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Funding and governance of library and information services for visually impaired people: international case studies

Part2:Country studies


The view from the user's perspective

A new visually impaired person would get the first information about the library services they are entitled to from health services or social services or perhaps from a friend or member of his/her family. The visually impaired person or someone close to him/her would then contact the library. The library would ten offer either outreach service, postal service or welcome the new user to the library. The visually impaired person would receive a special Talking book lending card (due to copyright restrictions). He/she would also be able to borrow a DAISY player. The librarian would recommend him/ her to get a player of his/her own from the health services.

If the visually impaired person's sight is still so good that he/she can read large print, large print books will be recommended. The librarian would probably show the shelves containing large print books.

There is also a possibility to get help from the local social services for guiding services and would help the visually impaired person to go to the local library.

Public libraries still have analogue collections but today the lending of DAISY 2.02 is the largest part of the existing talking book stock in Sweden. In 2007 DAISY 3.0 books will be offered the clients, but they wth be of more use to dyslexics than to visually impaired people.

Work of fiction

When the visually impaired person needs a work of fiction, he/ she will either get the information from the librarian in chare who will look in the OPAC. It is also possible to obtain the information directly from TPB's OPAC via the website at http://www.tpb.se.

New work of fiction

When it comes to new fiction he/she would have to wait for until the book is narrated, which can take up to 1 year.


For newspapers in alternate format the visually impaired person does not go to the library but contact the Swedish Council of Talking News papers in order to subscribe for the Newspaper he/she wants. He will then also receive a special playback machine or receiving equipment.


It is the responsibility of each magazine to make a version in alternate format. Sometimes libraries have copies in their stocks. Otherwise you subscribe directly form the magazine.

Children's book

The same (as new fiction) goes for children's books but there you also have the possibility to obtain tactile picture books containing both braille and large print text.

Journal article

Articles in scientific journals can be obtained via an academic library which has a subscription to a digital version. Sometimes they are in PDF and the librarian would then convert the PDF file into a text version.

Academic books

You can also borrow academic books via TPB's OPAC. This can be done in any library as an interlibrary loan.