On October 9th, 2020, the MLIT held the first meeting of the “Study Group on the Improvement of Public Toilet Facilities for an Inclusive Society”. The MLIT carried out a “Survey on Measures to Develop Public Toilet Facilities Considering Various Type of Users” in 2011 and has been working on the improvement of toilet facilities through the revision of several guidelines, distribution of the functions of accessible toilets, and promotion of the appropriate use of accessible toilets. In addition, the Act on Promotion of Smooth Transportation, etc. of Elderly Persons, Disabled Persons, etc. was revised in May 2020, and it became the responsibility of the national and local governments and of facility providers etc. to promote the appropriate use of accessible toilets. The revised act is scheduled to come into effect in April 3rd, 2021. The study group is going to survey the actual situation concerning the improvement of public toilet facilities and their utilization since 2011, in order to consider effective measures to develop the facilities and promote the appropriate use of accessible toilets, taking into consideration various type of users. The topics discussed at the first meeting included (1) the background and direction of the study, (2) the actual situation concerning the improvement of public toilet facilities and their utilization, (3) the policy on group interviews, and (4) the outline of the draft report, which has already been submitted.
The Study Group conducted an interview regarding good practice, and field surveys and group interviews from October to November 2020. The final report will be published around January 2021, after deliberation on the survey results at the second meeting on 10th December 2020. For more information, please visit the following website. https://www.mlit.go.jp/sogoseisaku/barrierfree/sosei_barrierfree_tk_000239.html