We can see the problems that the community has.
  • I work only on Friday mornings at Café Smile. 30 people came to the Fukushi no Mori Salon. After work, I feel happy when people tell me “ You did a good job today”. I now know the master of the café in my neighborhood and I feel the “miracle” of relationships between people. I would like to show my gratitude to President Nakao for allowing us to use the first floor of his company building as a showroom.
  • By Having Saint Marina, we can increase the support of the community. By being close to the community I feel comfortable and it is a great support for me.

“Mamorinbou House Bazaar to brighten up the town”

On April 2013, from the advise of the advisory committee, there was a suggestion from the Kamiita South Exit Ginza Shoppiing Area Organization to do a Mamorinbou bazaar. Immediately advisory committee gathered at Saint Marina and started preparing fro the bazaar by collecting things to sell at the bazaar. From the advise of one of the members who have experienced organizing a bazaar, other members learnt how to decide the price of things that will be sold at the bazaar. The advisory committee members helped on the day and tried to attract customers and helped to sell the goods. Also they supported the staff by bringing rice balls, sweets and snacks. On the day, President Nakao of the Nakao Construction Industry Company Ltd. who is in the advisory committee bought many things at the bazaar and said before leaving, “I will prepare so you can do a café at my company”, “ I haven’t been able to help much but I will make it happen”

“Opening of Café Smile at Nakao Construction Industry Company Ltd. Showroom”

The president always says, “ Itabashi is a friendly ward and the people are kind”. President Nakao is one of the kind people in Itabashi.

One of the members of the advisory committee wanted to create a place for transitional employment at Itabashi. As the owner of a company, he reformed the big office on the first floor of his building and provided the place free of charge. He gave us a place, which was like a dream to us. On 14th February when it was snowing heavily, we took our first step into “Café Smile”. The staff, members and volunteer members’ feeling was as white and clear as the snow that has fallen on the area. By having a feeling of not wasting the kindness of the people and also by hard work, we are able to naturally receive support from others.

There is an openness at the café and as a support staff, I feel relaxed and feel calm working here. I feel happy if it can be a place of comfort for members and people in the community.

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