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5. Accessibility of Daisy was Built into EPUB 3

  • EPUB is an open, industry-driven e-book format decided by IDPF(International Digital Publishing Forum) and supported by Sony, iBooks. Barns & Noble and Google and so on.
  • With EPUB 3 (as with DAISY 4) the structure and meaning of the content are connected. EPUB 3 consists of HTML5 and includes support for rich media such as audio and video, interactivity, international language support (including vertical scripts), styling and layout enhancements, SVG, MathML, and synchronization of audio with text. So accessibility of DAISY was built into EPUB 3.
  • Readium Project led by IDPF and DAISY Consortium.
    Demonstration using Media Overlays 3.0 inherited from DAISY