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日本政府は、批准に向けて国内法の整備をすすめ、2010年1月に施行した著作権法の改正により、最も進んだ電子出版技術を国際規格化したDAISY(Digital Accessible Information System)を活用して、様々な読みの障害がある人々の「読む権利」を図書館等の団体による無償貸出によって保障する方向で一歩を踏み出した。


The Right to Read has been discussed from a new perspective. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st century guarantees the right to read as a fundamental human right of everybody including persons with disabilities to live together in the society.

Vast majority of countries in the world are signatories of the Convention and a half of them including EU, China, India, Korea, Thailand already ratified it.

Japanese Government has started reviewing domestic laws to prepare for ratification of the Convention and made a first step to ensure the right to read by provision of legal support such as so-called Accessible Textbooks Act and the amendment of the Copyright Law that allow libraries and certified institutions to produce DAISY books without permission for eligible persons with disabilities for not-for-profit purpose. The intention of the new copyright law is to promote publications in accessible format and limit some part of copyrights if right of access to information of persons with disabilities is prevented.

In this seminar, we learn from other countries about how libraries use DAISY technology to guarantee the right to read for persons with disabilities, how the Government and publishers cooperate with such libraries and what are voices from the users. It will be followed by discussion to find a direction to promote the right to read in each country including Japan.