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Funding and governance of library and information services for visually impaired people: international case studies

Part2:Country studies



Copyright is seen as a significant barrier. There is still some reluctance by some publishers to provide electronic copies of printed texts for use by people with print disabilities.

Vision Australia in its submission to the government over the Pearson Report stated:

“While the majority of publishers and copyright holders are accommodating of the need to provide copyright permission for alternative format producers to copy material, there are still significant barriers, which cause delay or the withholding of permission. The acceleration of the work being done by the Attorney General to revise the Australian Copyright Act would be welcomed particularly if the result is that access to copyright is made easier for alternative format producers and that equitable access to material is seen as the driving principle.

“Also, as a result of the revision of the Australian Copyright Act, we would like to see an improved flow of alternative format material internationally, and the opening of access to databases of electronic material such as that held on Bookshare in America. We urge Government to consider this as an issue under the recently negotiated Free Trade Agreement with America and to consider it as an issue for consideration with any future negotiated agreements.”