9th European e-Accessibility Forum
e-Accessible Knowledge
8 June 2015
Cité des sciences et de l'industrie - Universcience - Paris
9:00 - 9:30 : Opening Session
・Welcome Address
Claude FARGE (Universcience - Cité des sciences)
・Introduction to the conference
Dominique BURGER (UPMC-INSERM - BrailleNet)
9:30 - 10:30 : Framing e-Accessible Knowledge
Chair : Dominique BURGER (UPMC-INSERM, Association BrailleNet)
・The stick, the carrot, and cozying up: a litigation and legislative strategy for making e-accessibility the default in
American post-secondary education
Daniel GOLDSTEIN (Brown Goldstein Levy)
・Implementing the Legislative Strategy: Accessible Digital Publishing within and beyond the legal threshold
George KERSCHER (DAISY Consortium)
・Learning is all very well, but how? Exploring Multisensory and technological approaches to learning
Edouard GENTAZ (University of Geneva)
11:00 - 12:15 : Making Complex Content Accessible
Chair : Bruno MARMOL (INRIA)
・Accessible Scientific Content: Challenges and Prospects
Alex BERNIER (BrailleNet)
・Born Digital, Born Accessible: New Developments in Creation and Use of Accessible Images
Betsy BEAUMON (Benetech)
・The State of Accessible Math
Neil SOIFFER (Design Science)
・The Chem Access project - From Bitmap Graphics to Fully Accessible Chemical Diagrams
Volker SORGE (University of Birmingham)
12:30 - 14:30 : DEMONSTRATIONS: Innovative Solutions
・Empowering citizens and encouraging a more diverse workforce
・Online Daisy: read DAISY books on your smartphone
Bert PAEPEN (Pyxima)
・The KNFB Reader, a text-to-speech iOS app that reads any printed text
James GASHEL (National Federation of the Blind of the United States)
・Making daily newspapers accessible: Production to playback
Daniel AINASOJA (Pratsam)
12:30 - 13:20 : WORKSHOP: Managing an e-Accessibility project
・Providing accessible information for all: the case of the 20 regional websites of the SNCF
・Presentation of an accessibility charter for publishing education content online
Romain GERVOIS (AlterWay)
13:30 - 14:20 : MINI-CONF : Accessible e-Learning & MOOCs
Chair : Jan ENGELEN (KUL Universiteit)
・Expert Panel - MOOCs vs e-Accessibility
Mathieu NEBRA (Open Classrooms), Susanna LAURIN (Funka Nu), Sebastian KELLE (University of Stuttgart)
13:30 - 14:20 : WORKSHOP: Producing accessible books
・Open Source Tools: Focus on DAISY and EPUB 3
Avneesh SINGH (Daisy Consortium), Jean-Pierre CARPANINI (AVH)
・Leonardo da Vinci, an audio-tactile book
Hoelle CORVEST (Universcience)
14:45 - 16:00 : Developing Accessible Learning Experiences
・Helping children with Developmental Coordination Disorders at School
Caroline HURON (Collège de France)
・"E-Accessibility for Learning", an investment program of the National Centre for Distance Learning
Jean MILLERAT (Centre National d'Enseignement à Distance (National Centre for Distance Learning)), Frédéric VINZENT (Alter Way)
・Reliant on Readers, Stuck with Scribes or Independent with ICT? Can technology replace human support in examinations?
Paul NISBET (University of Edinburgh)
・Using Digital Technology to help Children with Learning Disabilities
16:00 - 17:00 : Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Learning
Chair : Luc MAUMET (Association Valentin Haüy)
・The Right to Access Library Materials in one's Native Language, including Sign anguage
Riitta VIVOLIN-KAREN (The Finnish Association of the Deaf)
・Accessible EPUB 3 and large-scale digitisation: the experience of the French National Library
Jean-Philippe MOREUX (French National Library)
17:00 - 17:30 : Closing Session
Dominique BURGER (UPMC-INSERM - BrailleNet)
・Closing Speech
Axelle LEMAIRE (French Minister for Digital Affairs)
(Accessed 7 August 2015)