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(h)「すべての人に教育を」のダカールFramework for Actionをフローアップするための各国国内計画に責任を持つ政策立案者とともに、障害をもつ子どもと若者を各国国内計画に含めることを主唱する。




Bangkok Millennium Declaration on the
Promotion of the Rights of People with Disabilities
in the Asian and Pacific Region

 We, the participants of Campaign 2000 for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, held at Bangkok from 11 to 15 December 2000:

 Recalling that the Governments of the Asian and Pacific Region, through Commission resolution 48/3, had declared the period 1993 to 2002 as the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons,

 Recalling that Commission Resolution 54/1 on “Strengthening regional support for persons with disabilities into the twenty-first century” requests that the Executive Secretary of ESCAP explore the means of organizing, by the end of 2002, a high-level regional meeting to consider the lessons learned from national and regional efforts towards the fulfilment of Decade targets,

 Mindful that the Beijing Declaration on the Rights of People with Disabilities in the New Century, adopted on 12 March 2000 by the World NGO Summit on Disability in Beijing, calls for the adoption of an international convention on the rights of all people with disabilities that will legally bind nations to reinforce the authority of the United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities,

 Recognizing that numerous organizations of people with disabilities and disability service providers have actively contributed to, and collaborated for, the advancement of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons,

 Recognizing also that since its inception in 1993, the Regional NGO Network for the Promotion of the Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons (RNN) has been active in raising awareness of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons through annual campaigns, held in Okinawa, Japan (1993), Manila (1994), Jakarta (1995), 
Auckland (1996), Seoul (1997), Hong Kong, China (1998) and Kuala Lumpur (1999),

 Recognizing further the advent of information and communication technology, and its potential benefits and challenges for persons with disabilities,

 Recalling that the Commission at its fifty-sixth session in June 2000 had endorsed 107 targets for the implementation of the Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons that were formulated and adopted by the Regional Forum on Meeting the Targets for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, and Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the ESCAP Region, held at Bangkok in November 1999, 

 Appreciating the Commission’s endorsement of the 107 targets for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons as recognition of the inclusion of disabled persons in the development process as a key strategy for equalization of their opportunities,

 Appreciating that RNN, the National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand, ESCAP, and the Royal Thai Government have jointly taken the initiative to co-organize Campaign 2000 to discuss progress relating to fulfillment of the 107 targets and other emerging regional issues concerning equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities,

 Noting that two years remain before the conclusion of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons,

 Noting further that, following Campaign 2000, there will be two additional campaigns to be held in Hanoi, and Osaka, Japan, in 2001 and 2002, respectively,

1. Commit ourselves to promoting, and participating in, collaborative action towards the fulfilment of the 107 targets.

2. Further commit ourselves to contributing information on target fulfilment to the regional review of the achievements of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons.

3. Support the establishment, by 2002, of the Asian and Pacific Centre on Disability, in Thailand, as a living legacy of the spirit of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002, to promote the empowerment of persons with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region, under the joint auspices of the Government of Japan and the Royal Thai Government,

4. Call on ESCAP to provide guidance and technical support to the proposed Asian and Pacific Centre on Disability, and, in collaboration with it, to countries in the ESCAP region, towards fulfillment of the Decade targets.

5. Affirm that the targets for the implementation of the Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, as reviewed, revised, and further strengthened at the conclusion of the Decade in 2002, will form the Framework for Action of the Asian and Pacific Centre on Disability. 

6. Urge all members of the United Nations system, intergovernmental bodies, governments, non-governmental organizations, private sector bodies, and the mass media, in the Asian and Pacific region to:

(a) Recognize the importance of the Asian and Pacific Centre on Disability as a viable means of ensuring long-term follow-up to the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, and to support Centre operations and activities with financial, technical and other in-kind contributions;
(b) Support actively the process for the development of an international convention on the rights of all people with disabilities, to be further considered at the second World NGO Summit on Disability to be held in 2003;
(c) Adopt policy and awareness-raising measures for the inclusion of disabled persons and disability issues in all development activities, including support for strengthening the further empowerment and technical skills enhancement of the self-help movement of disabled persons in the Asian and Pacific region;
(d) Support the training of disabled persons as trainers and resource persons for awareness-raising, advocacy, and policy formulation and monitoring on the promotion of disabled persons’ access to information and communication technology, development programmes, the built environment and public transportation infrastructure;
(e) Support special efforts and programmes for the participation of women and girls with disabilities in the development process;
(f) Develop strong inter-linked mechanisms at local, national, subregional and regional levels for more effective sharing and dissemination of best practices, expertise and information on means of developing disabled persons’ capabilities, and on improving the situation of disabled persons, their families and their communities;
(g) Strengthen policy, funding, training and incentive schemes to ensure that disabled persons have access to information and communications technology for education, training, employment, recreation, communication among diverse disability groups and non-disabled persons, partnership development, and participation in civil society, as well as to overcome mobility, gender and rural-urban barriers, and for other participation and development purposes;
(h) Advocate, with policy makers responsible for national action plans in follow up to the Dakar Framework For Action on Education for All, the inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in the national action plans;
(i) Promote, in national and area assessments of Education for All, the inclusion of indicators of the status of children and youth with disabilities in formal and nonformal education programmes;
(j) Work strategically towards explicit and stronger recognition of disability-related concerns and needs, in the context of human rights, at all United Nations meetings in 2001, particularly in preparation for, and during the :
・Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (May 14-20,  Brussels)
・Asia-Pacific Youth Forum of the United Nations System (May 30 -June 1, Bangkok)
・Third Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on Human Resource Development for Youth (June 4-8, Bangkok)
・Special Session of the General Assembly for Follow-up to the World Summit for Children (September 5)

7.  Request ESCAP to make further effort, and to promote, dissemination and fulfillment of the 107 Targets for Decade action to:

(a) Undertake a regional review of target fulfillment concerning national coordination and legislation.
(b) Advocate for the targeting of families of persons with disabilities for special assistance and support and in policy development and resource allocation towards fulfilling the targets for the implementation of the Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons.

8. Decide to work collectively to advocate with all members of the United Nations system, intergovernmental bodies, governments, non-governmental organizations, private sector bodies, and the mass media, in the Asian and Pacific region to promote multisectoral collaboration for the inclusion of disabled persons in the development process and in the implementation of this Declaration.