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Disability Negotiations Daily Summary
Volume 1,#9 August 8, 2002

デイリー・サマリー第1巻第9号 2002年8月8日(木) 

NGO 地雷生存者ネットワーク

項目 内容
概要 バングラデッシュ代表からプレゼンテーションの後、各国政府代表による非公式の採択される勧告についての協議に入る。NGOの参加は認められず。


Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee, 29 July - 9 August 2002 : NGO Daily Summaries :

Morning session

Commenced: 10:17
Closed: 10:27

The Bureau distributed a list of participants in document A/AC.265/INF/1, and requested that delegates check the list for accuracy. The Chair, Ambassador Luis Gallagos, announced that there would be one presentation by the delegation from Bangladesh, after which the meeting would close to facilitate the continued informal consultations regarding the recommendations to be adopted by the Committee on Friday. The Chair requested that delegates participating in the informal discussions conclude their deliberations by 5pm.

In a statement by the Representative from Bangladesh, H.E. Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury expressed support for the work of the Ad Hoc Committee, and appreciation for the work of the Mexican delegation in particular. Bangladesh was a "proponent of the establishment of a South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Voluntary Fund for Disabled Persons," and will chair the 41st Session of the Commission for Social Development in February 2003, which "will have the scope to further review the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons."

Informal consultations continued through the day in an adjoining conference room.

Afternoon session

Commenced: 5.07 pm
Adjourned: 5.08 pm

The Chair (Sweden) reopened the Plenary in the absence of any delegates in the conference room. The Chair announced the next meeting for 10 am tomorrow, and immediately adjourned.

The Disability Negotiations Daily Summaries are published by the Landmine Survivors Network, a US based international organization with amputee support networks in six developing / mine affected countries. LSN staff and consultants contributing to these summaries include Zahabia Adamaly, MA (zahabia@landminesurvivors.org), Katherine Guernsey, JD (Kathy@landminesurvivors.org), and Janet E. Lord, LLB (editor) (janet@landminesurvivors.org). Any questions or concerns relating to the Summaries should be directed to Janet Lord.