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NGO PERSPECTIVES for Full Participation and Equality

Disability Statistics Before and During the First AP Decade

Country Australia
year 1988 1998
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 15.6% 19.3%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities Loss of sight not corrected by glasses; Loss of hearing; Speech difficulties; Blackouts,fits or loss of consciousness; Slowness at learning or understanding; Incomplete use of arms or fingers;Incomplete use of feet or legs;Treatment for a nervous or an emotional condition;Restriction in physical activity or physical work; Disfigurement or deformity; Mental illness requiring help or supervision;Long term treatment of medication for a condition, and still restricted Persons with a disability is defined to have one or more of 17 limitations, restrictions or impairments which had lasted, or were likely to last, for at least 6 months and which restricts everyday activities. Loss of sight, not corrected by glasses or contact lenses; Loss of hearing, with difficulty communicating or use of aids; Loss of speech; Chronic or recurring pain that restricts everyday activities; Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties that restrict everyday activities; Blackouts, fits, or loss of consciousness; Difficulty learning or understanding; Incomplete use of arms or fingers; Difficulty gripping or holding things; Incomplete use of feet or legs; A nervous or emotional condition that restricts everyday activities; Restriction in physical activities or physical work; Disfigurement or deformity; Head injury, stroke or any other brain damage with long-term effects that restrict everyday activities; Needing help or supervision because of a mental illness or condition; Treatment or medication for any other long-term condition or ailment and still restricted; Any other long-term condition that restricts everyday activities.
survey conducted every five years
reference Australian Bureau on Statistics, "Disability and handicap 1988", ABS Catalogue 4120.0 AIHW, "Australia's Welfare 2001", 2001 (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 1998 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers.)

Country Bangladesh
year 1986 1998
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 0.5% 1.6%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities


reference JICA "Country Profile on Disability: People's Republic of Bangladesh" March 2002 (www.jica.go.jp/index.html) JICA "Country Profile on Disability: People's Republic of Bangladesh" March 2002 (www.jica.go.jp/index.html)

Country Brunei Darussalam
year 1992
method Government Estimate
prevalence 1.0%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
reference ESCAP, "Asian & Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons,1993-2002: Starting Point", U N, 1993

Country Cambodia
year 1993? 1999
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 1.9% 1.4%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities "A recent IIRC-sponsored survey in Phnom Penh and the provinces found that the number of people with disabilities in Cambodia who have physical or mental handicaps caused by armed conflict, accident or illness is estimated to be 170,000 or 1.88 per cent of the total population of the country. Amputee; Physical impairment; Visual impairment; Deafness/ hearing impairment; Muteness/ severe speech problem; Deaf- mute; Permanent disfigurement; Psychiatric and intellectual disability; Paralyzed; Multiple disability; Others

reference ESCAP, "Asian & Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons,1993-2002: Starting Point", U N, 1993 JICA "Country Profile on Disability: Cambodia" March 2002 (Ministry of Planning/National Institute of Statistics. The Report on Socio-Economic Survey of Cambodia 1999)(www.jica.go.jp/index.html)

Country China
year 1987
method Sample Survey
prevalence 4.9%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities vision impairment; hearing and speech impairment; intellectual impairment;physical impairment; psychiatric impairment
reference Household Disability Sample Survey, China, 1987

Country Cook Islands
year 2001
method Census
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities inclusion of a disability questionnaire in the national Census questionnaire in December 2001

Country Fiji
year 1982 1996
method Sample Survey Census
prevalence 0.9% 1.5%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
Does any person in this household have any disability or health problem that is long term (6 months or more)? Does this person, as a result of this condition, have difficulty with or cannot do everyday activities that people his/her age can do?Does the person as a result of this condition have difficulty with communication, mixing with others or socializing? Does the person as a result of this condition have difficulty with any other activity that people his/her age usually do?

reference United Nations Statistics Office,"Disability Statistics Compendium",
U N, 1990
Debra Perry,"The Status of Training and Employment Policies and Practices for People with Disabilities in Fiji"2002 (http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/ability/activities.htm)

Country Hong Kong SAR
year 1991 2000
method Registration and estimation Sample Survey + estimation
prevalence 4.7% 5.3%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities 269,000 "Separate estimation of intellectual disability was added to the results of sample survey, in which people with disabilities were defined as those who:
i) had been diagnosed as having one or more of the following seven conditions; or
ii) had perceived themselves as having one or more of the first four of the following seven conditions which had lasted, or were likely to last, for a period of 6 months or more at the time of enumeration:
1. restriction in body movement;
2. seeing difficulty;
3. hearing difficulty;
4. speech difficulty;
5. mental illness;
6. autism;
7. mental handicap.

reference S.S.Y.Chan, et.al.,"Country Report from Hong Kong to the Campaign Meeting for the promotion of APDDP 1993-2002", Okinawa, 1993 Joseph Kwok, "An Overview on Disability Policies and Programs concerning People with Disabilities in Hong Kong", in Social Work Research Institute, Japan College of Social Work (ed.), "International Comparative Study on Disability Policies and Programs in the 21st Century in Asia and the Pacific", 2002

Country India
year 1991 2001
method Sample Survey Census
prevalence 1.9%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities " visual disability, hearing and/or speech disability, and locomotor disability Q.15 If the person is physically/ mentally disabled, give appropriate Code number from the list below
(Type of disability)
  • In Seeing..1
  • In Speech.. 2
  • In Hearing.. 3
  • In Movement..4
  • Mental...5

reference Ministry of Welfare, India, "Annual Report 1994-95", Govt of India Press,New Delhi

Country Indonesia
year 1980 1998
method Census Sample Survey
prevalence 1.1% 3.1%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
visual disabilities; physical disabilities; hearing impairment; mental disabilities; ex chronic diseases

reference United Nations Statistics Office,"Disability Statistics Compendium", U N, 1990 Tri Hananingsih, "Indonesia", in JAED, "Country Report: 11 Asian Countries", Oct 20, 2002, Osaka, Japan

Country Japan
year 1990-91 2000-01
method Sample Survey & administration record Sample Survey & administration record
prevalence 3.7% 4.7%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities Sample Survey for physical and intellectual disability and administration record for mental illness and for users of residential institutions Sample Survey for physical and intellectual disability and administration record for mental illness and for users of residential institutions

reference Hisao Sato, "Social Welfare of Persons with Disabilities", Seishinshobo, 1996 Japanese Cabinet Office of Government of Japan, "White Paper on Persons with Disabilities 2003"( www8.cao.go.jp/shougai/index.html) Japanese

Country Kiribati
year 1978 1999
method Census Survey
prevalence 0.5% 3.2%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities not economically active person with disability nation wide survey. All information from district resource persons and administrative records were used.
2466 PwD in 77,558
Nancy Rollinson, "Country Report from Kiribati for RNN Decade Review" 2002

Country Korea
year 1990 2000
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 2.2% 3.1%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities physical;visual; auditorial; speech; intellectual physical;visual; auditorial; speech; intellectual; brain lesion; developmental (autism); mental (psychiatric); kidney; heart

reference Republic of Korea,"The Present State of Implementing the Agenda for Action for APDDP", a paper presented to the Meeting to Review the Progress of APDDP, Bangkok, 1995 Il-Mook Cho & Hyung Shik Kim, "Country Report from Korea for RNN Decade Review" 2002, (www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/english/intl/02rnn/index_e.html)

Country Lao People's D.R.
year 1996
method Sample Survey
prevalence 0.6%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
reference JICA "Country Profile on Disability: Lao" March 2002 (MoH and POWER1996) National Survey of Disabled Persons NSDP (www.jica.go.jp/index.html)

Country Malaysia
year 1995 2000 2001
method Government Estimate Census Registration
prevalence 1.0%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
Persons who experience losses, changes or abnormality either physically, body structure, nervous system, functions of an organ and mental or physical disability. It may happen before or after childbirth either on temporary or permanent (defined as handicap for more than six (6) month). The condition either fully or partially hinders the social and community needs of an individual in terms of the cultural and physical environment".

reference Ministry of National Unity and Social Development, Malaysia,"Country Paper for the Meeting to Review the Progress of the APDDP 1993-2002," Bangkok 1995 Siti Zakiah BT. Muhamad Isa, "Country Report: Malaysia" in Workshop on Improving Disability Data for Policy Use, 23-26 September 2003, Bangkok, Thailand Mohzan Bin Ibrahim, "Malaysia", in JAED, "Country Report: 11 Asian Countries", Oct 20, 2002, Osaka, Japan

Country Maldives
year 1981 2002
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities

4728 PwD in 270,101 population
Mr. Ijazulla A. Ali, "Country Report from Maldives for RNN Decade Review" 2002, (www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/english/intl/02rnn/index_e.html)

Country Mauritius
year 1990
method Census
prevalence 2.6%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
reference Mauritius Central Statistical Office, "1990 Housing and Population Census of Mauritius, Vol.7" 1992.3

Country Mongolia
year 1993 2001
method Government Estimate Sample Survey
prevalence 2.8% 4.8%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities

MSWL survey
reference ESCAP, "Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled persons, 1993-2002: the Starting Point", United Nations, 1993 Tungalag Johnstone,"The Status of Training and Employment Policies and Practices for People with Disabilities in Mongoria"2002 (www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/ability/activities.htm)

Country Myanmar
year 1985
method Sample Survey
prevalence 2.0%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
reference ESCAP, "Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled persons, 1993-2002: the Starting Point", United Nations, 1993

Country Nepal
year 1980 1999
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 3.0% 1.6%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
Physical disability; Visual impairment; Hearing impairment; Mental disability; Overlapping

reference ESCAP, "Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled persons, 1993-2002: the Starting Point", United Nations, 1993 "JICA ""Country Profile on Disability: Nepal"" March 2002 (A Situation Analysis on Disability in Nepal, 1999 (unpublished) Volume?I, National Planning
Commission Secretariat, UNICEF, New ERA Ltd., 1999. (www.jica.go.jp/index.html)

Country New Zealand
year 1992-3 1996-7 2001
method Sample Survey Census + Survey Census + Survey
prevalence 20.9% 20.0% 19.5%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
  1. Can you hear what is said in a conversation with one another person?
  2. Can you hear what is said in a group conversation with three other people?
  3. Do you have any difficulty speaking and being understood?
  4. Can you see ordinary newspaper print, with glasses or contact lenses if you usually wear them?
  5. Can you clearly see the face of someone across a room, with glasses or contact lenses if you usually wear them?
  6. Can you walk the distance around a rugby field, without resting, that is about 350 meters or 400 yards?
  7. Can you walk up and down a flight of stairs that is about 12 steps?
  8. Can you carry something as heavy as a 5 kilo bag of potatoes, while walking, for 10 meters or 30 feet?
  9. Can you move from one room to another?
  10. Can you stand for 20 minutes?
  11. When standing, can you bend down and pick something up off the floor, for example a shoe?
  12. Can you dress and undress yourself?
  13. Can you cut your own toe-nails?
  14. Can you use your fingers to grasp or handle things like scissors or pliers?
  15. Can you reach in any direction, for example above your head?
  16. Can you cut your own food, for example meat or fruit?
  17. Can you get in and out of bed by yourself?
  18. Do you have a condition or health problem, which has lasted or is expected to last for 6 months or more, that makes it hard in general for you to learn?
  19. Do you have a condition or health problem, which has lasted or is expected to last for 6 months or more, that causes on-going difficulty with your ability to remember?
  20. Do you need help from other people or organizations because of an intellectual disability or an intellectual handicap?
  21. Does a long-term emotional, psychological or psychiatric condition, cause you difficulty with, or stop you from doing everyday activities that people your age can usually do?
  22. Does a long-term emotional, psychological or psychiatric condition, cause you difficulty with, or stop you from communicating, mixing with others or socializing?
  23. Do you have any other condition or health problem, that we have not talked about?


743,800 PWD/3,820,749 total population
reference New Zealand Household and Health Survey 1992-93 United Nations, Statistics Division, Statistical Databases, Disability Statistics (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/disability/) Statistics New Zealand, Household Disability Survey and Disability Survey of Residential Facilities, (www.stats.govt.nz/) 2003

Country Pakistan
year 1985 2000
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 4.9% 9.5%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
Physical disability; Visual impairment; Hearing impairment; Intellectual disability; Psychiatric disability; Overlapping

reference Mohammad Afzal,"Disability Prevalence and Correlates in Pakistan: A Demographic Analysis",The Pakistan Development Review,31:3,1992, p217-257 JICA ""Country Profile on Disability: Pakistan"" March 2002 (Oracle Research & Information Services. Country Profile Study on Persons with Disabilities) (www.jica.go.jp/index.html)

Country Philippines
year 1980 1990 1995 2000
method Sample Survey Census Census Census
prevalence 4.4% 1.1% 1.3% 1.2%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
Questions used to identify persons with disabilities: Does --- have any total and permanent physical or mental disability? What type of disability does --- have? Total blindness; Partial blindness; Low vision; Total deafness; Partial deafness; Poor hearing ability; Muteness; Speech defect;Loss of one or both arms/hands; Loss of one or both legs/feet; Paralysis of one or both arms; Paralysis of one or both legs; Paralysis on one arm and one leg; Paralysis of all four limbs; Mental retardation; Mental illness; and Others "Does ___ have any physical or mental disability""? If the answer is yes, ""What type of disability does ____ have? Total Blindness; Partial Blindness; Low Vision; Total Deafness; Partial Deafness; Hard of Hearing; Oral Defect; One Hand; No Hands;One Leg; No Legs; Quadriplegic - Regular; Quadriplegic - Severe; Retarded - Regular; Retarded - Severe; Mentally Ill; Multiple Impairment - Regular; Multiple Impairment - Severe"

919,332 persons with disabilities
reference United Nations Statistics Office, "Disability Statistics Compendium", United nations, 1990 United Nations, Statistics Division, Statistical Databases, Disability Statistics by UN. See the *URL below. United Nations, Statistics Division, Statistical Databases, Disability Statistics by UN. See the *URL below. Amalia S. Sevilla,"Collecting National Disability Data in a Census in the Philippines" in Workshop on Improving Disability Data for Policy Use, 23-26 September 2003, Bangkok, Thailand


Country Papua New Guinea
year 1993
method Government Estimate
prevalence 7.5%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
reference ESCAP, "Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled persons, 1993-2002: the Starting Point", United Nations, 1993

Country Singapore
year 1988
method Registration
prevalence 0.5%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities Intellectually disabled; Hearing impaired; Musculoskeletal; Visually handicapped; Psychiatric; Neuromuscular; Multiple disabilities; Others (includes those suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, chronic diabetis, etc.)
reference Eugene Soh Yew Lin, "Country Report from Singapore to the Campaign Meeting for APDDP 1993-2002", Okinawa, Japan, 1993

Country Solomon Islands
year 1992
method Sample Survey
prevalence 5.0%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities physical, vision, speech and hearing, and mental disabilities
reference ESCAP, "Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled persons, 1993-2002: the Starting Point", United Nations, 1993

Country Sri Lanka
year 1992 2001
method Census Census
prevalence 3.9% 1.6%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
Disability in Seeing (Totally Blind; One eye blind; Weak vision) ;Disability in Hearing/Speaking (Dumb; Deaf; Dumb and Deaf; Speaking difficulties); Disability in Hands (loss of one hand including elbow; loss of both hands including elbows; loss of one hand below elbows; loss of both hands below elbows. Paralysis of one hand; Paralysis of both hands; Other disability in one hand;other disability in both hands); Disability in Legs (loss of one legs including knee; loss of both legs including knees; loss of one leg below knee; loss of both legs below knees; Paralysis of one leg; Paralysis of both legs; Other disability in one leg; Other disability in both legs); Other Physical Disability; Mental Disability (Mentally retarded ; Psychosis)

reference ESCAP, "Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled persons, 1993-2002: the Starting Point", United Nations, 1993 Sri Lanka, Department of Census and Statistics, "Census 2001"

Country Thailand
year 1991 1996
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 1.8% 8.1%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
persons who have impairments in sight, hearing or communication, physical and locomotion, mentality or behaviour, intellectual or learning ability, or other

reference Narong Patibatsarakich, "Country Report from Thailand for RNN Decade Review" 2002, (www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/english/intl/02rnn/index_e.html) Sunee Saisupatpon, "Thailand", in JAED, "Country Report: 11 Asian Countries", Oct 20, 2002, Osaka, Japan (National Public Health Foundation Survey)

Country Turkey
year 1985
method Census
prevalence 1.4%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities
reference United Nations, Statistics Division, Statistical Databases, Disability Statistics (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/disability/)

Country Viet Nam
year 1995 1999
method Sample Survey Sample Survey
prevalence 7.0% 5.2%
Categories of disability or questions used to identify persons with disabilities


reference Le Tuyet Nhung, "Vietnam", in JAED, "Country Report: 11 Asian Countries", Oct 20, 2002, Osaka, Japan Julie Yoder,"The Status of Training and Employment Policies and Practices for People with Disabilities in Viet Nam"2002(www.ilo.org/public/english/region/asro/bangkok/ability/activities.htm)