On December 10th, 2020, MEXT announced the "Results of a survey on the status of barrier-free facilities in public elementary and junior high school (preliminary figures)". The data is as of May 1st , 2020, and the subjects of the survey are public elementary and junior high schools, compulsory education schools, and the lower years of secondary education schools nationwide. The contents of the survey are as follows.
・ Barrier-free status (toilets for wheelchair users, slopes and elevators, etc.)
・ Status of barrier-free development plan
・ Future plans for barrier-free environments
According to the survey, 65% of the school buildings are equipped with wheelchair-accessible toilets, and 27.1 % with elevators. In schools which have high needs students/ faculty members, the proportion of those with accessible toilets goes up to 78.0%, and those with elevators to 40.5%. In addition, 14.9% of the schools (269 out of 1,810 schools) have barrier-free development plans and policies. Furthermore, 66.3% of the schools are going to install barrier-free toilets and 27.3% are going to install elevators by the end of FY 2020. For more information, please visit the following page (Japanese Only):https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shisetu/seibi/1419963_00001.html