[Survey] “Narratives of Students with Disabilities”

On January 20th, 2021, the certified non-profit organization "Narratives on Health and Illness Dipex Japan" released a new website called “Narratives of Students with Disabilities”, where students with disabilities in their 20s to 40s shared their experiences of studying at higher education institutions. The website contains videos, audios, and texts of short narratives by the students on topics including admission preparation, study at universities, campus life, and interpersonal relationships. The speakers are 14 females and 19 males whose disabilities vary from visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical disorders, and internal disabilities to developmental disabilities and mental disorders. The website was created using the method pioneered by the DIPEx Research Group at Oxford University in the U.K, with some modifications to suit the situation in Japan. It was funded by the Toyota Foundation in 2017. For more information, please visit the following link (Japanese only):https://www.dipex-j.org/shougai/
