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About Disability Information Resources (DINF)

Welcome to DINF

The aim of DINF is to provide an information resource for supporting the study of health and welfare topics for people with disabilities. The information is collected from many Japanese and international sources. There is a special emphasis on the role technologies can play in improving access to information for disabled persons.

The following resources are available:

  1. Reports and papers from Japanese administrative authorities, associations of people with disabilities and researchers. (only in Japanese)
  2. Documents, laws and regulations of the UN and other international organizations and information from international NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations) such as the WBU (World Blind Union), IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), the DAISY Consortium (Digital Accessible Information SYstem), W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), and OeB (Open eBook Forum). (in both English and Japanese)
  3. Information and proceedings from international conferences related to disabilities
  4. Documents and papers about people with disabilities in the Asia-Pacific areas through UNESCAP(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

DINF has made every effort to make this website accessible and easy to use for everyone including persons with disabilities, based on W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.