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「アジア太平洋障害者の十年」最終年記念フォーラム 大阪フォーラム報告書

10月23日 大阪宣言


  1. 障害者権利条約の早期実現に向け、関係機関および団体などと協力・連携しながら、全力をあげて取り組む。それに関連して域内各国政府につぎのことを要請する。
    1. その早期採択に向けて各国政府が積極的に取り組むこと。
    2. 今後開催される障害者権利条約にかかる国連特別委員会の政府代表団に障害当事者をはじめ、障害関係団体の代表をメンバーに加えること。
    3. 既存の6大人権条約(自由権規約、社会権規約、女子に対するあらゆる形態の差別の撤廃に関する国際条約、あらゆる形態の人種差別撤廃に関する国際条約、児童の権利に関する条約、拷問等禁止条約)を障害者の権利保障に積極的に活用すべく、各国の国内モニタリング機構を補強するとともに、そのモニタリングならびに障害者の機会均等化に関する標準規則の実施・強化プロセスへの障害当事者をはじめ、障害関係団体の専門家の参加を確保すること。
    1. 次のアジア太平洋障害者の十年推進のために財政的措置を講ずること。
    2. 障害に関する共通概念の確立、共通概念を用いた実態調査に基づく国内統計の整備、ならびに同統計などをベースとした障害者施策推進のため、社会的環境と障害の関係を基本とし、国際生活機能分類(ICF)を指標のひとつとして活用すること。
    3. I.障害原因となる貧困の削減、戦争、紛争およびテロの防止、地雷の廃絶およびエイズなどの予防、ならびに女性障害者および高齢障害者を含む、すべての種類の障害者が、地域社会におけるあらゆる活動に参加できるようにするため、とくに環境改善とコミュニケーション支援、地域に根ざしたリハビリテーション(CBR)、教育、訓練と雇用・就労、地域生活支援および家族支援などの整備について、一定の期限と数値目標を定めた、全国および地方レベルの計画を策定すること。II.同計画策定への障害当事者団体をはじめ、障害関係団体代表の参加を確保すること。III.同計画の実施状況の定期的モニタリングにも当事者団体をはじめ、障害関係団体代表の参加を確保すること。
    4. (大津でのハイレベル政府間会合での検討・採択が予定されている)「琵琶湖新千年紀行動フレームワーク」のサブリージョンおよび地域レベルにおける実施状況を定期的に調整・モニターするための域内作業グループへの障害当事者団体をはじめ、(設立が提案されている)「アジア太平洋障害フォーラム(APDF)」加盟団体の参加、ならびにその参加を確保するため財政的支援をすること。
  2. 次のアジア太平洋障害者の十年の推進に積極的に取り組むとともに、域内各国政府などにつぎのことを要請する。
    1. 国内、サブリージョンおよび地域レベルでの新千年紀行動フレームワークなどの目標達成状況の定期的モニタリングへの参加ならびに、有効な提言およびそのフォローアップなどを行ないうるだけの調査および企画・立案能力を備えた活動を継続的に実施しうるための財政基盤を確保すること。
    2. サブリージョンおよび地域レベルでの定期的モニタリングとリンクした形での第二のアジア太平洋障害者の十年キャンペーン会議実施への財政的支援を確保すること。
  3. RNNを発展させた、地域全体でより多角的な活動を継続的に展開するための基盤をもつ新たな組織として設立が予定されているのAPDFへの地域および国内関係団体などの参加と支持をひろく働きかけるともに、国際関係機関、域内各国政府、財団および民間セクターなどに対してつぎのような支援を要請する。
  4. 日・タイ両政府の協力により設立された、障害者のエンパワメントおよびバリアフリー社会づくりを目指す、「アジア太平洋障害開発センター」(バンコク)に対して積極的に協力および支援をするとともに、国際関係機関、域内各国政府、財団および民間セクターにも支援を要請する。
  5. アフリカ障害者の十年(1999年~2009年)、アラブ障害者の十年(2003年~2012年)、およびヨーロッパ障害者年(2003年)との経験交流および連帯活動に積極的に取り組むとともに、そうした活動への国際関係機関、域内各国政府、財団および民間セクターの参加・支援を要請する。


10月23日 大阪宣言

Osaka Declaration on Partnerships for Disability Rights

Adopted on 23 October 2002 in Osaka, Japan
at the International Forum on Disabilities to Mark the End Year of the
Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002

 For the past three decades, progresses have been made in promoting full participation and equality of persons with disabilities. The foundation for this progress, at the global level, has been the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons (1971), the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (1975), the UN World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (1982), the ILO Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) (ILO, C159, 1983), the United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities (1993), the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (1994), and the Dakar Framework for Action on Education for All (2000). Progresses in the region are based on the Agenda for Action for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002 (1993), the 73 Targets (1996) and the 107 Targets (2000) for the implementation of the Agenda for Action in the Asian and Pacific region. Although the gains are significant, the reality is no less challenging as there are still many issues to be solved for the fulfillment of the goals in nations and regions, especially in developing nations.

 We, the participants of the International Forum on Disabilities to Mark the End Year of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, welcome the United Nations General Assembly's Resolution (56/168) adopted in December 2001 on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) proclamation on the extension of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons for another decade, 2003-2012, by resolution 58/4 on Promoting an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region in the 21st Century.

 We commend the active contribution of RNN (the Regional NGO Network for the Promotion of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons) to the promotion of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002, through a series of regional campaigns held annually since 1993 in Okinawa, Japan (1993), Manila, Philippines (1994), Jakarta, Indonesia (1995), Auckland, New Zealand (1996), Seoul, South Korea (1997), Hong Kong SAR, China (1998), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1999), Bangkok, Thailand (2000), Hanoi, Vietnam (2001) and Osaka, Japan (2002). It is necessary in the second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons starting in 2003 to undertake even more vigorous promotion campaigns in a cooperative and coordinated framework which will involve all concerned organizations including a larger number of disability NGOs and the private sector at regional and national levels as well as the existing RNN member organizations. In so doing, we hope to strengthen national efforts, through forming public opinion to promote relevant decision and actions of the governments in the region, toward the adoption of an international convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, which will be the most powerful tool in the new Millennium in achieving the full participation and equality of persons with disabilities.

 Recognizing the above, we declare to take steps to achieve the following.

 Toward the early adoption of a convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, we will make all-out efforts in cooperation and coordination with relevant agencies and organizations. In this connection, we request the governments in the region to:

  • make active efforts toward the early adoption of the convention;
  • ensure the inclusion of representatives of relevant disability organizations, beginning with representatives of persons with disabilities, in the national delegation to the UN Ad Hoc Committee to be held to discuss the convention;
  • reinforce the monitoring mechanism within the nation and ensure participation of specialists of relevant disability organizations, beginning with specialists with persons with disabilities, in the monitoring process, thus actively utilizing the six existing human rights instruments (the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment), as well as in the process of implementing and strengthening the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, to guarantee rights of persons with disabilities.

 We will make active efforts for the promotion of the second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons and request the governments in the region to:

  1. take necessary financial measures to promote the second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons.
  2. establish a common concept on disabilities, improve domestic statistics based on surveys of actual situations while introducing the common concept, and by taking into consideration the relationship between social environment and disability, utilize the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as an index, to promote measures for persons with disabilities based on the statistics.
  3. (i) formulate national- and local-level programs with a fixed time deadline and numerical targets for the improvement of accessibility, support for communication, community-based rehabilitation (CBR), education, training & employment/working We also advocate support for community living and family support, alleviation of poverty as a cause of disabilities, prevention of war, conflicts and terror, elimination of land mines, prevention of HIV/AIDS, and efforts to ensure that persons with all types of disabilities including women, children, and the elderly with disabilities are able to participate in all activities in the community; (ii) ensure inclusion of representatives of relevant disability organizations, beginning with those of persons with disabilities, in the formulation process of the programs; and (iii) also ensure participation of representatives of relevant disability organizations, beginning with representative of persons with disabilities in the periodic monitoring of the implementation of the programs.
  4. ensure participation of representatives of persons with disabilities, including those of the member organizations of a proposed Asian and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF) (see the attached document) in the working groups in the region for the periodic coordination and monitoring of the sub-regional- and regional-level implementation of the Biwako Millennium Framework of Action toward an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities (to be discussed and adopted at the high-level intergovernmental meeting in Otsu City, Shiga, Japan), and to provide financial support for that purpose. 

 We will widely urge relevant regional and national organizations to participate in and give support to APDF, which is to be a new network with a platform for more multidimensional and continuing activities in the region, building upon the achievements of RNN. We therefore request international agencies, governments in the region, foundations and the private sector to:

  • secure financial resources to facilitate its participation in the periodic monitoring of the national-, sub-regional- and regional-level fulfillment of the targets such as the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action and continuous activities equipped with research and planning abilities to present effective recommendations and take follow-up measures; and
  • ensure financial support to campaign conferences for the second Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons to be held by APDF in conjunction with the periodic monitoring at sub-regional and regional levels 

 We shall actively provide our cooperative support to the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (Bangkok) which was established to promote the empowerment of persons with disabilities and a barrier-free society under the joint auspices of the Government of Japan and the Royal Thai Government. We shall also urge international agencies, the governments in the region, foundations and the private sector to support the Center.

 We shall make active efforts to exchange experiences and work jointly with the African Decade of Disabled Persons (1999-2009), Arab Decade of Disabled Persons (2003-2012) and the European Year of People with Disabilities (2003), and shall request international agencies, governments in the region, foundations and the private sector to participate in and give support to such activities.