[MLIT] Next Generation Housing Project 2021

On 4 November 2021, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) selected project proponents for the second round of the Next Generation Housing Project 2021, which aims to contribute to the dissemination and awareness of leading technologies for next-generation housing using the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.

This Housing Project is part of the FY2021 Leading the Way in Sustainable Architecture Project (Next-Generation Housing Type). The Housing Project will partially fund the costs to develop and verify the issues and effects of IoT technologies to be used in homes (including housing equipment) that realize homes and services under the following themes:

➀ Supporting the independence of the elderly, persons with disabilities, and others
➁ Support for health management
➂ Improving crime prevention
➃ Reducing the burden and time required for household chores
➄ Maintaining and building community
➅ Contributing to the efficiency of logistics
➆ Others

Four project proponents applied during the open call period from July 30, 2021 to September 10, 2021, and the two selected projects are as follows:

Project proponent representative

Project Name

Initiative Theme

NPO, Chiba Community Revitalization Research

The Concept of Living with the IoT Home Facility Management and Planning for its Dissemination

➀ Supporting the independence of the elderly, persons with disabilities, and others

➃ Reducing the burden and time required for household chores

➄ Maintaining & building community

➅ Contributing to logistics efficiency

Tokyo Electric Power Holdings, Inc.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Services Using In-Home IoT

➀ Supporting the independence of the elderly, persons with disabilities, and others

➆ Others: Using current waveform analysis technology to provide a safe and secure life

For more information, please visit the website(Japanese).
