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Miyagi Support Center News "Link (Yui)" No. 42, September 7, 2011

Support our Tohoku fellows with bonds of friendship and strength

Issued by the Japan Disability Forum (JDF)’s Headquarters for the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities affected by the East Japan Great Earthquake

Headquarters: 2-12-2 Itsutsu-bashi, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Phone: +81-80-4373-6077 Fax.: +81-22-266-0292

Eastern Area Support Center: 99-7, Moto-machi, Wakuya-cho, Toda-gun, Miyagi prefecture
Phone: +81-229-43-6639 Fax.: +81-229-43-6685

Northern Area Support Center: c/o Wakaba-en, 23-16 Aza Nishi-tsunagi, Yone-kawa, Towa-cho, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture
Phone: +81-90-8349-9403


Number of consultations with persons with disabilities: 1,494 persons
Number of supporters/volunteers: 684 persons
Date: up to September 7, 2011

The 4th periodical meeting with Onagawa-town was held.

Onagawa-town Health Center
Photo:Onagawa-town Health Center

This was the 4th of the periodical meetings between Onagawa-town and JDF Miyagi Support Center. The meeting was held at Onagawa-town Health Center on August 31.
The JDF reported on its activities for the past 2 weeks and affirmed its aim regarding future support on transportation for persons with disabilities. In coordination with relevant organizations, necessary steps will be taken to get a lift-equipped bus for that aim.

At the meeting, participants from Onagawa-town requested for the following support in kind: easy-to-install handrails and non slip bath mats for fall prevention in bathrooms of temporary houses. They also reported their perspective of the temporary house construction. The construction will be completed by the end of September or the end of October. Another question that was raised at the meeting was related to a possible grant from Yamato Welfare Foundation. Then, the participants confirmed the schedule of JDF's future activities. The participants discussed on how they would distribute the leaflets of JDF Miyagi Support Center to inform its activities to all citizens (the leaflets would be inserted into the town newspapers). They discussed on its support principles as well.

Support activities at a new facility started.

Support Activities at Workshop Himawari (sunflower)
Photo:Support Activities at "Workshop Himawari (sunflower)"

The Northern Area Support Center newly started its support to "Workshop Himawari (sunflower)" from September 5, Monday. We were a little nervous because it was the first time for us to visit there. However, the users and staff of the facility welcomed us warmly and kept company with us actively. Some of the users kindly instructed me on how to fill the bag with cookies, how to put the seal on it, and how to measure its weight. "All of the users can develop their abilities through their experiences of teaching others what they have learned. And they are happy to have more opportunities for their participation in the activities as the number of people who support their activities increases," said some of the staff. I was very glad to know that.

During a break, strictness disappeared from the users' faces and we had a great time to enjoy conversations, cards, Origami, etc. together in a peaceful atmosphere. According to the staff, some users seemed to have let me see how they did their best. They performed differently from their usual way of work: they cleaned the room more carefully and those who are not good at chattering folded some pieces of papers (origami) into some figures for me. Knowing that our visit changed their performances positively, I was glad to know that I could help them a little.

By: a supporter from Shizuoka prefecture

Donated a wheelchair.

a donated wheelchair
Photo:a donated wheelchair

"My wheelchair was once washed away by tsunami, and we collected it. But it was broken because of rust," said a person with disability living at a temporary house in Kitagawa area, Asahigaoka, Onagawa-town, who came for consultation to the JDF. He used to go out with his wheelchair on his car. But he started to use a light motor vehicle as his former car was carried away by tsunami. He requested to us a wheelchair with foldable handles to load it onto his new car. Fortunately JDF had such type of the wheelchair and we brought it to him. He was very glad to see the wheel chair, and his wife was also glad to see it because she always took care of his daily activities. We would like to continue to support to respond a various requests.

By: a supporter in the 24th team

Support Footprints

Succeeding works from the previous team, we started support activities independently. In this occasion, we were aware of the sense of responsibility and felt uneasy about how well we can implement the activities. I happened to dispel the uneasiness to brace my spirit up. The following is the story that I would like to share with you.

When we visited a temporary house, the house owner willingly invited us into her room, saying that it was not good to talk at the entrance. She was at the age of 82 years old and had disabilities in her internal organ. I deeply appreciated for her attitude to listen to us and treat us (with three cups of first tea!) with no doubt to the strangers. Please imagine how happy I was to spend the time with her. I realized that we could overcome any difficulty in supporting persons with disability if we had shown our faithfulness to them. That is my message to all of you.

By: a volunteer from Fukui prefecture

I participated in the support activities of the JDF from September 2 to 11. The scene I saw at the stricken areas was the same as I watched at the television. Each person had different story after the disaster occurred. I listened to the stories of some people in the area I went, and that experience made me aware of my role to relay their stories to others. If you think what you can do for the people in the stricken areas, I suggest that you visit there to have valuable experiences. Your support is needed. Your offers and actions would be responded by the people there.

By: a supporter from Aichi prefecture

Recruitment of volunteers continuous!

Support・・・Needs assessment (visiting), support services, etc
Administrative・・・Telephone consultation, administration of needs, accounting, general affairs, public relations, etc
Miyagi Support Center (Wakuya-cho, Tooda-gun) and Miyagi Northern Area Support Center(Tome-city)
We prefer volunteers who can work for 7-10 days.

We are waiting for your call: +81-80-4373-6077

Translated by Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
Volunteer translator: Mr. Isamu Konishi