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炭谷 茂





Shigeru Sumitani

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Social Firms Japan
President, Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation Inc.
Guest Professor at Taisho University

Sumitani was born in 1946 in Toyama Prefecture. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo in 1969 and entered the then Ministry of Health and Welfare. After serving as Director-General, Social Welfare & War Victims’ Relief Bureau of the then Ministry of Health and Welfare and Deputy Vice-Minister of the Ministry of the Environment, he assumed the post of Administrative Vice-Minister of the Ministry of the Environment in July 2003 and retired in September 2006. At present, he is working as President, Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation Inc., Guest Professor at Taisho University, Board Member of Ronald McDonald House Charities Japan, Councilor of Asahi Shimbun Social Welfare Organization and so on.

Personally, Sumitani has been involved in various social action programs such as employment support for people with disabilities, the homeless, youngsters who are socially withdrawn and ex-offenders and community development in poor areas, since when he was in government service.

His recent books focus on human rights and public administration, theory and practice of environmental welfare, principles and issues of social welfare and new common sense on global environmental issues.





英国における6つのソーシャル・エンタープライズ団体による戦略的連携機関であるソーシャル・エンタープライズ・パートナーシップ(SEP)および、ベルリンに拠点を置く社会起業に関するコンサルティング会社であるFAF gGmbHの所長を務める。EUが資金提供をしているいくつかの社会起業に関する800万ユーロの予算規模の国際マルチステークホルダープログラムの責任者。



Gerold Schwarz

Consultant in social entrepreneurship
Former Joint Program Manager,A Joint Program funded by the Millennium
Development Goals Achievement Fund(MDG F)and the Government of Serbia

Gerold currently lives in Warsaw where he works as a consultant in social entrepreneurship. During the last six years he was program manager for the International Organization of Migration in Serbia and Kosovo in the areas of economic development and employment creation for disadvantaged people, and implemented in 2006 a programme to establish the office of the auditor general for UNMIK.

Before joining the UN system in 2003, Gerold worked for over ten years as manager of international programmes in social entrepreneurship in Berlin, London and New York. He was the director of the Social Enterprise Partnership (SEP), a strategic partnership of six social enterprise organisations in the United Kingdom (UK), and for FAF gGmbH, a social enterprise consulting company in Berlin, was responsible for several EU funded international multi-stakeholder partnership programmes in social entrepreneurship with budgets up to 8 million Euro. He has organized several international conferences and published several papers on social enterprise. From 1997 to 1999, he worked in New York for InCube, Inc., a client-run consultancy helping people with mental health problems to start their own businesses. From 1994 to 1998, Gerold led the secretariat of the Confederation of European social Firms, Employment initiatives, and social Cooperatives for people with mental health problems (CEFEC) and was a member of the executive committee.

Originally from Stuttgart, Germany, Gerold earned a Masters degree in Psychology from the Freie Universitat in Berlin and a MBA through the Berlin School of Economics and Ashcroft International Business School in Cambridge, UK.





また、保健ガイダンス地域間協会(Interregional Association of Guidance and Health)(A.I.G.S.)の戦略マネージャー兼コーディネーターも務めている。リエージュ州に拠点を置くこのリソースネットワークは、多種多様なサービスの提供を提案するとともに、医療や社会福祉、社会職能、社会経済の各方面で、予防と安全にかかわる活動を展開している。


  • CEFEC(ヨーロッパ・ソーシャル・ファーム、雇用イニシアティブ及び社会的協同組合連合)元会長、現理事
  • ユーロ・サイ・リハビリテーション(Euro-Psy-Rehabilitation)副会長
  • 世界心理社会的リハビリテーション学会(AMRP-WAPR)「無任所理事」
  • メンタルヘルス・ヨーロッパ(MHE-SME)会員
  • 「ドナウ川流域精神医学会(Danubian Psychiatric Association)」会員

Bernard Jacob

Strategic Administrator for the Inter-Regional Association for Guidance and Health
Project manager and national coordinator of reform of care in mental health and psychiatry,
Ministry of Health

Professionally, I have been active in the sector of mental health and social action for over 30 years.

Since 2010, I am attached to the Ministry of Health and occupy the post of project manager and national coordinator of the reform of the care in mental health and psychiatry based on the application of the article 107 of the law on hospitals.

I also occupy the post of Strategic Manager and Coordinator within the Interregional Association of Guidance and Health (A.I.G.S.). Located in area of Liege, this network of resources proposes an offer of diversified services and realizes its actions at the medical, social, socio-professional, socio-economic levels, in the fields of prevention and security.

At the European level, I also have a long experience as active member within boards of directors of non governmental organizations:

  • Member of the Board of Directors, Past President, of the CEFEC (Confederation of Social European Firms, Employment Initiatives and Social Co-operatives)
  • Vice-president of the Board of Directors of Euro-Psy-Rehabilitation.
  • “Member at large” of the Board of Directors of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (AMRP-WAPR)
  • Member of the General Assembly of Mental Health Europe (MHE - SME)
  • Member of the General Assembly of the “Danubian Psychiatric Association”







Phillida Purvis

MBE/Director of Links Japan

Founder and Director of Links Japan which was established in 1998 to promote sharing between civil society organizations in the UK and Japan, focusing mainly on social inclusion, community regeneration and social enterprise, and international development cooperation issues, including promoting links between Japanese and African communities. From October 1998 to July 1999 Phillida Purvis was also Executive Director of the UK-Japan 21st Century Group. For the previous five years she was Deputy Director of the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation. Before that she did postgraduate research at Tokyo University on Japan’s Foreign Policy after leaving HM Diplomatic Service where she served in Singapore, doing political work, and in Tokyo, doing economic work. She is a graduate of Durham University, in Theology, and studied Japanese at SOAS, London University. Phillida is a Trustee of International Refugee Trust (IRT), an NGO working with refugees and displaced people; Ambassador for Lattitude, arranging volunteering placements for young people around the world; Trustee and Executive Director of Japan Arena, a project planning the creation of a London-based Japanese cultural, sporting and recreational centre and an advisor to the Kobokan, a Settlement House in Tokyo. Phillida is also Secretary to the International Friendship and Reconciliation Trust, focusing on wartime reconciliation and UK representative of Mivule, a Ugandan Community Based Organisation with whom she is working to solar electrify homes in remote rural parts of Eastern Uganda. For the last year Phillida has liaised with the Sanaburi Foundation (www.sanaburifund.org) on the establishment of the Rose Fund and disbursement to NPOs in Tohoku of money donated to the UK’s Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund.

寺島 彰

浦和大学総合福祉学部 教授







Akira Terashima

Professor, Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare, Urawa University

Terashima graduated from university, majoring in education of children with disabilities and worked as a social worker at a rehabilitation facility for people with disabilities for 16 years. He entered the then Ministry of Health and Welfare (current Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) and after serving as Expert Officer in Welfare for Persons with Disabilities, Expert Officer in International Cooperation at National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, Section Chief of Social Support Systems Section, Department of Social Rehabilitation, Research Institute of National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities and Director of Department of Social Rehabilitation, Research Institute of National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, he assumed the present post. Subjects of his research include disability welfare policy and social work using assistive technology.

Terashima is a member of Japanese Society for the Study of Social Welfare, Japan Economic Policy Association and the Japan Association for Regional Economic Studies. He is also a member of the Planning Committee of Expert Training Courses for People with Disabilities at JICA and a permanent representative of the National Rehabilitation Conference.

Terashima translated a book in 2003 on anti-discrimination law for people with disabilities and social work. In another multi-authored book published in the same year, he discussed social welfare. He was also engaged in compilation of “Dictionary of Cost-Support System for People with Disabilities.”

伊藤 静美/Shizumi Ito

社会福祉法人 一麦会(いちばくかい) 麦の郷 執行理事


1951年 和歌山赤十字病院看護師
1975年 和歌山市主催 手話講習会 修了
1977年 障害者共同作業所「たつのこ共同作業所(無認可)」に手話通訳ボランティアとして関わり、後に職員となる。
1985年 社会福祉法人希望福祉会「くろしお作業所」職員
1986年 精神障害者の居場所「いこいの家(無認可)」職員
1990年 社会福祉法人一麦会理事 精神障害者援護寮「麦の芽ホーム」寮長
1999年 同法人法人退職
2004年 麦の郷障害者地域リハビリテーション研究所所長



中崎 ひとみ/Hitomi Nakazaki

社会福祉法人 共生シンフォニー 常務理事







