Prospects and Challenges for Digital Innovation

Yuuki Tachibana
Hyogo Liaison Organization for Persons with Cervical Cord Injuries


In the last few years, digitalization has been promoted in various fields around the world.  It further accelerated along with the COVID-19 pandemic since last year.  This digitalization trend has a great impact on our lives.  Therefore, I would like to discuss the prospects and challenges of future digital innovation by sharing my experience.

No More Restrictions on Mobility

The biggest advantage of digitalization is that you can virtually assemble and work wherever you are.  Previously, when attending any meeting, I had to go to the venue.  Generally, I need assistance in my daily life, when going to places and while I am there.  It was necessary to coordinate my schedule with my assistant and arrange transportation tickets based on the venue of my activity.  Depending on the season, the weather affected my movement; it was especially physically difficult under the scorching sun. 

However, since the spring of 2020, COVID-19 pandemic has gradually led people to avoid gathering together.  Consequently, it has become common to hold meetings and seminars remotely.  Anyone can join meetings from anywhere as long as an internet connection is available.  Thus, I do not need to spend travel time or an assistant to help me travel.  Since I am at home, I could take a rest whenever I want, and the restrictions posed by the weather and my physical condition have largely been eliminated.

Something I Can Do Without an Assistant

Previously, the materials distributed at meetings and seminars were basically on paper.   Since I could not turn the pages myself, I always needed someone’s help.  Also, whenever I had to fill out application forms on paper as required by government offices, it meant that I had to have someone fill them up for me, and sometimes it was troublesome to have to explain to the assistant how to fill up the form.  Recently, more application forms can be downloaded from the website, and since you can generate the documents yourself with a PC, the stress of asking someone to do it for me has been reduced.  However, many documents still have to be mailed or taken to the government offices.  I believe it would be even more convenient if we were allowed to submit the documents by e-mail or other electronic means.

Issues Still Unresolved

Although it is becoming more convenient as digitalization progresses, there are still many issues that have yet to be resolved.  For example, there are cases when you do not know the existence of certain devices and tools that can be conveniently operated even by persons with disabilities, or you could have such devices but cannot fully utilize them, making them useless.  It is important to have someone who can give you advice on how you can operate such devices with your limited physical abilities or on how to create an environment according to your needs.  It is also necessary to create an environment where the learning of new skills in operating new equipment can take place.

Even if digitalization progresses and more things can be done without assistance, human support is still necessary for such things as posture correction, meals, and toileting.  At present, governmental support for the use of personal assistants is not permitted for economic activities such as going to work, but assistance for daily living is necessary even while at work.  It is necessary to reconsider the system to make it easier for people with severe disabilities to participate in the society.

In Closing

Although there are still issues to be resolved, I think that digitalization will accelerate further in our society.  I hope that, by utilizing digital technology, we will have a society where everyone can play an active role.
