Adopted by the Rehabilitation International Assembly, Baguio, Philippines, January 22, 1978
The Assembly approved the following policies to govern use of the Symbol of Access:
- The Symbol shall always be used in the design and proportions approved by the Assembly, a reproduction of which shall be disseminated with this resolution. The color used for the Symbol shall be white on a dark blue background, to conform with the international road sign conventions, unless there are compelling reasons to use other colors. The figure should face to the right, unless there are directional reasons for it to face left.
- No change in or addition to the Symbol design shall be permitted. The basic symbol may be used in conjunction with additional signs or text for directional or identification purposes, as long as they do not distort the integrity of the Symbol.
- The Symbol shall be displayed only to identify, mark or show the way to buildings and facilities that are accessible to and useable by all persons whose mobility is restricted, including wheelchair users.
- The standards of accessibility to be applied should be determined by the responsible authorities in each country in accordance with the minumum functional standards adopted by the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Barrier-Free Design in 1974.
- Reproduction of the Symbol of Access is prohibited except in published material and other media intended to promote popularization and universal recognition of its purpose. Even then it must be clearly and conspicuously labeled as "The Symbol of Access" unless it appears in publications and media where content is directly relevant to accessibility.
- Use of the Symbol of Access for commercial purposes is forbidden, e .g., as in advertising, as a trademark, on letterhead design, or on articles and products made for and by the handicapped. It may, however, be used to identify or advertise the accessibility of commercial premises.
- Affiliated National Organizations of Rehabilitation International may obtain national legal protection of the Symbol and control of its use in accordance with the policies stated in this resolution, or they may encourage appropriate authorities to undertake these functions. In countries where there are no Af-filiated National Organizations, Rehabilitation International may authorize in writing other agencies to carry out such actions.
Title:Guidance on the use of the International Symbol of Access(ISA)(P.48 - P.49)
Publisher: The Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD)
22-1, 1-chome Toyama, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 162-0052, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5273-0601 Fax: +81-3-5273-1523