On February 25th, 2021, the Japan Sports Agency released the results of its "Survey on the Promotion of Participation in Sports by Persons with Disabilities in FY2020 (preliminary figures)". This survey was conducted once every two years from 2013 to 2018, and has been conducted annually starting from 2019. This year’s survey was conducted anonymously online, with 7,807 persons with disabilities, including children, being surveyed by an internet research company. The outline of the survey results is as follows:
- Frequency of playing sports/ recreation (hereinafter referred to as “sports etc.”)
- The figures for adults remain almost the same as those the previous year
- Those who play sports more than once a week: 24.9% (a decrease of 0.4 % from the previous year)
- Those who play sports more than three times a week: 12.3% (a decrease of 0.2 %)
- The figures for those aged 7 to 19 decreased slightly
- Those who play sports more than once a week: 27.9 % (a decrease of 2.5 % from the previous year)
- 53.6% of the adults and 49.4% of the 7-19 years old did not play sports etc. at all (a decrease of 0.8% for the adults and an increase of 4.6 % for the 7-19 years old).
- More males than females “play sports more than once a week”.
- Adult male: 27.5%
- Adult female: 22.1%
- Male 7-19 years old: 32.6%
- Female 7-19 years old: 22.3%
2. Motivations for and barriers to playing sports, etc.
- Reasons for not playing sports, etc.
- Not physically fit: 13.0%
- Financial difficulties: 10.7 %
- No sports appear interesting: 6.2%
- 82.9% of those who had not played any sports during the last year answered that they were not particularly interested in sports, etc.
- Some of those playing sports, etc. answered that they started playing sports as the result of a recommendation by the people close to them and/or medical staff.
- "Recommended by family": (20.6%)
- "Recommended by doctor": (17.0%)
- "Recommended by physiotherapists/occupational therapists/nurses": (9.4%)
3. Motivations for playing sports, etc.
- Main purpose of playing sports, etc.
- To maintain and improve one’s health condition: 49.4%
- For relaxation and relief of stress: 17.8%
- For fun: 9.3%
- Positive changes through playing sports, etc.
- Stress relief: 33.8%
- Improvement in physical strength and condition: 23.4%
- Increased opportunities for going out: 23.0%
- Moving one’s body is fun in itself: 22.6%
For further information, please visit the following link (Japanese Only): https://www.mext.go.jp/sports/b_menu/houdou/jsa_00067.html