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Area   Inclusive Approaches   Services / Project Management   Results
Local city (Owari region surrounding Ichinomiya City)

about 600,000
■Local resources:
Food Bank

■Local resources:
Handyman’s shop, Dining Hall, Second-hand Shop

■Center of activities:
6 shelters
■Sources of Revenue (by proportion):
Services 45%, Grants 5%, and Donations 40%

Local companies, commissioned welfare volunteers, supermarkets, small shops, about 200 volunteers
In parks, children with severe diseases have begun playing with other children in the community. Specialists from the medical and welfare fields have begun to hold joint meetings.

■Users (families):
Children have made new friends and can play with each other. Parents have started having other children. They feel alone no more and willingly participate in the life of the community.
Issues Target Groups for Empowerment
Ichinomiya City has the 2nd largest number of homeless persons in Aichi Prefecture, after Nagoya City. The elderly, persons with mental/intellectual/ developmental disabilities, foreign residents, homeless persons, poor persons, the unemployed and victims of DV, etc.