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Title:Development of Swings for Children with Disabilities and Their Using Reports
Author;Jeff Robbins, Yuji Mitsuno,( Mugen Kobo Inc.)
Proceedings of 12th Japanese Conference of Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology, Vol.12, pp.471-476
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
Yuji Mitsuno (Mugen Kobo Inc.)

In this paper, the representative swings for children with disabilities developed by the authors' company, Mugen Koubou, Inc., are reported. The swings for children with disabilities look like normal swings and they have been developed based on the principal of sensory integration therapy. And the authors introduce four types of them, Sunlight-Swing, Ocean-Swing, Pony-Swing, and Block-Swing. Then, they explain their sizes, their appearances, their movements, and so on. They report the using experience of a six year child and explain how to use these swings. They indicate that muscles and joints begin to react owing to the movements of these swings, however they have showed no reaction to any other stimuli. Then, they conclude that swings will make good influences on the rehabilitation of children with disabilities.