音声ブラウザご使用の方向け: SKIP NAVI GOTO NAVI


Funding and governance of library and information services for visually impaired people: international case studies

Part2:Country studies


Basic country data

Population 127.055m (2006).

Over 65s as % of total population: 2006 20.3%; 2020 26.0% (projected).

GNI per capita (international dollars converted at purchasing power parities) 2005: $31,410

Government: Unitary

Visual impairment identification card holders (as of 2001) [http://www.dbtk.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/kouhyo/data-kou9/data13/sintai-h13-2.xls]: 288,000

Notes on information sources

Information has been supplied by members of the Japan Library Association's Committee on Library Services for Disadvantaged People, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Bunkyo School for the Blind, co-ordinated by Misako Nomura from the Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.