Web Posted on: December 9, 1998
The DAWN Project: A Web-Based Job Accommodation Mentoring System for People with Disabilities
Jamie Osborne, BEE
DAWN Project Manager/Rehabilitation Technologist
Easter Seals Colorado
5755 West Alameda Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80226
Telephone: (800) 875-4732 or (303) 233-1626 ext. 244
TTY: (303) 232-5685
FAX: (303) 232-1028
Email: osbornej@cess.org
Web Site: http://www.eastersealsco.org
This session will introduce the DAWN Project, an exciting new service that Easter Seals Colorado has developed to assist people with disabilities in gathering and sharing information regarding successful workplace accommodations. The mission of the DAWN Project is to 'Make the workplace work for people with disabilities.' It features an interactive web site (www.dawn.org) that has been designed to allow access to a database of job accommodation mentors. The DAWN Mentor Group consists of people with disabilities who are employed and who use assistive technology or other job accommodations. This site also provides chat facilities and information and networking resources to increase peer-to-peer communication about innovative and successful job accommodations.
With the guidance and support of the Dole Foundation for Employment of People with Disabilities, Easter Seals Colorado has developed a system to enable people with disabilities to gather and share information to assist in the pursuit of gainful and meaningful employment. The need was identified for a communication channel between people with disabilities who are seeking accommodation information (the perspective DAWN User) and people who are successfully utilizing accommodations in the workplace (the perspective DAWN Mentor). To meet this need, a web-based database was developed that categorizes a DAWN Mentor's information by disability/diagnosis, occupation and accommodations utilized.
The scope of this project is national; however, it is estimated that it will reach an international, English-speaking audience. It is estimated that the core DAWN Users will be individuals with disabilities who are seeking employment or identifying vocational goals. While the information available through the DAWN project will have the most pertinence to persons with disabilities, this system will also provide valuable resources to job-developers, perspective employers of people with disabilities, educators, rehabilitation professionals and other audiences interested in the fields of disability and employment.
The DAWN Project will encompass all disabilities and will be available through a variety of channels, including the following: on the Web via most text or graphical browsers; printed materials; and phone support via an information specialist. By registering with the DAWN Project, the DAWN User will be given access to profiles of successful and innovative job accommodation strategies and applications of assistive technology. The site will also feature links to job
Email: schwanket@cess.org
Web Site: http://www.eastersealsco.org
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Telephone/TTY: (303) 620-4152
Email: debbie.powell@state.co.us Web Site: http://www.state.co.us/gov_dir/human_services_dir/ODS/dvr/
Job Accommodation Network
Telephone/TTY: US (800) 526-7234 or CAN (800) 526-2262
Email: jan@jan.icdi.wvu.edu
Web Site: http://janweb.icdi.wvu.edu/
O*NET Project Telephone: (202) 219-7161 TTY: (800) 326-2577 (ETA Public Affairs Office)
Email: O*NET@doleta.gov
Web Site: http://www.doleta.gov/programs/onet/
Trace Research & Development Center
Telephone: (608) 262-6966 TTY: (608) 263-5408
Email: web@trace.wisc.edu
Web Site: http://trace.wisc.edu/