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(資料4)10th Helen Keller World Conference & 4th WFDB General Assembly
Manila area, Philippines November 6-11 2013.

Chairman: Good morning, everyone. My name is M. Testford and I'm chairing this morning's session. I'd just to reassure all of you who will get information during the day about the weather situation. We are going to update currently as soon as we know more about the storm on the way. Now we have the last venue before we go on to the workshops. And it's with big pleasure that I introduce Miss Akiko Fukuda from Japan, Japanese Deaf-Blind Association. She is on the International Information Committee of the JPP, and she is going to tell us a very actual and interesting story about disaster and people with deaf-blinds, experiences from Japan. And as you know, it is exactly because of the disaster in Japan that we are alive here now. Japan has prepared for many years to host this event, but because of the events in Japan in March 2011, Japan has to postpone their offer to host this conference. And now Miss Fukuda is going to tell you about what happened in Japan and how it was done for people with deaf-blinds. Please Miss Fukuda, introduce yourself.

Fukuda: Hi, hello everyone. My name is Akiko Fukuda. I'm from Japan. First of all, I have to apologize one thing. I, Oops! I dropped off the, Oops! Um, I experienced the variety of disasters and it seems like I called the typhoon this time! Okay, let me start my session. It's about disaster and persons with deaf-blindness.

Man: Sorry, I cannot hear you.

Fukuda: Can you hear me now? Okay. Again, um, my name is Akiko, I'm from Japan, and I am um, totally deaf-blind. Um, I cannot hear my voice at all and I cannot see at all. And I'm also in a wheelchair with a ventilator. I lost my sight. I was born low vision because of my, because of congenital retinopathy and I lost my vision completely later in my life. And when I was seventeen, now I'm thirty-six, when I was seventeen years old, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and it affected my brain stem, that's why I cannot breathe, breathe on my own. Now I live independently in Tokyo by myself with a variety social support system. What I would say, I'm crossed this April myself, not. Okay, before, this is my brief introduction about myself, um, but I wanted you a short simulation.

How did you feel? It was dark? Or you didn't notice anything? Like me? Um, this is the kind of things happened two years ago when the earthquake happened in Japan. For those who see the sign, maybe you could mark to see the sign. When the earthquake happened, there was a huge tsunami, a big tribe and you cannot even hear the sound pretty good. For those who use tapped sign language like me, I could not receive any information because it was shaking. Um, I want to tell you what happened in March 11, 2011. It was 2:46 pm. A huge earthquake hit northeast Japan. It triggered a great tsunami, and more than 20,000 people were killed. Many people are still missing even after two years. Towns and cities along the coastline were destroyed including one of the nuclear power plants located only 230 kilometers away from metropolitan Tokyo. Um, that power plant name is called Fukushima not Fukushima Satoshi, but we have been still in the repair of the region although it was announced to be under control. Satoshi Fukushima may have the positive impact on us, but this Fukushima, nuclear, the nuclear powered one, has negative impact. Anyway, here on behalf of the delegates and our friends from Japan, I'd like to show our gratitude for your work and support in spite the fact that we have to postpone the world conference. This was planned to be held in two years ago. I was in the, okay, when the earthquake happened, I was in the elevator in my house in Tokyo. When the earthquake happened, I thought I was dizzy or the elevator was broken. It was just shaking. To be fortunate enough, I could get out of the elevator and I found the land was bouncing ups and downs, left to right, and shaking in every direction. It was so terrifying. Um, transportations like trains, buses, telephone lines and even electricity were shut down. When the help of the co-worker and the physical care worker who were coincidently looking, I was piggy packed and installed in my room on the fifth floor in my apartment, because I had to keep out my heavy wheelchair on the first floor. The elevator was broken, out of order because of the power cut, because of the power breakdown. In the most affected area in the northeast part of Japan, houses were washed away thoroughly and all destroyed so badly that they had to evacuate into the emergency shelter. This limited supplies and no privacy.

Staff: We are adjusting the loop at the microphone, because it has to be a little bit closer to the mouth.

Fukuda: I apologize about the loop systems. I've adjusted the loop systems, the positions. Okay, let me continue. Oh, okay. So the houses were washed away thoroughly and they were destroyed so badly. They thought that everyone, they had to be in the emergency shelters with limited supplies, or no privacy for a pretty long time. The emergency shelters are like, um, the typical elementary or junior high or high school auditorium. So the floor is hard. It's not good enough place to sleep on for a long time. Some people with disabilities did love the beds precious, or because lying on the hard, hardwood floor for a long time. We had the vacuum broken, but in regard of the person with deaf-blindness, the information is a big barrier for us. And um, at that time, I should say that it was still much and the area was so cold. It was shivering cold. It was even, even with snow. Japan Deaf-Blind Association, we did not have a good number on the deaf poll with the deaf-blindness, people with deaf-blindness. But it is estimated that the number of victims with disabilities, in general, there's more than double compared with that people without disabilities. But that is the only number of people with disabilities. But think about the families who care with people with disabilities, all the institution workers who care with the people with disabilities, or the social workers who work with the people with disabilities, all those people who are around people with disabilities. They were affected so badly. Now, I would like to go on to the topic that 'What can we do to strength, strengthen our resilience against such disaster?' Um, the first and most priority is your life, but not just a life. We have to be a life to its fullest. Are you living your life to its fullest? Me, yes, I think I am. For me, it means, um, having something to do every day, interrupting with others, being needed by someone, um, care others and being cared, feel my existence in this universe, spending a bit of joyful moment, to dream for another wonderful day is coming. If your life is miserable, full of sorrow, despair, no dream, no hope, then you may think I'm not worth enough to survive in any situation. No what dream you dream at night, it's just a dream. Dream when you sleep is just a dream. But to dream when you are awake, is a hope, HOPE. Therefore, I want to insist that having a joyful life is the most commercial element in preparedness for disaster. Never give up making your life joyful. Um, any given day, a disaster or unexpected thing can happen. I would never imagine that I will lose sight and hearing completely ten years ago. But I did. I should tell you that bad or not, life is full of joy, you know, joyful, joyful, all the glory joyful joyfulness is the key in my opinion. For me, every single day is unexpected. You know what, yes, my disease will progress. And never know what is going to happen next, right? Okay, let's go back onto the track. Things we should consider in case of disaster as they're blind, we decline can survive only in connection with other people. It's maybe true for everyone whether or not if you have a disability or not, but it is especially true for us. Make sure we need to have someone to support us to get information, communication, and secure mobility including evacuation. But it is also true that we are not well-specially trained, skilled, interpreticized along the track. Then, what can we do? Use the community resources. There are some tips to give you. One, bring the schedule book. Any notebook is fine. But with a calendar, that will be great. For us, persons with this deaf-blindness, it is hard to grasp the situation, what's happening around us. It is hard to tell us on your own. So, something unexpecting, unexpected things happened, we can ask people who are in accompany coincidently with us at the time to write down where we are, who we are with, and what we will be provided, where's the next place to go, where can we get shower, or where can we get water. Ask them to write down. To make the communication, that helps the communication much smoother, because we will not be with the same supporter all the time. That note will help to provide the same, to provide the right information to the next supporter who will be with you. And carry something that tell others that you are deaf-blind, perhaps a brief explanation with your communication method. I have a little card-like batch on my bag. It says Deaf-Blind in Japanese. But it says "I cannot hear at all. I cannot see at all. When you call me, pat me on my shoulder." On the other side, write down my, my communication methods are written down, write it down on my pad or pat me on the shoulder as a sign.

Ok, Two. Locate useful, useful resources, formal or informal, in your community. In Japan, there is a system called CERT, it, which stands for a Community Emergency Response Team. Register yourself so other ordinary people in your neighborhood who help first, responders in the event of emergency or disasters.

Ok, Three. Get involved in the emergency management planning in your address direction. Otherwise, most likely, almost certain, our needs will not be considered. And we are left out from the emergency plan. In that way, we can be an asset for an emergency management providing our knowledge as deaf-blind. We are not the people only seen, only seen as ones in need. Each of you is an asset in your community. Ok, I think time is up. And I would stop my presentation here. I would like to have a couple of questions if time allows and.

Chairman: Um, a few questions? Let me see, two hands, three hands. We start first with the Australian there on the right side? Will somebody take the microphone for the Australian? We start the question from Australia.

Australian: I'm from Australia. Last year, I live in hundred and thirty kilos from Melbourne. We had a many earthquakes where we lived. I was um, in my chair at home, just relaxing and I dropped on the whole floor of my house of my writing. I thought for a minute oh that's a big cop going past. No, it was a mini earthquake, so I saw the southern little gate. It must have been a nightmare what you must have gone through, because it was really, really frightening. Because I didn't know what was happening. My guide dog came and he actually didn't know what was happening either. So I just wanted to realize that view. And I just think what you have got is just wonderful. Thank you.

Chairman: Thank you. There was another person. Yes.

Philippines: My first question is from the Philippines. My question is that is there any other resource preparedness taken by the Japan government specifically for persons with disabilities particularly for the deaf-blind person? Thank you.

Fukuda: Hi, um, I will answer your question. Yes, we do have the emergency drill. Um, actually last week, we just had one, and um, Tokyo Friendship Society for the Deaf-Blind, of the Deaf-Blind. And um, to tell you the truth, it is very hard. What, the hardest part, I would say is, when something happens, how the interpreter tells what is happening? You know? Earthquake is happening, how can you tell the earthquake is happening in shaking situations? So, I thought telling that information is not necessary, because we can tell the land is shaking and I can tell, you know? And then I can even tell you its dizziness. I am dizzy even in the earthquake and I can tell the difference. Rather I want the interpreter to support my head first, because something may fall from the bookshelves. The interesting thing I found was intervening, we get to the other, and then we moved to the emergency shelter as a group. But like us, them what with deaf-blindness, it is hard to make a group. It takes time. Rather I thought. This is just my opinion. But I thought first, the interpreter or supporters whatever you call in your country, they have to be trained first, how to support yourself, and then how to support, how to protect the people who are, who work with, um, who work with in deaf-blindness. And, but, to understand the route of evacuation was very helpful. So, my answer will be yes, we do, but we have to consider, we have to improve the way how we do the drill. Thank you.

Chairman: Thank you for this elaborate answer. There was one more question on this side. Perhaps you want to make a personal question, yes? I'll take the microphone.

A: I live in the north-east region. And a couple of years ago, I fell in my own house. I live on the third floor and I was eating at home, and my dinner, and I felt that my apartment was shaking. Apparently in my neighborhood that somebody was yelling and something was happening in my house. I didn't know what it was, and I was just stuck. And a day after in the morning, my personal assistant came to me, and then he told me that it was, um, there were many, many earthquakes in my town, in where I was living. And that's the first time I experienced that. Thank you.

Chairman: Thank you. And unfortunately compare your disaster about join your life, as the most important factor of be able to resist in times of difficulties. Sorry, um, sorry, and we are very happy to have this presentation and I'm sorry about many, many people who want to ask questions, but we have some things we need to tell you before the workshops. So I really need to interlope Akiko Fukuda, what she told during this conference, and with her email, let's continue this discussion afterwards. It's, we cannot take all questions now although who would like to. I would like to give you a little present on behalf of your work corporation, for your, for your nice presentation. And thank you for coming. It's just a little souvenir from the Philippines. Yeah, it's interesting what it is. It should be something that would be nice to touch. And I would like to give as a greeting for a world-wide union.














 いつなんどき、災害や予想外のことは起こるのです。私は、10年前はまさか視力も聴力も全くなくなるなんて想像もしていませんでした。でも、おこった。まあ、でも私の毎日は楽しくて、ほら、joyful, joyful, all my glory joyfulっていいますよね。そうですね、楽しいってことが重要なんだと私は思います。それで、私にとって、毎日毎日が想定外です。私の病気は進行性ですし、次に何が起こるかわからないですよね? 本題に戻りましょう。盲ろう者として、災害時に考えなければならないこと。私たち、盲ろう者は他の人とつながって初めて生き延びることができます。それは障害のあるなしに関わらず、誰にでもいえることかもしれませんが、特に私たち盲ろう者には大切です。情報を入手すること、コミュニケーションをとること、避難を含めて安心して移動できること、それをサポートしてくれる人を必ず確保するようにしてください。でも、特別な訓練を受けた通訳介助者といつも一緒というわけではありませんね。そういう場合はどうしますか?地域のリソースを使ってください。いくつかできると思われることを紹介します。











