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Main references

・Simpson J (2009) Everyone Belongs A Toolkit for Applying Intersectionality. Ottawa, CRIAW-ICREF. http://criaw-icref.ca/sites/criaw/files/Everyone_Belongs_e.pdf Accessed 2011-08-01

・Sobsey D (1994) Violence and Abuse in the Lives of People with Disabilities: The End of Silent Acceptance. Baltimore, Paul H. Brooks Publishing Co, Inc.

・Sullivan HT , Häkkinen MT (2011) Preparedness and Warning Systems for Populations with Special Needs: Ensuring Everyone Gets the Message (and Knows What To Do) (2011) Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 29 (3), pp. 225-236.

・Tataryn, M. (2011). AIDS, Power and Politics: Examining their dimensions within the disability movement globally. Keynote address, 'Disability and the Majority World: Towards a Global Disability Studies' First International Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Gaskell Campus, Hathersage Road, Manchester, 7th - 8th July, 2011. http://vimeo.com/26584134

・Twigg J (2004), Disaster risk reduction: Mitigation and preparedness in development and emergency programming, London, Overseas Development institute. 365p.

・Twigg J (2009) Characteristics of a Disaster-Resilient Community, a Guidance Note http://www.abuhrc.org/Publications/CDRC%20v2%20final.pdf Accessed 2011-07-12

・UN (2006) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/disabilities-convention.htm Accessed 2010-10-22

・UN Enable (2006) Disability Fact Sheet http://www.un.org/disabilities/convention/facts.shtml Accessed 2011-05-15

・UNISDR (2007) Hyogo Framework for Action http://www.unisdr.org/we/coordinate/hfa Accessed 2011-06-18

・UN/ISDR (2009) Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and Practical Guidelines http://www.unisdr.org/files/9922_MakingDisasterRiskReductionGenderSe.pdf Accessed 2011-08-03