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IFLA/SLB Pre-conference Seminar, in Penang 1999

IFLA Section of Libraries for the blind held the above seminar in Penang, Malaysia, 18-20 August 1999, in cooperation with the Malaysian Committee on Library and Information Services for the Blind. The theme of the Seminar is Bridging the Gap in the Provision of Library Services and Literacy Support for the Blind in Realizing the Information Age


18 August - ARRIVAL

09.00 Study Tour to the Alma Primary School For The Blind
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Registration
16.00 Visit the Tropical Fruit Farm (Casual)
19.30 Beach Barbecue (Casual)


08.30 Registration

09.30 Opening Ceremony
Welcome Speech by Ivan Ho Tuck Choy, Executive Director, National Council for the Blind, Malaysia

Speech by Ms. Primalani M. Kukanesan, Representative, National Library Of Malaysia

Keynote Address by Ms. Beatrice Christensen Skolod, Chairperson Of Section On Libraries For The Blind International Federation Of Library Association (IFLA/SLB)

Section Activities and Developments in the Area of Libraries for the Blind
Choir Presentation by Children Of The Alma Primary School For The Blind

10.30 Coffee break

11.00 Session 1: Library services for the Blind: experiences from the region.
Convenor: Ivan Ho Tuck Choy, Executive Director, National Council for the Blind, Malaysia
Prayat Punongong, President, the Christian Foundation for the Blind in Thailand: A handful of leaves: Library services for the blind in Thailand
Albert Toh, Head of Communications Department, Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped: Library Services - The Singapore Experience
Randy Weisser, Director, Resources for the Blind, Philippines: A Status Report on the Library for the Blind in the Philippines.

12.15 Lunch

13.45 Session 2: Mobile libraries
Convenor: Thelma H. Tate, Rutgers University, New Jersey
Mrs. Mongnath Chairat, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand: Mobile Library Service for the Blind and Visually Handicapped in Thailand

Wong Vui Yin, Librarian, Sabah State Library: Sabah State Library: Reaching Out to the Print Handicapped

14.30 Session 3: Latest trends in library services for the blind.
Convenor: Dick tucker, FORCE

Birgitta Brown, Chief Librarian, City Library of Gothenburg: Open media - open learning

Bruno Sperl, Leader Of Department For International Projects, University of Graz: Support Services for students in higher education.


Coffee Break

16.00 Exhibitors' introductions


Dinner/Cultural Show at the Pinang Cultural Centre (Casual)

20 August


Session 4: The Digital Talking Book.

Convenor: Rosemary Kavanagh, Director, Canadian National Institute for the Blind Library

Hiroshi Kawamura, Director, Information Centre and International Relations Division, Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities: DAISY in Japan; Sigtuna Project and the JSRPD.

Kjell Hansson and Lars Sonnebo, Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, TPB: Production of DAISY titles using A/D conversion at the TPB.

Chris Day, Royal National Institute for the Blind, UK: Digital Talking Books - Delivery Systems and the Future

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 Session 5: Computerized Braille Production.
Convenor: Stephen King, Director, Royal National Institute for the Blind, UK

Tetsuji Tanaka, Japan Braille Library: The Training Workshop on Computerised Braille Production in ASEAN

Christina Anne Lau, Manager, Malaysian Braille Press: The role of the Malaysian Braille Press in the promotion of computerised Braille production

12.00 Session 6: The Digital Library Concept

Convenor: Chris Day, Assistant Director, Royal National Institute for the Blind

Dick Tucker, Project Co-ordinator, FORCE Foundation, the Hague,Netherlands: The digital library - prospects for developing countries.

George Kersher, Research Fellow Project Manager to the DAISY Consortium: Braille Production the DAISY Way.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Session 7: Tactile Materials
Convenor: Rainer Witte, Deutsehe Blindestudienanstalt, Marburg

Ph. D. Yvonne Eriksson, Research and development officer, TPB: How to make tactile pictures understandable to the blind reader.

Dr. John Gill, Chief Scientist, Royal National Institute for the Blind, UK: Presentation of Tactile Materials: The Need for Research


Session 8: Conclusions

Convenor: Stephen King, Director, Royal National Institute for the Blind, UK

Panel Discussion: The user's point of view.

Introductory remarks by Norma Toucedo, World Blind Union and Kurt Nielsen, Vice President of the Danish Association of the Blind.

Plan of action (Stephen King)

17.00 Closing Remarks
Hiroshi Kawamura, IFLAs Section of Libraries for the Blind
Wong Yoong Loong, National Council for the Blind, Malaysia


Farewell Dinner hosted by The National Council For The Blind, Malaysia NCBM(Formal)

21 August - Departure