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Funding and governance of library and information services for visually impaired people: international case studies

Part2:Country studies


Rights and attitudes

For blind/visually impaired individuals rights are specified in primary legislation. Rights of equal access for other disabilities, including print disability is also specified in primary legislation.

By law, people have rights of access to buildings and services, cultural life, but not every building or service complies yet.

Cultural policies recognise the right of disabled people to take part in cultural life to a greater and greater extent.

Equal rights to education apply to every level from grade school to college.

Rights to library services

If an individual meets the eligibility criteria set forth in question one, they have access to recorded or brailled materials regardless of where they reside. The books are delivered to their door.

There are not the same rights for sighted people with a print impairment.


Visually impaired people don't expect the same service as sighted people, although the amount of materials available in audio or electronic formats is constantly expanding.