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1 このときの出版物は、『知的障害者のための図書:選択の手引き(Books for the mentally handicapped: a guide to selection)』IFLA専門報告書第1号(児童図書館分科会と共同で作成)、『入院患者および地域の障害者にサービスを提供する図書館ガイドライン(Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and disabled people in the community)』IFLA専門報告書第2号で、どちらも現在絶版である。

2 Comite International des Bibliotheques, 4me Session Cheltenham, (Angleterre), 29-31 Aout 1931, Actes. (1931) Geneve: Albert Kundig, 18-19.

3 IFLAは1927年に国際図書館・書誌学委員会(International Library and Bibliographical Committee)として設立された。1927年9月26日-30日エジンバラで開催された英国図書館協会(British Library Association)50周年記念会議参考。

4 For formation and/or reports of the earlier permanent sub-committees, see: Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques, Travaux Preparatoires Congres de Prague, 1926, D’Atlantic City et Philadelphie, 1926, D’Edimbourg 1927, 1ere Session Rome, 31 Mars, 1928, 2e Session Rome-Florence-Venise, Juin 1929. (1931), op. cit., 44; Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques, II. 3e session, Stockholm, 1930. (1930) Upsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 16-19, Annexe IV, 43-50; Comite International…1931, op. cit., 13-19. For membership of the sub-committees - which were, hospital libraries, popular (public) libraries, exchange of librarians, exchange of university theses, professional education, library statistics, and statistics on printed matter - see: Actes du Comite International Des Bibliothe ques 6me Session Chicago, 14 octobre Avignon, 13-14 novembre 1933. (1934) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 9-11.

5 この時代の入院患者に対する図書館サービスへの関心の高まりを総合的に解説した単体の出版資料はないが、カミング(Cumming)による国際的な文献目録中の引用、特に1908年から1931年までを熟読することで、その兆候を感じることができる。

6 入院中の者を含め、軍人に読み物を提供する国家プログラムは、第1次世界大戦中および戦後に開始された。その直接的な利益以外に、プログラムは、本と読書が病人に対し癒し効果をもたらす可能性があることを広範囲にわたって示す、予想外の価値を備えていた。 中でも広く知られていた2つのプログラムは、イギリスの戦争図書館(War Library)とアメリカ合衆国の戦争サービスプログラム(War Service Program)であった。

7 For an overview of early attempts at international cooperation in librarianship, see: Rudomino, M.I., The Prehistory of IFLA. In Koops, W.R.H. and Wieder, J. eds. (1977) IFLA's First Fifty Years: Achievements and challenge in international librarianship. Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 66-79.

8 同図書館は、イギリスの戦争図書館が発展したもので、戦後はイギリス国内の入院患者に読み物を提供する主要な機関となった。

9 ones, E.K, (1939) Hospital Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 141.

10 ロバーツは主任幹事として、会議の詳細を管理する責任を負うこととなる。

11 Library Association (1931) Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Annual Conference of the Library Association...September 22nd-27th, 1930. Supplement to the Libr Assoc Rec, 33(Third Series, vol. i, no. 1): *IX- X*. See also: Hospital Libraries: Cambridge Conference (1930) The Lancet (Oct. 4): 777-8.

12 Jones, E. K, op cit., 141-3.

13 Roberts, M. E. (1932) Libraries for Hospital Patients the World Over. Hosp Manag 34(August): 35.

14 IFLAの執行部門である国際図書館委員会(International Library Committee)は、1952年にIFLA評議会(Council)として再編された。

15 Actes…1931, op. cit., 18-19, Annexe VI, 44.

16 Lemaitre, H. (1936) Bibliotheques d’Hopitaux. The Book Trolley, 1, 6(July): 62

17 See, for example: Milam, C. H. (1921) What a hospital library service may accomplish. The Nation’s Health, III,11(Nov): 627-29

18 例えば IFLAの1930年の会議で、ミーラムは「図書館司書…そして彼らの同僚たち」が、国際会議における特定の問題の議論を通じて抱くようになった要望に気づいたが、その1つが「病院内の公共図書館分館」であった。

19 Actes…1931, op. cit., 18-19.

20 Jones, P. (1932) International Hospital Group. ALA Bull 26(August): 451.

21 Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques IV, 5me session, Berne, 1932. (1932) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, Annexe V, 66-68

22 Ibid, 27-28.

23 Actes…1932, op. cit., 27.

24 Lemaitre, H., op.cit., 62.

25 Actes,,,1933, op. cit., Annexe XX, 155-156.

26 Lemaitre, H., op. cit., 62-63

27 The Guild of Hospital Librarians. (1935) The Book Trolley 1, 3(October): 32.

28 Sturt, R. History of hospital libraries. In Going, M E., ed. (1963) Hospital libraries and work with the disabled. London: The Library Association, 27.

29 See, for example, sub-committee reports in: Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques 9me Session Varsovie 31 mai-2 juin 1936 (1936) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, Annexe III, 69-72; Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques 10me Session Paris 24-25 aout 1937 (1938) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff; Annexe II, 54-58; Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques 12me Session La Haye:Amsterdam 10-12 juillet 1939 (1940). La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, Annexe XI, 91-93.

30 Actes…1937, op. cit., 33.

31 Roberts, M.E. (1937) The fifth international hospital congress, Paris, July, 1937. In The Book Trolley 1, 11(October): 231, 233.

32 Actes…1936, op. cit., 69.

33 Koops, W.R.H. and Wieder, J. eds. (1977), op. cit., 23.

34 Henri Lemaitre. (1947) The Book Trolley 5, 8(January): 189.

35 Guild of Hospital Librarians. (1947) The Book Trolley, 5, 10(July): 217.

36 Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques, 13me Session, Oslo, 20-22 mai, 1947. (1947) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 37; Annexe XXIX, 159-164.

37 Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques, 14 me Session, Londre, 20-23 Septembre, 1948. (1949) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 33-39.

38 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 21e Session Bruxelles, 10 septembre et 16 septembre, 1955. (1956) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 36.

39 Actes…1948, op. cit., 37; Annexe XVI, 111, 128-129.

40 Cumming, E.E. (1977) Hospital and welfare library services: an international bibliography. London: The Library Association, 1

41 Coops, W.E.S. (Milisa), (1977). The evolution of professional activities and their interplay with IFLA’s structure. In Kroops, W. R. H. and Wieder, J., op. cit., 57.

42 Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques 18me Session Copenhague 25-27 septembre 1952. (1953) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 42

43 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 24e Session, Madrid, 13-16 octobre, 1958. (1959) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 40.

44 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB 20me Session Zagreb 27 septembre - 1er octobre 1954 (1955). La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 64.

45 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 19me Session, Vienne, 10-13 juin, 1953. (1953) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 46

46 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 22e Session, Munich, 3-4 septembre 1956. (1957) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 28.

47 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 23e Session, Paris, 23-26 septembre 1957. (1958) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 45; Actes…1958, op. cit., 40.

48 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 25e Session, Varsovie, 14-17 septembre 1959. (1960) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 27.

49 Memoire indicateur sur les bibliotheques d'hocirc;pitaux. (1960) Libri, 10: 141-146.

50 Actes du Conseil. Proceedings of the Council, 29e Session, Sofia, 1963 Septembre 1-6. (1964) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 71-2.

51 Actes du Conseil General. Proceedings of the General Council 31e Session Helsinki 1965 August 15-21 aout. (1966) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 106-107.

52 International Federation of Library Associations, Libraries in Hospitals Sub-section. (1969) IFLA Standards for Libraries in Hospitals (General service), UNESCO Bull. Libr., 23(2) March/April: 70-76

53 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 27e Session, Edimbourg, 4-7 septembre 1961. (1962) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 34.

54 Actes du Conseil de la FIAB, 28e Session, Berne, 27-31 1962. (1963) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 58.

55 Actes du Conseil Proceedings of the Council 30e Session Rome 1964 September 13 - 18 septembre. (1965) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 56-61.

56 Actes du Conseil General / Proceedings of the General Council 32e La Haye / The Hague, 1966, September 11-17. (1967) La Haye: Martinus Nijhoff, 74.

57 Lewis, M. J. (1971) The Libraries in Hospital's Sub-section of the International Federation of Library Associations. In Libraries for Health and Welfare: Papers Given to the Hospital Libraries and Handicapped Readers Group Conference in 1968 and 1969. London: The Library Association, 51.

58 Reading Round the World: A Set of International Reading Lists Compiled by Members of the International Federation of Library Associations. (1969) London: Clive Bingley.

59 International Federation of Library Associations IFLA Annual 1969. (1970) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 63.

60 Lewis M,J. (1971) op. cit., 52.

61 Actes du Conseil General. Proceedings of the General Council. 34e Session,Frankfurt-am-Main 1968 August 18-24. (1969) La Haye: Martinus Nijhof, 80.

62 Clarke, J, M, (1978) Section on library services to hospital patients and handicapped readers. IFLA Journal 4(3): 253.

63 Lewis, M.J. (1973) The international scene. In Hospital libraries and work with the disabled, 2d. ed. London: The Library Association, 261,

64 International Federation of Library Associations, IFLA Annual 1971. (1972) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 69.

65 この基準は公共図書館分科会の『公共図書館の基準(Standards for public libraries)』の一部として発表された。(1973年)

66 Clarke, J. M. The international scene. In Going, M.E. comp. and ed., (1981) Hospital Libraries and Work with the Disabled in the Community. London: The Library Association, 290.

67 Clarke, J. M. (1978), op. cit., 254.

68 Cumming, E.E., op. cit., 1.

69 Malmgren-Neale, G. IFLA's Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, A Presentation, 6 June 1989, 3 (LSN Archives.)

70 Clarke, J. M. (1978), op. cit., 252.

71 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annual 1978. (1979) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 123.

72 Malmgren-Neale, G., op. cit., 4

73 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annual 1977. (1978) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 103-105.

74 Clarke, J. M., (1978), op. cit., 252.

75 International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA Annual 1972. (1973) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation, 79. The statement appeared in: UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. (1972) UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, 26(3): May-Jun

76 Locke, J. and Panella, N. (2001) International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons. Munchen: K.G. Saur Verlag, 24.

77 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annual 1981. (1982) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 181.

78 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annual 1984. (1985) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 120.

79 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annual 1986. (1987) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur, 134.

80 Ibid., 135.

81 Dalton, P. Prison Library Services: Brief Facts and Issues: An International View 1986/1987. (LSN archives)

82 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annuals: 1988 (1989), 1989 (1990), 1990 (1991) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur: 162; 133; 133-135.

83 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Annuals: 1981 (1982), 1982 (1983), 1983 (1984), 1984 (1985) Munchen: Verlag Dokumentation Saur: 181; 164; 186; 120

84 IFLA Annual 1988, op. cit., 115.

85 Day, J. M., ed. (1991) Guidelines for library services to deaf people. IFLA Professional Reports No. 24. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations.

86 Malmgren-Neale, G., op. cit., 4.

87 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 30, May, 1990: 3. (LSN archives)

88 Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, Annual Report 1986/1987. (LSN archives).

89 IFLA Annual 1984, op. cit.,119.

90 Clarke, J. M. (1984) Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and disabled people in the community. IFLA Professional Reports No. 2. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1-2.

91 Malmgren-Neale, G., op. cit., 3.

92 Day, J.M. ed., op. cit.

93 Ibid, 6-7.

94 Kaiser, F., ed. (1992) Guidelines for library services to prisoners. IFLA Professional Reports No. 34. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations.

95 Kaiser, F., ed. (1995) Guidelines for library services to prisoners, 2d ed. IFLA Profession Reports No. 46. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

96 ブロール・トロンバッケ 読みやすい図書のためのIFLA指針 No. 54.

The Hague:IFLA (日本語訳)

97 IFLA Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Minutes of the Standing Committee meetings held on Thursday, April 11, 1991...and Friday, April 12. (LSN archives)

98 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 38, Spring, 1994, 8. (LSN archives)

99 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons. Newsletter, no. 40, Spring, 1995. (LSN archives)

100 Cole, John Y. Literacy, libraries & IFLA: recent developments and a look at the future. Paper presented at the 66th IFLA Council and General Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August (2000). www.ifla.org/IV/ifla66/papers/021-139e.htm (accessed 25 April 2009).

101 Locke, J. and Panella, N, op. cit.

102 Minutes, LSDP Standing Committee Meeting, Buenos Aires, Saturday, 28 August.. (LSN archives)

103 Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons Section, Strategic Plan, 2004-2005. (LSN archives)

104 IFLA Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons Section, Section Review, November 15, 2005. (LSN archives)

105 Panella, N. M. (2000) Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and the elderly and disabled in long-term care facilities. IFLA Professional Reports No. 61. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

106 Day, J. M. (2000) Guidelines for library services to deaf people. IFLA Professional Reports No. 62. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

107 Nielsen, G. S. and Irvall, B. (2001) Guidelines for library services to persons with dyslexia. IFLA Professional Reports No. 70. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

108 European Dyslexia Association. Incidence and emotional effects. http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/strengths.html (accessed 13 March 2009.)

109 Lehmann, V. and Locke, J. (2005) Guidelines for library services to prisoners. IFLA Professional Reports No. 92. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

110 Mortensen, H. A. and Nielsen, G.S. (2007) Guidelines for library services to persons with dementia. IFLA Professional Reports No.104. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.

111 Locke, J. and Panella, N., op. cit.

112 Irvall, B. and Nielsen, G.S. (2005) Access to libraries for persons with disabilities - CHECKLIST. IFLA Professional Reports No. 89. The Hague: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.