Web Posted on: January 20, 1999
Banking on the Internet: Utilizing JAWS For Windows and MAGic With Citibank On-line Banking
Glen Gordon
Henter-Joyce, Inc.
Will Detterman
Product Development Manager
Citibank Corp.
The objective of this presentation is to provide attendees with technical and practical information about the accessibility of Citibank's on-line banking system using Henter-Joyce's JAWS for Windows screen reader and MAGic screen magnification software.
The recent past has seen the Internet become increasingly important, not only as a means of gathering information, but also for performing various tasks formerly requiring paper-based processes.
Some of these tasks include shopping, sending and receiving personal and business-related communications, and conducting financial transactions. The Internet, in combination with screen reader technology, makes these tasks increasingly accessible to the blind and visually impaired community, offering independence through ease of use. As such, cooperative efforts among accessibility vendors and financial institutions continue to grow in importance.
Henter-Joyce, Inc., the developers of JAWS for Windows screen reader and MAGic screen magnification software, has developed a relationship with Citibank Corp. to enhance the functionality and promote the availability of this technology. JAWS for Windows, in combination with Citibank's on-line banking service, offers unparalleled performance in this arena.
During this presentation, representatives of Henter-Joyce and Citibank will demonstrate the functionality and flexibility of this system for performing various financial transactions. These include writing checks, paying bills, transferring funds and determining account status. On-line stock portfolio maintenance will also be discussed.
The presentation will include a description of the various functions of the system, as well as a discussion of security issues and technical details. A question and answer session will follow.