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The Base of Community Welfare

The Wonder of Shichiku – Parents’ Home Living Room

These days I have been wondering why within one year from the opening, Shichiku was able to involve the people in the community, become a model of community-building and a place where people from all over Japan come to visit every day, and become even better than My Parents’ Home as a place where people can truly feel at home.

Therefore, I asked Ms. Kawada some questions and discussed these with her several times. I finally found two reasons. One of them was that Ms. Kawada had never forgotten the time when she began the Chiiki no Chanoma, which she cherished and built up and where she established human connections since the very beginning. The other reason I found was that before starting Shichiku, she went around, greeted the neighbors, and laid the foundation of human relationships.

These two points can be adapted to doing any business. I learned how Ms. Kawada established the Chiiki no Chanoma and how important it is to build up a business based on a firm foundation of human relationships. This is a lesson we all have to learn and bear in mind before we say, “Because of Ms. Kawada, it was accomplished!” or “Nobody could do it except for Ms. Kawada.”

 Figure 1(Figure text)