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In autumn 1983, at Washington D.C.,it was decided that Japan would host the 16th World Congress of Rehabilitation International as the first such country from Asia.Five years seemed to have passed in a moment,during which time those involved in Japanese rehabilitation arenas prepared feverishly.The Congress was staged in Tokyo from September 5th to 9th,1988.

The main theme of the Congress was "Realistic Approaches-Looking Ahead Towards Comprehensive Rehabilitation".This theme was successfully presented through eight plenary sessions and keynote speeches.Also in thirty sectoral sessions and various special programs such as thematic workshops and poster sessions,as well as the Film Festival,Arts & Performance and Technical Exhibition on Rehabilitation.

The number of participating nations (including regions) totalled ninety-three.Seventeen were from Asia (twenty-eight if including Middle East countries).In all,over 2,800 participants-including one-day registrations-took part,making this a large-scale Congress.

In order to make this significant occasion available to as many people as possible,financial assistance was provided to 131 persons from forty-nine developing countries. In keeping with the desire for "Full Participation and Equality",we worked hard to make it possible for disabled people to attend the Congress. In fact, three hundred disabled people attended,about half of whom were wheelchair users.

In this world,which includes five hundred million disabled people,rehabilitation of disabled citizens is an issue with which we all have to grapple.We are pleased that this Congress provided opportunities for many of the world's rehabilitation experts and other equally concerned persons to meet together and discuss real issues vital to mankind:"What should the world,including its disabled people,do in the 21st Century in order to integrate them in a warmhearted and mature way?"

Comprehensive rehabilitation covers many areas:cooperation is required between the various medical,educational,vocational and social rehabilitation sectors.Also,these days,not only is the number of physically and mentally disabled people increasing,but also is an increase in the range of disability classifications...the task is immense.Thus it was all-important that our discussions concerning approaches to rehabilitation were realistic.Community-based rehabilitation was a frequent topic.In one sense,you might say that community care is the antithesis of past rehabilitation measures,that have frequently relied upon expensive facilities and techniques.We were challenged to reconsider the real-and original-meaning of "re-habilitation."

However,realization and understanding of the many issues raised cannot be forced or occur automatically.Many questions must continue to be asked:"What can a disabled person do to live effectively with their disability in the community?","What changes need to occur for their community to accept disabled people?".However,many people during the 16th World Congress indicated that one of the most important issues is the need for renewal (dare we say "rehabilitation") of the kind and gentle parts of our human nature-faced as we are with a world of growing depersonalization and hard materialism.We in Japan were pleased to hear that...it makes all our preparations worthwile and gives us hope.

Pre-and post-Congress events were held in various locations throughout Japan and were also popular.Facility visits were also well supported.We genuinely believe this has caused everyone in the Japanese fields of rehabilitation to exert all their energy in preparation for the Congress and,we trust,for the future of rehabilitation.

I would like to express my appreciation to all those in the Organizing Committee,and to all-both in Japan and overseas-whose hard work and knowledge of rehabilitation concerns made this 16th World Congress possible,and judging from reports received,also made it a splendid success.Thank you all so much for your cooperation and support.

I sincerely hope that these Proceedings will become a milepost in the development of rehabilitation services for the world's disabled population,and a valuable document for the next generation.

Naoichi Tsuyama
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
The 16th World Congress of Rehabilitation International