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The Library Services to People with Special Needs Section

Written by Nancy Mary Panella, PhD
Bolling Memorial Medical Library
in 2009


In late 2008, IFLA approved a proposal by the Libraries Serving Disadvantage Persons Section (LSDP) to rename it Library Services to People with Special Needs (LSN). As was the case with previous name changes, this one was felt necessary, not only because it better reflected the section’s current work, but also because the terminology surrounding its areas of concern had again significantly changed.

Its new name notwithstanding, the section remains one of IFLA’s oldest, dating to 1931. In that year, it was created as the Sub-committee on Hospital Libraries (patients’ libraries), and its mission was to promote professional library services to hospitalized people - a group who, because they were confined, could not make use of regular library resources. Bibliotherapy, or the use of books and reading as aids to healing, was a second focus. But, the sub-committee soon saw that, due to a range of disabilities that often were secondary to the cause of hospitalization, some patients required special materials - sensory and mobility aids, for example - as well as special services. That need also became evident among community members confined for any number of reasons. Concerned with those needs and, by virtue of a diverse membership, well-positioned to address them, the sub-committee overtime expanded its focus to include people who for whatever reason were unable to use conventional libraries, materials and services.

Throughout its long and productive history, the section has remained remarkably true to its mission, thus it continues today to advocate for those in the community who cannot make use of conventional library resources. Those groups include: people who are hospitalized or imprisoned; elderly and disabled people in care facilities; the housebound; the deaf; and the physically, cognitively or developmentally disabled. Always blessed with standing committee members having broad expertise in their fields, LSN continues, among its other activities, to develop guidelines for library services to people with special needs. In the aggregate, those guidelines have been translated into fifteen languages and are used in many parts of the world. As of this writing, they constitute nearly fifty percent of IFLA’s Professional Reports. (Not surprisingly, when the Professional Reports series was inaugurated in 1984, the section developed its first two publications.)

LSN Publications

IFLA Professional Reports Series

Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dementia
Helle Arendrup Mortensen and Gyda Skat Nielsen.
The Hague, IFLA Headquarters, 2007. - 20p. 30 cm.
(IFLA Professional Reports 104.)
ISBN 978-90-77897-22-5
ISSN 0168-1931

Pautas para servicios bibliotecarios para reclusos (3ra Edición)
Vibeke Lehmann y Joanne Locke, traducido por Jenny Pérez Rodríguez
(Spanish Translation of IFLA Professional Report 92)
ISBN 978-90-77897-15-7

Richtlinien für Patientienbibliotheken und Bibliotheken für Senioren und Behindertete in Langzeitpflegeeinrictungen
Zusammengestellt von einer Arbeitsgruppe unter Vorsitz von Nancy Mary Panella unter Schirmherrschaft der Sektion Bibliotheken für Benachteilige Menschen.
The Hague, IFLA, 2006.-63p. 30cm.- (IFLA Professional Report: 98)
(German Translation of IFLA Professional Report 61) ISBN 13 978-90-77897-14-3

Recommandations a l'usage des bibliotheques de prison (3°édition)
Par Vibeke Lehmann et Joanne Locke
La Haye, IFLA, 2005.-24p. 30cm.- (Rapports professionnels IFLA: 97)
(French Translation of IFLA Professional Report 92)
ISBN 13 : 978-90-77897-13-5

Richtlinien für Gefangenenbuchereien (3. Ausgabe)
By Vibeke Lehmann and Joanne Locke
The Hague, IFLA Headquarters, 2006. - 29p. 30 cm.
(German Translation of IFLA Professional Report 92)
ISBN 13 : 978 - 90-77897-11-9

Zugang zu Bibliotheken fur Menschen mit Behinderungen - Prüfliste
Von Birgitta Irvall und Gyda Skat Nielsen
Deutsche Übersetzung: Elke Dittmer
The Hague, IFLA Headquarters, 2006. - 19p. 30 cm.
(German Translation of IFLA Professional Report 89)
ISBN 13 : 978 - 90-77897-10-0

Международная федерация
библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений
Guidelines for library services to prisoners (3d Edition)
The Hague, IFLA Headquarters, 2005. - 24p. 30 cm.
(Revised version of IFLA Professional Report 46)
ISBN 13 : 978 - 90-77897-09-7

Guidelines for library services to prisoners
By Vibeke Lehmann and Joanne Locke
The Hague, IFLA Headquarters, 2005. - 24p. 30 cm.
(Revised version of IFLA Professional Report 46)
ISBN 13 : 978 - 9077897070

Richtlinien fur das Bibliothekswesen zur Unterstutzung von Legasthenikern
Gyda Skat Nielsen und Birgitta Irvall unter den Auspizienn des Sektions der Bibliotheken für benachteiligte Personen
The Hague, IFLA Headquarters, 2005. - 28p. 30 cm.
(German Translation of IFLA Professional Report 70)
ISBN 13 : 978 - 9077897062

Access to libraries for persons with disabilities - CHECKLIST
By Birgitta Irvall and Gyda Skat Nielsen
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-77897-04-6

♯83 Guide á des Bibliothéques desservant des Patients Hopitalisés, des Personnes agées et handicapées dans des Institutions de long Séjour.
Rapport rédigé par un Groupe de Travail sous la responsabilité de Nancy Mary Panella dans le cadre de la Section des Bibliothéques desservant des publics défavorisés.
Traduction en francais : Georgette Rappaport
(Translation of IFLA Professional Report 61)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-97-5

Руководство по библиотечному обслуживанию лиц, cтрадающих дислексией.
By Gyda Skat Nielsen and Birgitta Irvall under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons 2003. (Russian Translation of Professional Report No. 70)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-93-2

♯76 Directrices para los Servicios Bibliotecarios dirigidos a Personas con Dislexia.
By Gyda Skat Nielsen y Birgitta Irvall. Bajo los auspicios de la Sección de Bibliotecas al Servicio de Personas con Desventajas. (Spanish translation of Professional Report No. 70)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-88-6

♯74 Directives pour les Services de Bibliotheques au personnes dyslexiques.
By Gyda Skat Nielsen and Birgitta Irvall. Publié sous les auspices de la Section des Services de Bibliotheques pour les publics défavorisés. (French translation of Professional report No. 70)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-86-X

♯70 Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia.
By Gyda Skat Nielsen and Birgitta Irvall under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. 2001.
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-82-7

♯69 Pautas para Bibliotecas al Servicio de Pacientes de Hospital, Ancianos y Discapacitados en Centros de atención de larga duración.
Compiled by a working group chaired by Nancy Mary Panella under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons. 2001. (Spanish Translation of Professional Report No. 61)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-81-9

♯67 Руководство для библиотек, обслуживающих пациентов больниц, пожилых людей, людей с физическими и психическими недостатками в учреждениях с длительным уходом (Russian Translation of Professional Report No. 61.)
Compiled by a working group chaired by Nancy Mary Panella under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons. 2000.
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-79-7

♯66 Richtlinien für Bibliotheksdienstleistungen fur Gehörlose.
Zweite Auflage. Herausgegeben von John Michael Day. 2000. (German translation of Professional Report No. 62)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-78-9

♯65 Directives Destinées aux Services de Bibliothéque, pour les sourds.
2eme Édition. Rédacteur John Michael Day. 2000. (French translation of Professional Report No. 62)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-77-0

Lineamientos para los Servicios Bibliotecarios para Persons Sordas.
2nd Edition. Edited by John Michael Day. 2000.
Spanish translation of Professional Report No. 62)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-76-2

Russian translation of Professional Report No. 62.
2nd Edition. Edited by John Michael Day.2000.
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-75-4

Guidelines for Library Services to Deaf People.
2nd Edition. Edited by John Michael Day. 2000. (Revised edition of Professional Report No. 24)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-74-6

Guidelines for Libraries Serving Hospital Patients and the Elderly and Disabled in Long-Term Care Facilities.
Compiled by a working group chaired by Nancy Mary Panella under the auspices of the Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. 2000.
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-73-8

Директивы по материалам легкого чтения
Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1999. ISBN 13 : 978 - 90-70916-72-X

♯59 Directives pour les documents faciles-á-lire.
Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1999 (French translation of Professional Report No. 54)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-71-1

♯57 Richtlinien für Easy-Reader Material.
Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1999. (German translation of Professional Report No. 54)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-68-1

Pautas para materiales de Lectura Fácil.
Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1998. (Spanish translation of Professional Report No. 54)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-67-3

Guidelines for Easy-to-Read Materials.
Compiled and edited by Bror I. Tronbacke. 1997.
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-6-49

Richtlinien zur Bibliotheksversorgung van Häftlingen.
Von Frances E. Kaiser. 1995. (German translation of Professional Report No. 46)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-56-8

Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners.
Edited by Frances E. Kaiser. 1995. (Revised edition of Professional Report No. 34)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-55-X

Richtlinien für Bibliotheksdienstleistungen fur Gehörlose.
Von John Michael Day. 1995. (German translation of Professional Report No. 24)
ISBN 13 : 978 - : 90-70916-54-1

Other Translations:

Catalan: "Guidelines for library services to prisoners" (♯92)
Recomanacions de serveis bibliotecaris per a interns

Farsi: "Guidelines for library services to prisoners" (♯92)

Finnish: "Access to libraries for persons with disabilities - CHECKLIST"
Kirjastonkäyton saavutettavuuden varmistaminen: tyokalupakki (♯89)

Japanese: "Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia" (♯70).
Translated by Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JRSPD)

Japanese: "Guidelines for Libraries Serving Hospital Patients and the Elderly and Disabled in Long-Term Care Facilities" (♯61)

Catalan: "Guidelines for Easy-to-Read Materials" (♯54)
Directrius per a material de lectura fãcil
Versió catalana d'Angels de Massisimo

Japanese: "Guidelines for Easy-to-Read Materials" (♯54).
Translated by Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JRSPD)

IFLA Publications Series

International Resource Book for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons
Joanne Locke and Nancy M. Panella (eds.)
2001, XII, 249 p.
ISBN 10 : 3-598-21826-5