Web Posted on: November 20, 1998
Andi Lennon, M.S., CCC-SLP
ZYGO Industries
Atlanta, Ga.
ZYGO's newest dynamic screen software and hardware will be presented. Come see the OPTIMIST, a full screen lightweight PC using the newest AAC software, Winspeak and Windbag.
As augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology is rapidly changing, so are the products from ZYGO Industries! Of course, our line of Macaw's and LightWriters are still as popular as ever, however we have expanded our product line to help you meet the needs of ALL your clients.
Come meet the newest member of the ZYGO line, THE OPTIMIST. The OPTIMIST is designed on a full-screen, tablet-size personal pen computer. It is a powerful augmentative and alternative communication aid that is ideal for direct selection on its large screen or scanning its dynamic display. The unit's light weight (3.8 pounds) makes carrying easy and its audio amplifier/speaker module provides exceptionally loud, clear output.
The OPTIMIST is a fully functioning 586 personal computer. It is not just a dedicated AAC system, but a full computer that runs not only AAC software, but also any other PC based software the client wishes to use.
During this session, we will be showing the OPTIMIST with several Windows based communication programs. Winspeak is a symbol based communication program for Microsoft Windows. Winspeak was not the first program to use symbols as a communication method on a dynamic screen, but it was the first to use Windows as a starting point. Winspeak displays pages of symbols for the user to choose from - and it allows a caretaker to add new pages within minutes of first running the program.
Windbag is a text based communication program for Microsoft Windows. Windbag, along with HandsOff, an on screen keyboard emulator, provides both a comprehensive and simple to use method of communicating for individuals that can utilize text. The combination of the two programs: Windbag and HandsOff provide the literate client with several methods of rate enhancement in both expressive and written communication.
In this session, participants will become familiar with the features of both the hardware (The OPTIMIST) and the above mentioned software programs. The software is very inexpensive and can be loaded on any Windows based laptop or desktop. Sample disks of the software programs will be available at the session.