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Funding and governance of library and information services for visually impaired people: international case studies


Section A - National Context


Please write a few sentences on as many of these scenarios as you can. It will help us to understand much better the most important practical and emotional issues that users and libraries face in each country.

For the scenarios you choose, please try to include information such as:

  • Where would they need to go or who would they need to contact and how?
  • What steps would the library have to take to deliver the material they asked for?
  • What would other organisations do to help the library?
  • A range of formats available (large print, Braille, traditional audio and Daisy audio or Daisy text and audio)

Please describe the typical experience of a VIP in your country who tries to obtain:

  • A work of fiction
  • A new work of fiction
  • A reference work
  • A newspaper
  • A magazine
  • A school textbook
  • A children’s book
  • A scientific journal
  • An academic book