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Disability Etiquette Handbook, City of San Antonio, TX Disability Access Office. Logo.

Interviewing Technique Etiquette

dotConduct interviews in a manner that emphasizes abilities, achievements and individual qualities.

dotConduct your interview as you would with anyone. Be considerate without being patronizing.

dotWhen interviewing a person with a speech impediment, stifle any urge to complete a sentence of an interviewee.

dotIf it appears that a person's ability inhibits performance of a job, ask: How would you perform this job?

Inappropriate:I notice that you are in a wheelchair, and I wonder how you get around. Tell me about your disability.
Appropriate:This position requires digging and using a wheelbarrow, as you can see from the job description. Do you foresee any difficulty in performing the required tasks? If so, do you have any suggestions how these tasks can be performed?

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