Web Posted on: December 21, 1998
Using writing with symbols for literacy
Terry Johnson
Mayer-Johnson Company
This session will show you how to use Writing With Symbols on your Windows compatible computer to write stories with both pictures and text. A teacher or student types in the text of a story and Writing With Symbols places pictures above the words.
You can use Writing With Symbols for the following:
- to teach literacy by adapting regular educational books for special educational students.
- to create new stories and books.
- to write letters to pen pals.
- to create storybooks about your students.
Writing With Symbols will allow you to bring your student's day into print, to share with friends and family.
Writing With Symbols also produces speech output if you have a sound card in your computer. Create your story and have it read aloud. A perfect companion during circletime tales, giving an oral presentation, or just reading a story aloud.
Writing With Symbols will allow text users to add symbols to their documents, will help teach symbol users to associate symbols with text, and allow non-speaking individuals to read their stories aloud.
The software program comes with 2,000 Rebus symbols. The Mayer-Johnson Co. Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) may also be converted to use with Writing With Symbols.