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Disabled Village Children
A guide for community health workers,
rehabilitation workers, and families





Adaptations in the home and community for the disabled, Chapter 51

Adapting aids and therapy to local situation

artificial leg (India), 3
arm exercises grinding grain (Africa), 528
bamboo limbs (Thailand), 625, 628-631
crutches from tree branches, A-1, A-2
ground level seats and wheelchairs (Bangladesh), 590
Jaipur foot (India), 636
plastic bucket braces (Mexico), 550-553
village sign language (Mexico), 4
walking on V-shaped path to stretch ankles, 82
wheelchair adaptations, 590, 622
wrist-and hand exercise, 11

Aids and equipment

adapting the aid to the specific child, Chapter 56, 581, 589-593
books on, 642
developmental aids, Chapter 62
for appearance or function, 531-532
for bathing, 103, 345-348
for communication, 263, 578
for correcting contractures, 5-7, 84-86
for crawling, 105, 309, 310, 507
for dressing, 335-336
for examining, measuring, recording, Chapter 5, 52-53, 578, 610
for exercising, 82-83, 140-146, Chapter 42, 518, 578
for feeding, 323, 326-332, 431, 501, 577
for toot deformities, 7, 82-83
for head protection, 235
for holding and gripping, 5, 501, 577
for holding legs apart, 5-7, 81, 93, 95-99, 573, 574, 583, 609-612
for improving balance, 105, 298, 299, 312, 316-317, 576
for leprosy, 223-225
for lying, 95, 96, 500, 571, 572
for moving about, 93, 98, 172, 440, 507, 520
for play and sport, 190
for protecting burns, 231
for protecting hands that do not feel, 223-225
for sitting, 5, 95, 97, 98, 103, 111, 573
for spina bifida, 168, 172, 174
for standing, 99, 105, 151, 172, 185, 190, 500, 574-575
for toilet training, 189, 342-344, 577
for turning pages, 501
for using hands, 5, 189, 305-306, 316, 318, 578
for walking, 65, 73, 99, 105-106, 149, 150-152,172, 177
for wheelchair transfers, 394-396
for work, 6, 190, 501, 503, 507, 509, 588
for writing and school aids, 501, 578
hearing aids, 262
making sure aids and equipment meet child's needs, 526-529

Amputations (limbs missing or cut off), Chapter 27

amputated fingers, 232
amputated hands, 227, 230, 531-532
amputated legs, 227-230
artificial hands and hooks, 121, 227, 230, 531
care of newly amputated limb, 228
emotional and social problems, 531-532
from birth, 119, 121
good positioning, 229
tying shoes with one hand, 336
(Also see Artificial legs, Chapter 67)

Anemia, 197, 201, 320

Arch supports and insoles, 117-118

Arm, incomplete or missing, 121

paralysis from birth injury (Erb's palsy), 127-128

Art by disabled persons, 112, 437-440, 462, 463, 517-518

Arthritis, Juvenile, Chapter 16

aids for, 335-336
applying heat before exercise, 132, 372
aspirin use of, 134
causes, 136, 158
how it is different from rheumatic fever, 129, 130
exercises and positions, 138-152, 368, 372-373, 387
eye damage, 136
how to care for painful joints, 132
medicines for, 137
precautions with exercise, 374-376
signs of, 135
three types, 136
treatment of contractures, 147-149
water therapy, 133, 144

Arthrogryposis (multiple contractures from birth), 122-123

Artificial hands, arms, hooks, 121, 227, 230, 531

Artificial legs, Chapter 67

above-knee artificial leg, 521-522, 633-634
adapting limbs to local needs, 3, 521, 529, 531-532, 636
bamboo limb, 521-522, 628-634
books on artificial legs, 642
Jaipur limb and toot, 529, 636
leather and metal rod limb, 633
leather sockets, 635
measurements needed, 627, 633, 636
OHI Limb Program (Thailand), 521-522
short limbs for double amputees, 227
stump protectors from old tires, 635
using PVC plastic pipe, 632
wooden legs, 635
wrapping the stump, 228, 626

Aspirin, for joint pain, 134

Assessment (See Examination, Evaluation)

Ataxia (See Balance problems)

Athetosis, in cerebral palsy, 89

Awareness raising, books on politics of disability, rehabilitation, and medicine, 641


Back knee (knee bends back more than normal), 28, 44, 61, 67, 69-70, 72

Back problems

backbone, 165-166
identification of, 56-57
spina bifida, 167-174
spinal cord injury, Chapter 23
spinal curves, 161-164
tuberculosis of the backbone, 165-166
with muscular dystrophy, 109, 112
with arthritis, 135

Back support clamps, adjustable,572

Back-board, standing board, 574

Backbone (See Spine, spinal)

Bag or lump on back, Chapter 21

(Also see Spina bifida, Tuberculosis of spine)

Balance problems (ataxia), 90

aids to improve balance, 4, 105, 298, 299, 312, 316-317, 369, 424, 431, 576
in cerebral palsy, 90, 104-105
test for, 105

Bathing and cleanliness, Chapter 39, 475, 487-488

Bed sores (See Pressure sores)

Beds, adjustable, 572

Behavior problems and improvement, Chapter 40

behavioral approach to learning, 350
books on behavior training, 641
head banging, biting, and damage to self, 363-364
ignoring bad behavior, 351-352
in child with learning disability, 365-366
in the physically disabled child, 356-358
in the retarded child, examples, 349-355, 359-361
rewarding good behavior, 351


Behavior (continued)

rocking, 364
stories about (See Page 12)
tantrums, 362
time out (non-reward instead of punishment for bad behavior), 357

Birth defects, Chapter 12

prevention, 124

Bladder and bowel management

catheters, 204-208
constipation, 212
planning a bowel program, 212-214
urinary infections, 170, 210-211
with spinal cord injury, Chapter 25
with spina bifida, Chapter 25, 170

Blindness and difficulty seeing, Chapter 30

books on blindness, 639
braille alphabet, 253
causes of blindness, 244-245, 246
CHILD-to-child activities, 447-454
early stimulation of blind child, 247, 248, 290
eye poking, a dangerous habit, 247, 364
how to use a stick, 251
in multiply disabled child, 283
misuse of eye medicines, 246
prevention of blindness, 256
school and the blind, 253-254
social problems with, 246
stories of two blind children, 247
teaching blind child to walk alone, 250
teaching the blind skills, 252-255
testing for blindness, 452-453
trachoma, 245
with arthritis, 136, 245
with Down syndrome, 245, 279
with leprosy, 221-223
work, 253, 255
xerophthalmia (nutritional blindness), 244
(Also see Eye problems)

Body braces, jackets, supports, 164, 558

instructions for making, 558
special seating with body supports, 95, 607-612
wheelboards with body supports, 612

Bone diseases, Chapter 13

brittle bone disease, 125
rickets, 125
tuberculosis of the backbone, 165-166

Bone infections (osteomyelitis), Chapter 19

prevention, 159
treatment, 160
with pressure sore, 159
with spina bifida, 173
with spinal cord injury, 196
with leprosy, 222

Books about rehabilitation, 637-642

Bow legs, 113

in bone disease, 125-126
normal in young child, 113

Braces, Chapter 58

above-knee, 31, 66, 67, 72, 73, 539, 542-543
adjustable braces for contractures, 85, 546, 560, 563-564
ankle straps, 116, 541, 548
backstops to control foot problems, 545
below-knee brace, 30, 67, 70, 72, 111, 116, 148, 150, 160, 171, 225, 539, 542, 543, 550
body brace (jacket), 73, 539, 558
different kinds, 539-540
evaluation for, 30-32, 66-73, 106, 526-529, 539
fitting leg braces, 542, 556
foot lifts, for one leg that is shorter, 549
for a weak knee, 545
for cerebral palsy, evaluation for braces, 106
for club feet, 115-116, 568
for correcting contractures, 85-86, 148, 150, 541, 563-564
for foot problems, 72, 116, 118, 121, 160, 225, 539, 545
for hip problems, 156
for neck, arthritis, 152
for polio, evaluation for braces, 66-73
for spina bifida, 171-172
for spinal curve, 73, 164, 539
for TB of the spine, 166
hand splints and braces, 148, 150, 221
how to make metal rod braces, 542-549
how to make plastic braces, 551-558
knee hinges, 546
knee pieces (straps), 542-543, 548
leg-separating braces, 156, 539
low-cost braces and splints, 540
night brace for toot and hip rotation, 539
precautions concerning braces, 106, 526-529
shoes and clogs for braces, 544
(Also see Body braces)

Brain damage

as cause of blindness, 245
as cause of cerebral palsy, 91
as cause of fits, 233
as cause of stroke, 55

Breast feeding, 321

to help prevent disease and disability, 74, 321
with cerebral palsy, 87
with cleft lip and palate, 120
with Down Syndrome, 281

Breathing problems and assistance

holding breath during tantrums, 363
in polio, 59
in muscular dystrophy, 109, 111
in spinal cord injury, 182

Brittle bone disease (Osteogenesis impertecta), 125

Burns and Burn Deformities, Chapter 28

healing of burns, 231-232
in persons who do not feel, 181, 185
prevention of burns, 232, 428
prevention of scarring together of skin at joints, 231

Bursitis, 131


Calipers (See Braces)

Canes, 394, 587

different models, 587
for the blind, 251
how to use, 394
with arthritis, 143, 393

Carrying children with cerebral palsy, 100, 303


for arthritis, 147
for club feet, 115, 566-568
precautions, 197, 561-562
for hip problems, 156, 158
for correcting contractures, 84-86, 560-562

Catheter, 204-208

Causes of disability, Chapter 3

from birth defects, 119-124
medical and surgical errors, 16, 19, 91, 126, 192
misuse of medicines, 15, 19
pesticides and poisons, 15
poor nutrition, 13
poor sanitation, 13
social causes and poverty, 13, 14
war and terrorism, 20
(Also see individual disabilities)

Centers of rehabilitation (See Community Directed Programs)

Cerebral palsy, Chapter 9

activities for, 96-100, 105, 302-305, 308-315
aids, 323, 326-327, 329-332
and deafness, 261
athetosis (uncontrolled movement), 89
balance problems (ataxia), 90
bathing, Chapter 39, 345, 346, 348
books on cerebral palsy, 638
carrying positions for, 100, 303
causes, 91


caution on use of development activities, 301
communication, 106
contractures, 101-103
corrective actions and positions, 95-103, 334
developing skits, 106
different types of cerebral palsy, 89
dressing, 334- 336,Chapter 37
drinking, 326
early development, 104-105
early signs, 87
feeding a child with cerebral palsy, Chapter 36, 87, 92, 323, 326, 329
improving body control and balance, 105, 299, 306-307, 310-312, 316
jaw control, 323-324
medicines, 91
moving about, 93
physical examination, 24, 40, 41
positions for feeding, 322-323, 325, 326
prevention, 107-108
record sheets, 39-41
sell care, 106
spasticity, 87-106, 89, 346
special seating and wheelchair adaptations, 285, 323-325, 329, 591, 607-612
toileting, 342, Chapter 38
tongue thrusting, 324
tying shoes with one hand, 336
walking, possibilities for, 93
(Also see Chapter 33-Chapter 43,Chapter 5,Chapter 62- Chapter 66,Chapter 8 and pages marked with CP in the margin)

Child development, Chapters 34 and 35

books on development, 640
causes of slow development, 287, 289
development of self-care skills:
toileting, Chapter 38
eating, Chapter 36
dressing, Chapter 37
bathing, Chapter 39
early stimulation, Chapter 35, 289, 295
evaluating child's physical and mental development, 49-50, 292-294
guidelines for helping a child's development, 297-299
normal child development, Chapter 34, 290-293
toys that help development, 316-318

Child development activities

for body control, balance and sitting, 306-308
for crawling, 309-310, 436
for standing, walking, and balance, 311-312
for communication and speech, 313-315
to encourage rolling and twisting, 301, 304-305
to develop gripping, reaching, and hand eye coordination, 301-302, 305-306
to develop head control, 302-303

CHILD-to-child activities, Chapter 47

Activities about disabled children:
Understanding Children with Special Problems, 429-441
Children Who Have Difficulty Understanding, 442-445
Let's Find Out How Well Children See and Hear, 447-454
Testing Vision, 453
Testing Hearing, 450-451
how introduced, 428
list of disability-related CHILD-to-child activities not included in this book, 427-428
purpose, 428

Children, advice about whether to have and with whom, 112, 124, 242, 281

Chlamydia, as a cause of blindness, 245

Cleanliness (See Bathing)

Cleft lip and cleft palate, 119, 120

Club feet, information about, Chapter 11, 114

methods for correcting club feet, 115-116, 565-568
with dwarfism, 126

Communication, what is it, 257

activities for developing communication and speech, 313-315
aids, 106, 263, 578
development of early skills, 260-262
for the deaf child, Chapter 31
for children who hear but cannot speak, 261, 274
normal development of speech, 313
oral communication, 263-264, 274
total communication, 263-265
warning about methods with deaf children, 264
with hand signs, 266-273
(Also see Deafness)

Community and the Disabled (Social Factors), Chapter 44

attitudes of community toward the disabled, A-5 to A-7, 531-532
blind children in the community, 246-247, 255
building on skills, knowledge, and resources of the people A-1 to A-2, A-10 to A-11, 264, 505
community participation, 405
community support for the family of a severely disabled child, 283
cruelty and misunderstanding, 246, 247, 402, 413, 427, 531-532
deaf children in the community, 258-261, 264, 276
epilepsy (fits) and community, A-5, 242
helping children understand the needs of disabled children (See CHILD-to-child, Chapter 47)
leprosy and the community, 226
local beliefs (See Traditional beliefs, customs, attitudes)
need for disabled to organize, A-4, A-5, 16, 20, 404, 409, 532
overprotection, 403
social needs of disabled child, Part 2, Chapter 44,Chapter 47, 401, 404, 415
(Also see Education)

Community Directed Programs, Chapter 55

Centre for Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (Bangladesh), 509, 518
Community-directed Rehabilitation Development (Pakistan), 328, 407, 499, 510, 511, 520
Los Pargos, 499, 517
Operation Handicap Internationale (OHI) Artificial Limb Program (Thailand, Kampuchea), 521, 628-631, 634
Organization of Disabled Revolutionaries (Nicaragua), 407, 482, 483, 519
Project PROJIMO (disabled villager-run rehabilitation program in Mexico-See PROJIMO)

Community theater (See Popular theater)

Community-Based Rehabilitation (See Village-Based Rehabilitation)

Condom catheter, 207

Constipation (See Bladder and bowel management)

Contractures, Chapter 8, Chapter 59

difference from spasticity, 79
examination and measurement of, 79-80
exercises and activities to combat contractures, 138-152, Chapter 42
how muscle imbalance causes contractures, 78, 139
how joint pain causes contractures, 138
joint capsule contractures, 80
knock-knee contractures, 81, 93, 101, 103
methods for correction, Chapter 59
of ankle and foot (tight heel cord), 80, 81, 101, 576, 577
of hips, 66, 71, 77, 79, 81, 101
of knee, 77-80, 101
prevention and management, 81-86
range-of-motion testing, 79
skin contractures, 231-232
when not to correct them, 72, 183
when there is spasticity, 102-103
with polio, 59, 61, 63, 66
with cerebral palsy, 101-103
with juvenile arthritis, 138-139, 147-149
with spinal cord injury, 181, 184
with an amputated leg, 229

Contractures, multiple, from birth (Arthrogryposis), 122-123

Cretinism (hypothyroidism), 282

Crutches, 393, 584-586

crutch tips, 587
deciding between crutches and canes, 143, 393, 526, 587
measuring and fitting, 393, 584
modified as walker, 579, 581
precautions with underarm crutches, 393, 526, 584
story about making crutches, A-1 to A-2
(Also see Walking aids)


Cushions and padding, for wheelchairs, 184, 200, 201, 607, 609, 624

for good positioning, 184, 607, 609
to prevent pressure sores, 184, 199-201


Deafness, Chapter 31

books on deafness, 639-640
causes of deafness, 258
common signs, 269-273
different ways to help a child communicate, 263
difficulty in communication, 257
hearing aids, 262
helping a child hear better, 262
helping child learn to make sounds and speak, 274
how deafness affects a child, 257-259, 447
lip reading, 275
lip reading compared to sign language, 264
National Association for the Deaf, 260
prevention, 276
sign language, 266-273
total communication, 263-265
with dwarfism, 126, 258
with cretinism, 258, 282


due to loss of feeling and infection, 159, 167, 173, 215, 222
from birth, (See Birth defects)
of the back spina bifida, Chapter 22
spinal curve, Chapter 20
TB of the backbone, Chapter 21
of mouth and lips, 119, 120
of hands, 119-121, 159, 281
of feet and toes, 120, 121, 167, 173, 281
of leprosy, 215, 218, 222-223
prevention, 223-225

Development (See Child development)

Developmental delay, Chapter 34 (Also see Chapters 32 and 33)

activities to help develop basic skills, Chapters 35-40
causes of developmental delay, 278, 289
evaluation of child, 36
in cerebral palsy, 87, 104
in deaf children, 257
record sheet and chart for developmental delay, 22, 37-38, 292-293

Diarrhea, rehydration drink, 108

Diplegic, what is it, 90

Disabilities, Adapting the home and the community, 485-490

books about, 637-642
evaluating which deformities to correct, 530
evaluation of child's progress, Chapter 5
examining and evaluating the disabled child, Chapter 4
helping teachers and children understand disabled children, , Chapter 47
identifying disabilities, Chapter 6
prevention, Chapter 3, 112
the child with several severe disabilities, Chapter 33


as cause of painful joint, 131
elbow, 61
foot, 61
with polio, 61, 156
with arthrogryposis, 122, 156
with dwarfism, 126
tests for, 155
from birth, 155
with spina bifida, 156, 167, 173
with Down Syndrome, 156, 279
surgery for, 156
with cerebral palsy 156
knee, 61
shoulder, 61

Down syndrome (mongolism), 279-281

and flat feet, 117
and dislocated hip, 156, 279
and deafness, 258, 279
difference from cretinism, 282
prevention, 281
signs, 279
(Also see Development delay, Mental retardation)

Dressing, Chapter 37

aids for dressing, 335-336
ideas for easy dressing 335-336
positions, 334
special clothing and footwear, 116, 118, 189, 225, 335-336

Dry eyes (xerophthalmia, nutritional blindness), 224

Dwarfism (short height), 126

Dysreflexia, 187-188


Early stimulation (See Stimulation)

Education, Chapter 53

aids for reading, writing, and drawing, 501
CHILD-to-child activities for school children, Chapter 47
choice of regular or special schools, 276, 497-500
education in and out of school, 497
schooling for blind children, 253
schooling for deaf children, 259-276
schooling for retarded children, 277, 280
training opportunities for work, 512
(Also see Stimulation, and Work possibilities and training)

Emotional problems

of deaf child, 257-260
of parents of a child with several severe disabilities, 283-284
with spinal cord injury, 178-179
with amputations, 531
(Also see Behavior)

Epidemiology (See Frequency of disabilities)

Epilepsy (See Fits)

Equipment (See Aids and equipment)

Erb's Palsy, arm and hand weakness from birth injury, Chapter 14

Evaluation (Also see Evaluation of child's progress)

of a child s disability, Chapter 4
of a rehabilitation program, 480-481
tools for measuring progress with exercise or casts, 43-48
of child's progress, Chapter 5, 43-50, 290-296

Examination, of the disabled child, Chapter 4

Exercises, Chapter 42

aids for, 82, 83, 229-230, 368-369, 373, 376, 388-392, 578
arm and shoulder (Erb's Palsy), 127-128
books on exercise, 640
examples of exercise instruction sheets for parents, 10-11, 382-391
exercise through daily activities, 5-8, 11, 82, 83, 128, 186, 230, 528
exercise through fun, games, or work, 83, 128, 190, 230, 367, 369, 377, 389, 392
following burns, 232
for amputations, 229, 230
for arthritis, 138-152
for cerebral palsy, 102, 103, 105, 376, 377
for club feet, 115
for feet, 82-83
for hands, 379, 391-392
in leprosy, 224
in quadriplegia, 183
for polio, 63, 65, 69-70, 71, 75, 82, 84, 85
for spinal curves, 164
passive assisted, and active exercises, 373
precautions when doing, 183, 374-376, 528
range-of-motion exercises (ROM), Chapter 42, 224, 368, 370-373,378-381
strengthening exercises, with motion, 139-142, 230, 367, 378, 388-391
strengthening exercises, without motion, 132, 140-142, 367
stretching exercises, to correct contractures, 75, 83-85, 115, 229, 368, 372, 383-385


summary of types of exercises, and examples, 367
to improve balance or control, 306-307, 325, 369
to improve positions, 96, 149, 164
when are they needed? 367

Eye problems

blue whites of eye (brittle bone disease), 125
causes of blindness, 15, 136, 244-245
dry eyes (xerophthalmia), 244
eye poking in blind or disturbed child, 247, 364
eye to hand coordination, 40
injuries, 223, 245
iritis, 136, 219, 221, 246
night blindness, 244
puffy eyes (Cretinism), 282
slanting eyes (Down Syndrome), 279, 282
strange movements of eyes or lids, 40, 53, 240-241
with arthritis, 136, 245
with leprosy, 219, 222-223
with Down syndrome, 245, 279
(Also see Blindness)


Face, putty or round (See 'Moon' face)

Familial disabilities (problems sometimes inherited)

birth defects, 119, 124, 162, Chapter 12
brittle bone disease, 125
club feet, 114-116
deafness, Chapter 31
Down syndrome, 281
dwarfism, 126
fits (epilepsy), 233-242, Chapter 29
muscle weakness, 109-111
muscular dystrophy, 109-111
muscular atrophy, 111

Family Planning (birth control), 494

Feeding, Chapter 36

best foods for baby and young child, 321
the biscuit trick, 328
correcting tongue thrusting, 324
development of early skills, 319
finger feeding, 325
for child with cerebral palsy, 92, 319, 322-326, 329
good feeding positions, 322-323, 325-326
helping child learn to chew, 325
helping spastic mouth with jaw control, 323-325
helping child to drink, 326
homemade eating aids, 323, 326, 327, 330-332
importance of breast milk, 74, 321
poor nutrition in disabled children, 320
self-feeding, 326-327
spoon feeding, 324
step-by-step development of skill, 297

Financing of rehabilitation center, 482-484

Fingers, joined and deformed fingers, 120

Fits (epilepsy), Chapter 29

and cerebral palsy, 88
and mental retardation, 234, 240
community acceptance, A-5, 242
fits of anger (tantrums), 241, 362-363
prevention, 242
chart of types of epileptic fits, 240-241
medicines to prevent fits, 235-239
protection of child during fits, 235

Flat feet, Chapter 11

correction, 117-118
insoles and foot supports, 118
with Down syndrome, 279, 281

Flexikins, for measuring contractures, 43-48

Fluoride poisoning, 15

Foot lift, polio, 68

Foot wear

additions, lifts, or wedges on soles, 68, 70, 117, 163, 549
for artificial legs, 633, 634, 636
for disabled child with special needs, 336
for feet that do not feel, 224-225
for fiat feet, 118
for kidney-shaped feet, 116
in leprosy, 224-225
lifts on shoes for shorter legs, 549
with braces, 116, 540-543, 544, 545, 548, 550

Frequency of disabilities, A-5 to A-8

in boys and girls, A-12


Games, for learning about disabilities (See CHILD-to-child, Chapter 47)

(Also see Toys ' Playground equipment)

Gardens and farming, aids for, 507, 588

for blind, 507, 509
for wheelchair riders, 507, 517

German Measles in pregnancy, as a cause of different disabilities, 91, 119, 245, 258

Gonorrhea, in eyes, 245

in joints, 131

Gums (See Teeth and gum care)

Gurney (See Wheeled bed)


Hand use and control, development of, 297, 301

hand-eye coordination, 40, 298
toys and games, 316-318, 468-469

Hansen's Disease (See Leprosy)

Hare lip (See Cleft lip)

Headaches, in persons with spinal cord injuries (sign of dysreflexia), 187-188

Head banging, 363

Head size, chart for recording, 41

big head (Hydrocephalus), 41, 167, 169
as cause of blindness, 167, 245
caused by tapeworm, 52
in spina bifida, 41, 52, 167, 278
surgery for shunts, 169
small head (microcephalus), 41, 278

Heart damage, in Rheumatic fever, 154

Heat treatments, 132-133

for painful joints, 132, 372
to reduce spasticity, 102
with hot wax (paraffin), 132
with hot water, 102, 132

Hemiplegic, what is it, 90

Hip problems, Chapter 18, 34

contractures (See Contractures, hip)
dislocated hips, 155-156, 167 (Also see Dislocations, hips)
exercises for, 373, 377, 380,385
hip problem with arthrogryposis, 122
hip problem with dwarfism, 126
hip problem from birth, 155
hip tilt resulting from short leg, 34, 163
Legg-Perthes disease, 158
painful hip, 130, 155-158
spasticity causing hip problem, 156
telescope test, 156
tests of strength of hip muscles, 31
weakness, 59, 69, 71, 73

Hip band (pelvic band), 73, 539, 547

History taking (See Record keeping)

Honey and sugar, to treat burns and sores, 202, 231

Houses and community, adaptations for disabled persons, 485-490

walkways and trails, 251, 489

Hydrocephalus (See Head size, big head)

Hyperactive (overly active) child, 365-366


Identifying Disabilities, charts for, 52-58, 130-131

Infantile paralysis (See Polio)


Inherited or familial disabilities (See Familial or inherited disabilities)

Injections, overuse and misuse, 16,18-20,60,74,192

Insoles, for the correction of flat feet, 118

(Also see Arch supports)

Iritis, 136, 219, 221, 246

treatmemt, 137


Joint, contractures of (See Contractures)

dislocated (See Dislocations)
exercises, Chapter 42, 139-149
fused joints, 56, 135, 137
over-stretched joints, 28 (Also see Back knee)
painful joints, Chapters 15-18 (also see Knee pain)
range of motion testing, 27-29, 79
spasticity, 89
stiffness of joints 52, 122, 135
stiffness with arthrogryposis, 122

Joint Pain, Chapter 15

chart of causes and treatment of chronic joint pain 130-131
guidelines for treatment, 132-134

Juvenile Arthritis (See Arthritis, juvenile)


Knee jerks (tendon reflex), testing, 39-40

with polio, 40, 59
with cerebral palsy, 40

Knee pain, as a sign of a hip problem, 157

below-knee pain (Osgood-Slater's problem), 130
causes of joint pain, chart, 130
with arthritis, 135, 143-146
with rheumatic fever, 153

Knock-knees, Chapter 11

as a cause of flat feet, 114
correction, 114
with contractures, 77, 101
with spastic cerebral palsy, 89, 90, 101

Kyphosis (rounded back) (See Spinal curves)


Language (See Communication Deafness)

Lapboards, tables and trays, 605-607, 611

Lathyrism, A-7, 15

Latrines (See Toilets)

Learning (See Development, Education, Behavioral approach to development)

Learning disabilities in children of normal intelligence, Chapter 41

Leg length, difference in 34, 61

raised soles or 'lifts' for, 549

Legg-Perthes disease, 157-158

Legs, bow legs, 113, 125

differences in length, 34
incomplete or missing, 121
knock-knees, 113-114

Leprosy, Chapter 26

aids, 221, 223-225
books on leprosy, 638-639
cause, 215
checking children for, 216, 226
community acceptance and attitudes, 226
deformities, causes and prevention, 222-225
diagnosis and types of leprosy, 217-218
toot wear, 224-225
pressure sores (ulcers), Chapter 24, 222-225
prevention, 226
reactions, 219
signs, 216
traditional beliefs, 215, 226
treatment, 220-221

Lift or raised soles, on shoe for short leg, 68, 163, 549

Limbs missing or cut off (See Amputations)

Lordosis (swayback) (See Spinal curves)

Los Pargos, 112, 517

Love, Sex, and Marriage of Disabled Persons, Chapter 52

Marriage and family possibilities of persons with spinal cord injury, 178
Mentally retarded child and sex, 495
Sex education, 496

Lying aids, 95, 96, 98, 105, 198, 199, 302, 310, 571-572, 574, 618


Malnutrition, and poverty 13-14

and the disabled child 13, 125, 320
as a cause of:
birth defects, 119
cretinism, 282
deafness, 258, 282
night blindness, 244
nutrition & blindness (xerophthalmia), 244
premature birth (cerebral Daisy and multiple disabilities), 91
rickets, 125
short size, 126
prevention of malnutrition, 321

Marriage (See Love, Sex, and Marriage of Disabled Persons)

Measles, as a cause of disabilities, 91, 245

Measuring, head size, 41

hip angle, 34, 163
leg length difference, 34, 163
range of motion, 43-47
rib hump with spinal curve, 163
tools for measuring joint positions, 43-47
vision, 452-453


for acid in stomach, 134
for arthritis, 134, 137
for bone infections, 160
for cerebral palsy, 91
for eyes, 137, 221, 231, 244-246
for fits, 237-242
for learning disabilities and over active child, 366
for leprosy, 220-221, 223
for pain, 134, 137
for prevention of polio, 74
for rheumatic fever, 154
for softer stool and regular bowel function, 213
for tuberculosis, 166
for urinary infection, 211
overuse and misuse, 18-20, 157
problems caused
birth defects, 119, 239
by aspirin, 134
by corticosteroids, 137, 239, 246
by eye medicines and home cures, 137, 246
by growth hormones, 126
by indomethacin and phenylbutazone, 137
by phenytoin, 238
during pregnancy, 119, 239
swollen gums, 238
swollen 'moon' face, 137

Meningitis, as cause of disabilities, 91, 233, 245

signs and symptoms, 108

Meningocele (See Spina bifida)

Mental Development, evaluation, 36; chart, 293

Mental illness, 278

Mental retardation, Chapter 32

and cerebral palsy, 87, 88, 104
causes of, 278
child with several severe disabilities, 283-285
Cretinism (hypothyroidism), 282
Down syndrome, 279-281
helping the mentally retarded, 280-281

Missing arms, legs or body parts (See Amputations and Birth Defects)

Mongolism (See Down syndrome, 279-281)


Moon face (puffy round face), from corticosteroids, 137

with cretinism, 282
with Down syndrome, 282

Moving injured persons, 180

Multiply disabled child (See Several severe disabilities Chapter 33)

Muscle imbalance, a cause of contractures, 78, 129, 138, 183

with arthritis, 138-140, 141-146

Muscle jerking, repeated (clonus), 176

Muscle tightness (See Spasticity)

Muscle strength testing and evaluating 26, 30-33

Muscular atrophy 109, 112, 525

Muscular dystrophy, Chapter 10, 109-112, 369

Myelomeningocele (See Spina bifida)


Nervous system, what is it, 35

record sheet for, 39-41

Nutrition (See Feeding, Malnutrition)


Occupational therapy, what is it, 3

Onchocerciasis (river blindness), 245

Operation Handicap Internationale's (OHI) Artificial Limb Program-Thailand/Kampuchea, 521-522

Oral rehydration, 108

Organization of rehab centers and programs, 477-479

Organization of Disabled Revolutionaries - Nicaragua, 519

Osgood-Slater's problem (pain below knee), 130

Osteogenesis impertecta (brittle bone disease), 125

Osteomyelitis (See Bone infections)

Outhouse (See Toilet)


Painkiller (See Medicines for arthritis Aspirin)

Parallel bars, 415, 417, 425, 579, 580

Paralysis (muscle weakness)

floppy (flaccid) paralysis, 59, Chapter 7
from arthrogryposis, 122
from cerebral palsy, Chapter 9
from Erb's palsy (one arm and hand), 127
from Guillain-Barre (temporary paralysis), 54, 62
from lathyrism, 15, 54
from leprosy, 216, 222, 224
from medicines or injections, 15, 18-20, 60, 74
from muscular dystrophy, 109
from pesticides and poisoning, 15
from polio, Chapter 7
from preventable causes, 15
from spina bifida, 168
from spinal cord injury, 175
from stroke, 55
from tick bite, 54
from tuberculosis of spine, 165
guide for identifying cause, 54-57
infantile paralysis (See Polio)
of hands, 5, 127, 216, 221
progressive, 109, 216
spastic, 90

Paraplegia, Chapter 23

with cerebral palsy, 90
with spinal cord injury, 175, Chapter 23
what is it, 90

Peeing problems (See Bladder and bowel management)

People-centered approach, running a program, A-10 to A-11, 405-406, 477-481, 515-522

Phenobarbital (phenobarbitone), 236, 237

Physical development, chart for evaluation, 292

Physical examination, Chapter 4

chart for evaluating muscle strength, 33
for differences in leg length, 34
for curves in spine, 34, 162-163
of child with polio, 67-68, 69
record sheets, 39-41
tests for range of motion of joints, 27-29
tests for strength of muscles, 30-33
tests for dislocated hip, 155, 156

Paste, bandage for casts, homemade, 569

Plaster casts (See Casts)

Play and sport (See Toys)

Playground equipment, 7, 299, 312, 316, 317, 369, Chapter 46, 431

books on playgrounds, 641
precautions and suggestions, 426

Playground for all children, Chapter 46, 414

Playthings (See Toys)

Poisoning as a cause of disability, 15

(Also see Medicine, problems caused by)

Polio (poliomyelitis), Chapter 7

back-knee, 61, 67, 69-70, 72, 548-549
books about polio, 637
braces, 30-32, 66-73
causes, 14, 60
common deformities, 61
contractures with polio, 17
disabilities confused with polio, 62
evaluation of needs, 39, 66-73
exercises, 63-65, 67, 69-70, 71
foot lift for drop foot, 68
how common, 60
identification, 59
other parts of book useful for polio, list, 75
paralysis caused by injections, 16, 19-20, 60, 74
possibilities for walking, 71
prevention (vaccinations) 14, 16, 19-20, 74
progress of a child with polio, 65
rehabilitation aids, 65 (Also see Aids)
secondary problems, 17, 61, 75
spinal curve with polio, 61, 66
stories of children with polio, A-1, 69-70, 356, 437-441
treatment during and soon after illness, 63

Poor nutrition (See Malnutrition)

Popular theater, Chapter 48

Measles Monster, 455
A Handicapped Child Discovers New Life, 458
CHILD-to-child role plays to promote understanding, 433, 443, 445
children s theater, 433
Helping Your Neighbor, 456
role play children help child with polio, 433
skit about injections causing polio, 16, 74


aids for improving position, 81
books on positioning, 640
for cerebral palsy, 95-98, 100, 102, 299, 315, 334, 335,607-612
for dressing, 299, 334-335
for feeding 322-323, 325, 326, 329
in school, 500
positioning in special seats and wheelchairs 589, 591, 605-612
(Also see Seating, special)
to prevent contractures, 81, 83
with polio, 63, 65
with spinal cord injury, 179, 182, 184, 198-199

Pott's disease (See Tuberculosis of the backbone)

Poverty, a cause of disabilities, 13, 165, 215

Pregnancy, precautions to protect infant, 107, 119, 281

Pressure sores, Chapter 24

and bone infection, 159, 222
folk treatments, 194, 202
prevention, 173, 197-200
treatment, 201-202
with spina bifida, 167, 173
with spinal cord injury, 181-182, 185, 188, 194
with casts, 197
with leprosy (ulcers), 215, 222-225

Prevention (Also see end of chapters on disabilities)

of disabilities, Chapter 3, 112
of secondary problems, 16-18


Programs of rehabilitation (See Community-directed programs)

PROJIMO-Program of Rehabilitation Organized by Disabled Youth of Western Mexico, 403, 414, 515-516

changing attitudes toward disabled, 403
children's toy-making shop, 463-464
community theater production, 456-462
help with vaccination, 16
love, sex, and social adjustment, 491-492
organization, management and financing, 477-484, 537
playground for all children, Chapter 46, 411
rehabilitation workshop, 484, 533-538
schooling, 499
spread to other villages, 414
stories of persons at PROJIMO, A1-A2, 123, 150-152, 192-193, 403-404, 458-461, 478-479
team members, Thanks page
'Welcome to PROJIMO' leaflet, 481
wheelchairs made at PROJIMO, 613-624

Prosthetics (See Artificial legs and Artificial hands, arms, and hooks)


Quadriplegia (tetraplegia), what is it, 90

with spinal cord injury, 175


Ramps, 485, 487, 489- 490

Range of motion exercises (See Exercises)

Range of motion of joints, methods for testing, 27-29, 79

Record keeping

for rehabilitation workers, 22
history taking, 22
record sheets, 37-41
recording a child s progress and development, Chapter 5, 294-295
using 'flexikins', 44

Record sheets,

1 ) for child's history, 37-38
2) for physical examination, 39
3) for nervous system, 40
4) factors that affect child development, 41
5) for evaluation of progress (child over 5), 50
6) child development (under 5), 292-293
for the costs, income, and services of a community program, 484
for head size, 41
purpose of record sheets, 22, 36

Reflexes, great toe reflex, 40

many tendon jerks (clonus), 176
tendon (see knee jerk), 40
tiptoeing reflex, 93

Rehabilitation, what is it, 3

books about, 637

Rehabilitation workshops (See Workshops for making aids and equipment)

Retardation (See Mental retardation)

Rheumatic Fever, 129, Chapter 17

Rickets, 125

Rights and dignity of disabled persons, 13-15, 402

disabled persons as leaders and workers of rehabilitation programs, 191, 406, 408, 515-516, 519, 521
problem of overprotection, 403
respecting the child's wishes, A-10 to A-11, 3-11, 525-526

River blindness (onchocerciasis), 245

Rocking, 247, 364

Role plays (See Theater)


Sanitation, 13

and polio, 60

School (See Education)

Scoliosis (See Spinal curves)

Seating, Special and adapted

adaptations of seating aids to specific needs, Chapter 65, 589-591, 60-612
books about seating and positioning, 604-606
decisions about special seats, Chapter 64
for positioning the child, 95, 323, 326, 573, 607, 608, 609, 610
for child with cerebral palsy, 95, 97, 98, 105, 285, 308, 323, 325, 326, 329, 591, 607-612
for spina bifida, 174
for severely disabled child, 285
measuring and fitting, 591, 602
placement of straps, harnesses, body guides, 95, 326, 527, 607, 609-612
precautions, 326, 527, 592, 615
sitting aids, 5, 95, 97, 98, 103, 111, 308, 323, 416, 573
sitting frames for wheelchairs, 607-612
(Also see Wheelchairs)

Secondary disabilities, A-9

prevention, 16-20
with spinal cord injury, 181

Self-care skills (See Development, self-care skills)

Self-harm,363,364 (Also see Behavior)

Several severe disabilities, Chapter 33, 433

Sex (See Love, Sex, Marriage and Disabled Persons)

Shitting problems (See Bladder and bowel management)

Shoes (See Foot wear)

Short leg (See Leg length, differences)

Shortness, short height (Dwarfism), 126

Side-lying frames, 572

Sign language (Also see Deafness)

263, 264, 266-273
as part of total communication, 264, 265
learning to sign, 267-270
story about, 4
useful signs, 270-273

Skin grafts, 232

Sores that keep coming back

osteomyelitis, 159
pressure sores affecting the bone, 173, 196, 222
tuberculosis of spine, 165

Spasticity, 89

difference from contractures, 28,79, 101
in cerebral palsy, most of Chapter 9
in spinal cord injury 176, 183
leading to contractures, 101
relaxing spastic muscles, 102-103
testing range of motion in child with spasticity, 28-29
when bathing, 103, 345
when feeding, 103, 322-324, 326, 329
when dressing, 334
when exercising, 376
(Also see Positioning, Cerebral palsy)

Speech (See Communication)

Spina bifida, Chapter 22

aids for, 170, 171, 172, 174
bladder and bowel management, 170, Chapter 25
books about, 638
contracture prevention, 171
degrees of disabilities with, 168
hydrocephalus (big head), 167, 169
prevention and treatment of pressure sores, 167, 173, Chapter 24
treatment, 169

Spinal cord injury, Chapter 23

books about, 638
bowel problems and control, 178, 187-188, Chapter 25
causes of quadriplegia and paraplegia, 175
contractures, 182-184
early care of spinal injury, 180
future for person, 166, 176-179, 191
level of injury, 168,175, 176
loss of feeling, 175
moving and carrying an injured person, 180
physical therapy and good positioning, 182-184


physical re-education, 185-187
pressure sores, prevention and treatment, 181-182, Chapter 24
possibilities for walking, 177
prevention, 14
Programs run by spinal cord injured, 518-519
secondary problems, 181
self care, 189
sex and marriage, 178, 492
spasticity, 176
urinary problems and control, 178, 181, 187-188, Chapter 25
work by spinal cord injured persons, 179, 191, 192-193

Spinal curves, Chapter 20

different kinds, 34, 39, 161, 162
braces for, 164
examining for, 34,162-163
exercises for swayback, 164, 369
rounded back (kyphosis), 34, 57, 161, 164
scoliosis, 34, 56, 61, 161-164
swayback (lordosis), 34, 57, 101, 161,164,369
tuberculosis of the backbone, 161, Chapter 21
with polio, 61, 66
with spina bifida, 167

Spine (backbone) (See Spinal curves)

bones of, 34, 161, 168,175
deformities of, Chapter 20
level of injury and amount of paralysis, 168, 175
normal shape, 34, 161

Splints (See Braces)

Sport,190 (Also see Toys, Playground equipment)

Sprains, torn ligaments, 131

Standing aids (Also see Walking aids, Braces) 574-575

aids for pulling to standing, 105, 311-312, 419, 486
standing tables, 99, 500, 574-575
standing frames, 99, 151, 172, 190, 500, 574-575
standing boards, 185, 190, 574
wheeled standing frame, 190, 229

Stimulation, activities for development, Chapter 35

as part of CHILD-to-child, 435
early 289-290, 291, Chapter 35
guidelines to help a child develop, 297-299
need for extra stimulation, 295
of blind child, 247, 248, 290
steps in designing an early stimulation program, 296
toys for early stimulation, 317, 468-470
(Also see Child Development)

Stories, list of stories in this book, 12

Strange movements

of body, 89, 233
of eyes, 40, 240, 241

Strength of muscles (See Exercises)

testing, 27, 30-33

Strep throat, as cause of Rheumatic Fever, 153

Stump care, after amputation, 228-230


for amputation of arms or legs, 230, 532, 625
for bone injections, 160
for burns and burn deformities, 232
for cerebral palsy, 91
for cleft lip and palate, 120
for club feet, 116
for Down syndrome, 281
for hand problems, 120, 232
for hip problems, 156, 158
for hydrocephalus, 169
for polio, 63
for pressure sores, 202
for spina bifida, 156, 169, 173
for spinal cord injury, 176, 181
for spinal curve, 164
for tuberculosis of spine, 166
to correct contractures, 17, 63, 84
to correct deafness, 262
warnings and Precautions, 17, 63, 84, 530
Swallowing difficulty, with cerebral palsy, 322-324, 326
Swayback (lordosis) (See Spinal curve)
Swimming, for therapy and fun, 65, 133, 143, 158, 432


Tables and Trays (See Lapboards)

Tantrums (fits of anger), 362, 363

stories of children with tantrums, 350-353, 354, 359-361

Tape recorder, 253, 366

Teaching, training (See Education)

Teeth and gums, 238, 348

Tendon reflexes (See Knee jerks)

Tetanus, 233

Tetraplegia (quadriplegia), 90, 175

Theater (See Popular theater)

Therapy, Chapter 1

books on therapy, 640
making it functional and fun, Chapter 1
what is it? 3

Therapy baths (See Water therapy)

Tick paralysis, 54

Tires (tyres), use of old car and bicycle tires and inner tubes, 418-425

for exercise aids (tubes) 148, 373, 376, 422, 576
for playground equipment, 418-425
for rehabilitation aids, 105, 148, 150, 200, 201, 344, 346, 421, 545, 587, 590, 595-597, 601, 616, 621, 624, 631, 634, 635
for shoes, sandals, and clogs, 225, 543-544

Toes, deformed toes, 121

Toilet training, Chapter 38, 577

books on toilet training, 641

Toilets, potties, and latrines

built into wheelchairs, 189, 619, 621
designs for, 189, 341-344, 436, 487

Tools and equipment

for an aids-making shop, 536
for making plastic braces, 551
for making toys, 465-466
for making wheelchairs, 614
for measuring joint positions and contractures, 43
(Also see Measuring, tools for, 43-48)


a children's workshop for making toys, Chapter 49
books on toys, 641
children making toys, 356, 365, 463, 464, 467, 468
for bathing, 347
for early stimulation, 317, 468-470
for toilet training, 341
ideas for homemade 'music', 469
ideas for homemade toys, 299, 317, 365, 463, 468-476
playthings and games, 463-476,Chapter 49
to encourage looking and listening, 317, 468-469
to help understanding, 429-431, 442-444, 447-450
tools needed, 465-466
toys for blind child, 248, 249, 252, 254, 265
toys to develop hands and mind, 316, 317, 318, 468
toys to promote child development, 316-318
toys used to evaluate disability, 25-26

Traditional beliefs, customs, attitudes, A-5, A-6, 226, 242, 244, 402, 531, 532

attitudes about amputation, 531-532
attitudes about leprosy, 226
causes of fits (epilepsy), A-5, 242, 402
causes and treatments of blindness,244-246, 247
disability as punishment, A-5 to A-6, 402
evil spirits, A-5, 402
sex, marriage, and disabled persons, 491

Traditional cures and therapy

chia seed for dirt in eye, 246
for burns, 232
for pressure sores, 202, 231
shit around eye for clouding, 246

Training possibilities (See Work possibilities and training)

Transportation off roads

chair stretcher, 440
donkey or horse, 7, 93, 432
wheelbarrow, 430

Tricycles, 604, 605, 606

Trolley (See Wheelboards)

Tuberculosis of the backbone, Chapter 21, 161


Tuberculosis of the joints, 131

Tubes of old car and bicycle tires, uses for (See Tires)

Tyres (See Tires)


Urinary infections, 167, 170, 188, 210-211

Urinary problems (See Bladder and bowel management)


Vaccination (immunization)

against polio, 14, 74
keeping vaccines cold, 74
precautions, 20
why vaccination programs sometimes fail, 14

Village-based Rehabilitation, Chapter 45

bottom-up or top-down approach, A-3, A-4, 405-406
children's workshops for making toys, Chapter 49
CHILD-to-child activities, Chapter 47
community participation, 405
community-run rehabilitation centers:
activities 409, 412, 414
benefits, 413
examples, Chapter 55, 515-522
importance, 407
outreach and support, 410
role, 284, 411
disabled persons as program leaders, 409
growth through popular demand, 414
home-based rehabilitation, 409
organization, management and financing, Chapter 50
popular theater, Chapter 48
program evaluation, 480-481
record of work and service, 484
referrals, 410, 412
setting goals, 407
the agent of change, 408
use of playgrounds, Chapter 46

Villager-run rehabilitation program (See Community-directed programs)


Walking, aids, Chapter 63

adapting walking aids, 106, 581, 588
canes and walking sticks, 251, 587
crutches, 584-586 (Also see Crutches)
examples of walking aids, 99, 106, 150-152, 249, 312, 415, 417, 425, 435, 518, 523, 579-588
for arthritis, 149-152
for spina bifida, 172
walking stick for blind person, 251
(Also see Braces)

Walking, possibilities for

with cerebral palsy, 93
with polio, 71
with spina bifida, 168
with spinal cord injury, 177, 179
(Also see Walking aids)

War as cause of disability, 20

Water therapy, exercising in water, 133, 143, 151, 432, 519

for children with arthritis, 133, 144
improved access to river, 133
sun-heated tubs, 133
tubs, tanks, and pools, 133, 144
(Also see Heat treatment)

Wax therapy (See Heat treatments)


progressive, of muscular dystrophy, 109
progressive, of leprosy, 216
with arthritis, 137, 138-140
(Also see Paralysis, Polio)

Wedges (sloping supports for lying on),95, 96, 111, 416, 571-572

Wheelboards, 98, 612

for spina bifida, 172
on rough and smooth ground, 98
standing wheelboard for amputee, 229
wheelchairs with lying board, 229, 618-619


adaptations for cerebral palsy, Chapter 65
adapting to local needs, 590
advantages and disadvantages, 594-601, 613
AHRTAG wood wheelchair, 526, 592, 594, 600, 604,615
armrests, 599
at ground level, 572, 590, 604
better to buy or to make one? 592-593
books on wheelchairs, 604-606
brakes, 601, 623
caster hub and forks, 597, 619, 623
common problems with wheelchairs, 592
correct positioning for sitting, 589, 591, 605, 607-612
cost, 592, 603, 615, 616, 617, 618, 620
cushions, 184, 200-201, 343, 607, 609, 624
design choices for parts, 590, 594-601, 613
design for a straight-leg sitting frame, 612
designed to meet each child's needs, 591, 607-612
designs for 6 basic wheelchairs, 614, Chapter 66
examples of hand-made wheelchairs, 98, 430, 518, 519, 590, 592, 594, 595, 599, 600, 604-608
fitting the chair to the child, 591, 602, 607
folding mechanism, 599, 622
foot rests, 229, 600, 619, 622
hand rims, 601
hand-powered wheelchairs and tricycles, 604-606
hubs, axles, and wheel mounts, 597-598, 615, 623
including the child when planning, 526
metal tube folding wheelchair, 622
placement of straps and body guides, 609-611
plywood frame wheelchair, 527, 620-621, 624
precautions with, 592, 612, 615
rebar and woven plastic wheelchair, 616
seats and backs, 595, 623
setting up a village wheelchair shop, 603, 614
square metal tube wheelchair, 617
tables, trays, and lapboards, 604-605, 607, 611, 621
tools needed for making wheelchairs, 614
transfers (getting in and out), 394-397
wheelchair with lying board, 190, 229, 618-619
wheels and tires, 596-597
with built-in toilet seat, 189, 343, 621

Wheeled bed, 86, 618-619

Work: possibilities and training, Chapter 54

adaptations for farming and gardening, 505, 507-509, 517, 588
alternatives to farm work, 508
different work disabled people do,509
examples of disabled persons working, 6-7, 11, 83, 93, 105, 110, 128, 151-152, 186, 190, 192-194, 202, 212, 280, 355, 356, 365, 367, 401, 405, 419, 467, 508, 509, 512-514, 517, 518, 522, 524, 526, 531, 535, 538, 540, 588, 590
for blind persons, 255, 507, 509
for retarded persons, 280, 509
home businesses, 508
learning skills for a role in community, 506
market place crafts out of junk, 510
self-employment, 508-510
sheltered workshops, 513
training, 512

Workshops for making aids and equipment, Chapter 57

income producing activities, 534
layout of work space, 535-536
learning skills, 537
management and job assignment, 537
purpose, 533
the building, 534
tools and equipment, 536


Xerophthalmia (dry eyes), 244


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Disabled Village Children
A guide for community health workers,
rehabilitation workers, and families

by David Werner

Published by
The Hesperian Foundation
P.O. Box 11577
Berkeley, CA 94712-2577